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Precious Stephens


12th British Lit pd6

10 january 2017

Annotated Biography

Peel,Michael. Doctor of Medical and Surgery. Journal of royal society 2005.171-173.

Human Rights And Medical Ethics

The author, researchers that the human rights and medical ethics has their own
background information and methodology Human right are been prevented from
worst.The reason why human right are prevent so society can not take human right.The
human right give the state limit amount that they can do to a person .The human rights
focus on state- level action involve two people .The medical ethics and human rights
has solve court cases for years.Medical ethics focus on the code for the doctor patient
relationship and professional etiquette.

While the author are knowledgeable professionals who could be considered experts the
publication date of articles twelve years ago.This probably is a source I can use the
information for research.The research is on a government website.

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