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Tell me and I forget

Teach me and I remember

Involve me and I learn.
-Benjamin Franklin

I believe children learn best through hands on experiences. Children need to be

involved in their learning. My curriculum is child-centered. I base my lessons on each

childs interest and abilities.

Maria Montessori once said Children learn best through real life experiences.

In my classroom, I ensure children engage in active and meaningful learning

experiences. For example, if we are learning about pond animals, I plan a field trip to

the pond. Children must explore, engage, and discover in the process of learning. They

are active and curious. I provide opportunities for young children to gain knowledge by

creating child-centered lessons and activities.

In my classroom, everyone is welcome. Every child is treated with respect, care,

and love. In my classroom I provide a safe, comfortable, fun, and educational


The early years are the most critical time in a childs life. It is an honor to be a

part of these most formative years of development and discovery.

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