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Precious Stephens


12th British Lit pd6

12 January 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Pollitt,Katha Abortion and punishment The new york Times,1 April 2016 ,12 January 2017.

Donald j trump do not want to keep allow in world .Mr.Kasian signed seventeen anti- abortion
measures as he went into office in 2011.In ohio half of clinics stop performing abortion.Donald
tump will permit nlegal abortion only to save the women life,but he does not care if the person
was rape.Trump then said only doctor or person who performed the abortion would be
responsible.people look abortion as murder ,because the women taking the life of a baby.
Women was force force to keep their baby before roe v. wade and till direct circumstances. In
indiana a woman was sentenced twenty years in prison for having abortion.

While the author are knowledgeable professionals who could be considered experts the
publication date of articles nine months.I can use this information for my research.The research
is been use now today.

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