Quality Function Deployment: Steps in QFD

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Quality Function Deployment

* Quality function deployment (QFD) is the integration of value

engineering, marketing analysis, and target costing to assist in determining which
components of the product should be targeted for redesign or cost reduction.

* It helps designers and managers break down the total product target cost into the
components that make up the product.

* Steps in QFD :
( 1 ) Identify and Rank Customers Purchasing Criteria
For The Product.
( 2 ) Identify The Components Of The Product and The Cost

( 3 ) Determine How The Products Components Contribute To

( 4 ) Determine The Importance ( Value ) Index Of Each

** QFD Example **

Step 1 :
Identify and Rank Customers Purchasing Criteria For The

( Suppose the product is a Table Saw and the customer criteria are Safety,
Performance and Economy ). The importance rating might be obtained from a
survey or from interviews as :

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