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Clinicals Social Studies Lesson Plan Assignment

Directions: There are three documents you will submit in the dropbox for
this assignment:
1) The Observation Report of Social Studies Instruction form (p. 10
in the IMB handbook)
2) The social studies lesson plan and reflection (use the lesson plan
template below)
3) Cooperating Teacher (CT) Feedback Form (p. 21 of the IMB
handbook) on your social studies lesson

Use the template below for your social studies lesson plan and reflection.
Make sure that you have completed the Reflection part of the lesson plan
template (at the very end) where it asks you to: Write several paragraphs
about what you learned from this lesson. What were the strengths? What
were the weaknesses? What did you learn about teaching and student
learning? How would you teach this lesson differently in the future? Before
uploading the lesson plan to Canvas, save your file with the following
name: firstnamelastname.SSplan.doc

Due Date: All three documents (described above) are due in the dropbox
by or before class begins on Friday, April 21. Make sure the template is
completely filled in based on the lesson plan that you implemented at your
clinical school during the clinical weeks.
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Name: Maggie Hughes Central Focus/Big Idea of the
Grade Level/Subject: fourth grade/ reading Historical text to historical
significance to U.S. symbols.
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.3
Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific,
or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific Date taught:
information in the text.

Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to research important texts linked to specific
information on why and how it is significant in history.
21st Century Skills: (Go to this link for more info about these Academic Language Demand
skills: (Language Function and
Collaboration Vocabulary):
Language function: explain
nitions.pdf) Vocab: Significance, historical
texts, procedures, technical text.

Syntax: Poster board where

students use the vocabulary they
learned in the lesson

Discourse: Explaining historical

significance of symbols

Prior Knowledge: Students should know how to use computers to research topics such as
symbols to find key facts on its historical significance.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

I will introduce our nations symbols and explain how there is
1. Focus and Review importance to each and every one. 5 min

2. Statement of You will be able to identify the importance of our nations

Objective symbols by research its historical significance. 1 min
for Student
Today we will research about our nations symbols and what is
3. Teacher Input the historical significance behind each symbol and what 10 min
source did it come from?
I will demonstrate how the declaration of independence
4. Guided Practice importance and where on the internet I can go to research 5 min
about it.
5. Independent Each group will be given a North Carolina symbol. They will 20 min
Practice make a poster board and put facts they research about it
underneath their drawing. So each group (4 per group) will
need to assign a job for each group member (Drawer,
researcher, writer (information onto poster). Then at the end
each group will present to the class their poster.

6. Assessment Teacher will grade students on their poster and deliverance of it to the
Methods of class.
Students will voluntarily share their posters to the class.
7. Closure 5 min

8. Assessment Check for group work collaboration and completion of poster board.
Results of
Targeted Students Student/Small Group
Modifications/Accommodations: Modifications/Accommodations: Students who
Struggling students, they will be given more need one on one help in small groups will be
time to complete this activity. assisted by their teacher.

Materials/Technology: IPad or computer, projector, poster board, markers

(Include any instructional materials (e.g., worksheets, assessments PowerPoint/SmartBoard slides, etc.) needed to implement the lesson at the
end of the lesson plan.)

Reflection on lesson: (Write several paragraphs about what you learned from this lesson. What
were the strengths? What were the weaknesses? What did you learn about teaching and student
learning? How would you teach this lesson differently in the future?

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