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Fluid Power Formulas

Pressure Mechanical Horsepower

P = pressure (PSI)
HP = dxF HP = mechanical horsepower
A F = force (lb.)
550 t d = distance (ft.)
A = area (in2) F = force (lb.)
Piston Area (cylinder) t = time (seconds)
Mechanical Horsepower
Ap = 0.7854 ( Dp )2 Ap = piston area
Dp = piston diameter
Fxv HP = mechanical horsepower
HP = F = force (lb)
Rod Area (cylinder) 396,000
v = velocity (in/min)
Ar = 0.7854 ( Dr )2 Ar = rod area
Dr = rod diameter
Hydraulic Horsepower
Effective Area (cylinder)
HP = P x Q x 0.000583 HP = hydraulic horsepower
Ae = Ap - Ar Ae = effective area Q = flow (gpm)
Ap = piston area P = pressure (psi)
Ar = rod area
Motor Horsepower
Volume (cylinder)
HP = sxT HP = motor horsepower
V=AxS V = volume (in3)
63,025 s = speed (rpm)
A = area (in2) [note: either Ap or Ae] T = torque (lb.-in.)
S = stroke (in.)
Piston Rod Speed (cylinder)
H = HP x 2,547 H = heat (btu/hour)
v = piston rod speed (in/min)
v = Q x 231 Q = flow (gpm)
HP = hydraulic horsepower
A = area (in2)
Flow (cylinder)
Q= V x CR Q = flow (ft3/min.)

vxA Q = flow (gpm)
v = rod speed (in/min) 28.8 t
V = cylinder volume(in3)
CR = compression ratio
A = area (in2) [note: either Ap or Ae] t = stroke time (seconds)
Pipe Flow Compresssion Ratio
0.3208 x GPM V = velocity (ft/sec) Pg + Pa CR = compression ratio
A GPM = gallons per minute CR = Pg = gauge pressure (PSIG)
A = area (in) Pa Pa = atmospheric pressure (PSIA)
Pressure Drop in Pipes Air Motor Speed

P/ft = GPM x V (SSU)

GPM = gallons per minute 1728 Q RPM = air motor speed
18,300 x (D)4 V = viscosity (SSU) RPM = Q = flow (cfm)
D = inside diameter of pipe (in) Disp = motor displacement (in3/rev)
Torque Flow Coefficient (Cv)

T=Fxd T = torque (lb.-in.) Cv = flow coefficient

Motor Torque
F = force (lb.)
d = distance (in.) Cv = Q
22.48 Tabs x G
P x (Po + Pa)
G = specific gravity of flowing medium (G = 1
for air)
Tabs = absolute temperature (460+ F)
P = pressure drop (PSI) static to static pressure
T = P x Disp
T = motor torque (lb.-in.)
P = pressure (PSI) Po = outlet pressure = (inlet press - P)
2 Pa = atmospheric pressure
Disp = motor displacement (in3/rev)
Motor Shaft Speed Pneumatic Cylinder Rod Speed
Q x 231 RPM = motor shaft speed (rpm)
V = S x 60
V = cylinder rod speed (in./min.)
RPM = Q = flow (gpm)
Disp t S = stroke (in.)
Disp = motor displacement (in3/rev) t = stroke time (seconds)
Work Hydraulic Tank Cooling
W=dxF W = work (ft.-lb.)
Hp = 0.001 x Aw x T Hp = cooling power (HP)
d = distance (ft.) A w = wetted area (ft2)
F = force (lb.) T = oil temp ambient air temp
Power (ft.-lb./sec)

dxF d = distance (ft.)
F = force (lb.)
t t = time (seconds)
P = power (ft.-lb/sec)

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