Textual Evidence Sentence Starters: Questions

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Using textual evidence, construct a properly written eight sentence paragraph answering the

questions below. For your convenience, I have provided both textual evidence sentence starters
and justification/explanation sentence starters.

Textual Evidence Sentence Starters

On page, the story states
The author states
An example is
According to the text
The passage proves
One example that shows this is
Another example from the text is
The author shows this by...

Justification/Explanation Sentence Starters

This proves
Because of this we know that..
Ultimately, it is clear that
This means.
Realistically, one could conclude that.

1. How did Ernesto feel about school in America before entering school? Is this direct or
indirect characterization? Cite two pieces of textual evidence to support your response.
1. this direct or indirect characterization? Cite two pieces of textual evidence to support
2. What does Ernesto think of Miss Hopley? In other words, what type of teacher is she? Is

3. What has Lincoln School done to make it easier for immigrant students like Earnesto to
enroll? Cite two pieces of textual evidence to support your response.

Ernesto was nervous about the new school in america which is indirect characterization.

That he is uncomfortable about being in the school and notices everything. According to the
text it shows that he noticed other differences none of them very reassuring. Miss hopley is a
english teacher that helps Ernesto thought miss hopley was very nice, and caring which this is
indirectly characterized in the text. One piece of evidence that shows miss hopley is nice and
caring is that it says

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