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Classroom Norms

By Ms. Jenns 6th Grade

Learning Targets:
I can develop a list of classroom norms.
I can contribute my thinking to my group.
I can collaborate with my group.

Commented Emma, By being apart of

the process, we are more likely to follow
the norms.

If you are making the norms, youre not

going to create a norm you dont want to
follow. Therefore you are more likely to
follow them, shared Rita

Elodie said, When you get to help, it

makes it seem more fair. Its also nice
to have a say in what goes on in the

To begin this process, I needed to make sure my students had a clear understanding of a norm. Over the
course of a week, we closely examined norms through stories, articles, and games. Once the understanding
was established, I divided my students into groups. Within groups, students collaboratively developed a
first draft of norms; a list of items they felt would create and support a warm and caring climate and
culture. We posted each draft on the wall. Students then made observations, looking for similarities
amongst the drafts. We determined that if something appeared multiple times, it must be important to us.
Next, students shared their observations and we created a second draft. Students made one final round
of observations, looking for anything to add or delete. From there, we made a couple of revisions and our
final draft was developed. Lastly, two students made a published copy and placed it thoughtfully on the wall
where all could see.

Developing classroom norms has not always been a part of my beginning of the year procedures.
The first week involved me telling my new students the rules I expected them to follow. Little did I know
then, I wasnt moving in a direction of creating a warm and caring climate and culture.
By involving my students in the creation of our classroom norms, their level of ownership was
impacted. They appreciated that they were involved in the decision making that was taking place in their
classroom. They felt valued, respected, and that their opinion and thinking mattered. By collaboratively
establishing these classroom norms, it opened other doors to opportunities my students would be involved

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