Professional Outlook Project

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Professional Outlook Project

Elizabeth Luther

Nursing Theories and Concepts

Old Dominion University

Professor S. Van Orden


Outline of My Presentation

I grew a plant from seeds that I planted at the beginning of the semester. Through this

class, and through growing my presentation, I have come to see that the concepts that will guide

my practice are ones shown by Sister Callista Roy and her theory of environment. Roys

Adaptation Model is present in my own philosophy of nursing. I believe that no matter what is

thrown at a person, they can overcome that situation. I had to nurse my plant back from an aphid

attack after it had grown and I was shown in as small a way as possible that no matter what

happens, it is possible to get through any adversity.

I believe that to assist a patient in healing and to help them grow, we have to utilize the

environment of that patient. I had to change the soil of my plant completely to facilitate its

growth, much as the development of a patient sometimes requires a new situation. If adaptive

equipment is now required for a patients ADLs, that patient will be able to learn a new way of

doing simple tasks as long as we nurture their basic needs. I had to water my plant every day,

move it so that it was always in optimal sunlight several times a day, and inspect its leaves every

day. This is in much the same way that one would holistically care for a patient. I believe that we

need to constantly re-assess the situation to meet a patients basic care and psychological needs.

If we give them the best possible avenue of success, I believe that a patient will adapt and

succeed. My piece of work reflects my beliefs and values that influence my own definitions of

nursing. I chose to create something that was alive, something that can grow and change to meet

hardships. I wanted to showcase an adaptive system, with health being the outcome that you can

see. Patient health is a bio-psycho-social system that is in steady interaction with the constant

changing environment.

The goal of my own nursing practice is to be constantly growing from the first semester

of nursing school onward. Environmental factors effect patients differently depending on their

own situations and lives. Each patient comes to seek care in a different way for many reasons

and environmental factors need to be taken care of in a way that patients require. Therefore, this

is a constant learning process and will change for each person, each day. I aim to be able to meet

the needs of every patient I have, so I affirm to learn every day and practice a working

knowledge throughout my health career. I believe in the past that patients were treated less

holistically and today we see a whole-person approach to treatment in every room. My future of

nursing is all about tending to every need of the patient, even if the patient is not aware. To keep

a system running you cannot just mend one moving part over and over. People operate because

every moving part moves in synchrony. So nursing goals in the future should centralize on

holistic health throughout life. My presentation project is something that will have to be cared for

holistically for years to come, and I believe it is a display of my nursing education and



Aiken, L. H., Clarke, S. P., Sloane, D. M., Lake, E. T., & Cheney, T. (2008). Effects of Hospital

Care Environment on Patient Mortality and Nurse Outcomes. The Journal of Nursing

Administration, 38(5), 223229. doi:10.1097/01.NNA.0000312773.42352.d7


Honor Pledge:

I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form

of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a

member of the academic community it is responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the

Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

Name: _Elizabeth Luther_________________________________________

Signature: _Elizabeth Luther______________________________________

Date: _5 December 2014 ____________________________________________



Content Outline: 45 Points

A. Your personal philosophy of nursing seen in the art 21 Points (7 pts each)
________Concepts of nursing, person, environment and health portrayed
in art
relate to your philosophy of nursing (may include values,
beliefs, moral/ethical responsibilities that guide your
________Incorporation of nursing theory(ies) into your philosophy
________Qualities of practice environment necessary for your
B. Professional outlook evidenced in art 14 Points (7 pts each)
________Goals for your own nursing practice (ie. Life-long learning?
education? practice goals?)
________Challenges to nursing now and in future
C. Format: 10 Points (2 pts each)
________Title Page
________Professional Nursing Journal
________Reference Page
________Format (type written, spacing, etc.)
________Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax

Original Piece of Art: 45 Points

________Visually or otherwise engaging (5 pts)
________Expresses individuality and creativity (5 pts)
________Content depicted in art 35 Points (7 pts each)
________Concepts of nursing, person, environment and
health portrayed in art relate to your philosophy of nursing
(may include values, beliefs, moral/ethical responsibilities
that guide your practice)

________Incorporation of nursing theory(ies) into your

evidenced in art
________Qualities of practice environment necessary for
philosophy seen in the art
________Goals for your own nursing practice (ie. Life-long
learning? Higher education? practice goals?)
________Challenges to nursing now and in future

Presentation: 5 Points
_________Clear concise discussion of key elements of personal nursing
philosophy and how it is represented in piece of art

Portfolio Upload: 5 Points

_________Provides evidence of assignment in Portfolio website

Points possible: 100 Points Earned:________Final Grade:_________

Evaluator Comments:

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