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772 Chapter 13 Two-Way Slabs: Behavior, Analysis, and Design




A and B.




B1 46.8


Fig. 13-98
Moments (kip-ft) in slab 155
strips and beams on line B for
Example 13-15. B.

9. Design the beams. The beams must be designed for moment, shear, and bar an-
chorage, as in the examples in Chapters 5 and 10. The edge beams also are subjected to a
distributed torque, which may be considered to be uniformly distributed, as permitted by
ACI Code Section Design of edge beams subjected to shear and torsion was cov-
ered in Chapter 6 and 7.
Because af1/2//1 1.0 for all beams, ACI Code Section requires that the
beams be designed for the shear caused by loads on the tributary areas shown in Fig. 13-99a
(next page). For the beams along line A, the corresponding beam loads and shear-force
diagrams are shown in Fig. 13-99b and c. Design of stirrups is in accordance with ACI
Code Sections 11.1 to 11.4. Note: Some of the end moments in Fig. 13-99b came from
structural analysis results that are not recorded in Tables 13-16 and 13-17.


Most two-way slab buildings are built by using flying forms, which can be removed side-
ways out of the building and are then lifted or flown up to form a higher floor. When the
flying form is removed from under a slab, the weight of the slab is taken by posts or
shores which are wedged into place to take the load. Sets of flying forms and shores can
be seen in Fig. 10-3. To save on the number of shores needed, it is customary to have only
three to six floors of shoring below a slab at the time the concrete is placed. As a result, the
weight of the fresh concrete is supported by the three to six floors below it. Because these
floors are of different ages, they each take a different fraction of the load of the new slab.
Section 13-15 Construction Loads on Slabs 773

Fig. 13-99
Factored shear on edge beam
for Example 13-15.

The calculation of the construction loads on slabs is presented in [13-46]. Depending on

the number of floors that are shored, the sequence of casting and form removal, and the
weight of stacked building material, the maximum construction load on a given slab may
reach 1.8 to 2.2 times the dead load of the slab. This can approach the capacity of the slab,
particularly if, as is the usual case, the slab has not reached its full strength when the
construction loads occur. These high loads cause cracking of the less than fully cured
concrete slabs and lead to larger short- and long-time deflections than would otherwise be
expected [13-47].
774 Chapter 13 Two-Way Slabs: Behavior, Analysis, and Design


Excessive deflections are potentially a significant problem for two-way slab systems, causing
sagging floors and damage to partitions, doors, and windows. ACI Code Section
gives minimum thicknesses of two-way slabs to avoid excessive deflections (see Table 13-1).
As noted previously, it is good practice to round up the minimum thicknesses in Table 13-1
to the next larger quarter-inch for slabs less than 6 in. thick and the next larger half-inch for
thicker slabs. Smaller slab thicknesses are permitted, but calculated deflections must be
less than the allowable deflections given in ACI Code Table 9.5(b), found by using the
larger value of / for the panel.
The calculations of deflections in a two-way slab panel are approximate at best.
This is a complex calculation that should involve a consideration of boundary conditions
along the edge of the slab panel, loading history, live load patterns, cracking due to flex-
ure and shrinkage, and the increase in deflections due to creep. Based on reported de-
flection problems with two-way slab systems, the long-term deflection coefficient, l ,
of 2.0 given in the ACI Code is probably not sufficient. (Note: the value of l equals the
coefficient j because no compression reinforcement is used at midspan of one-way or
two-way slabs.) The author recommends that this value be increased to 3.0 for two-way
slab systems.
The crossing beam analogy generally is accepted as giving reasonable values for
design decisions, although actual deflections could vary considerably from these calculated
values. For this analogy, the average of the midspan deflections of the column strips
along the edges of the panel are added to the midspan deflection of the perpendicular
middle strip, as shown in Fig. 13-100. For interior panels, the columns strips are taken
along the longer edge, and for exterior panels, the column strips are taken perpendicular
to the exterior edge of the panel. The calculations generally follow the procedures given
in Chapter 9.
The effective moment of inertia for a beam or slab span is calculated from Eqs. (9-10)
and (9-11). To use these equations, one needs to evaluate Ma , which is defined in the ACI
Code as the maximum unfactored moment acting in the member at the stage for which
deflection is to be calculated. A better definition would be the maximum unfactored moment
acting in the member at the stage in question or at any previous stage. In Section 13-15, it
was pointed out that construction loads frequently reach two times the dead load of the slab.
Thus, in computing slab deflections, it is recommended that Ma used in Eq. (9-10) should
be based on an acting load equal to the larger of either the sum of the unfactored dead and
live loads or 2.0 times the dead load of the slab. Furthermore, the cracking moment, Mcr ,
should be based on the representative age of the concrete at which Ma acted.

Fig. 13-100
Superposition of column strip
and middle strip deflections.
Section 13-16 Deflections in Two-Way Slab Systems 775

Drop panels satisfying the dimension limitations in ACI Code Section 13.2.5 should
be included when calculating the Ig and Icr values at the ends of the column strip. Smaller
drop panels (shear caps) and column capitals should be ignored unless a more sophisticated
procedure is used to determine the effective moment of inertia for the column strip.

EXAMPLE 13-16 Calculation of Deflections of an Interior Panel

of a Flat-Plate Floor

Compute deflections for interior panel BC23 of the slab panel shown in Fig. 13-85
and compare calculated values to limits in ACI Code Table 9.5(b). Assume that this
floor panel supports nonstructural elements that are not likely to be damaged by large
deflections. For this situation, the immediate deflection due to live load and the total
deflection after the attachment of partitions need to be checked. In Example 13-14,
the thickness of this floor system was initially selected as 7.5 inches to satisfy the mini-
mum thickness criteria in Table 13-1. For this example, assume that the designer has
selected a thickness of 6.5 inches, and thus, slab deflections must be checked.
1. Compute the immediate and long-term deflection of the column strip be-
tween B2 and C2 (assume deflections between B3 and C3 are the same).
(a) Compute Ma. Prior factored load on slab = 223 psf
Loads for deflection calculations (slab thickness of 6.5 in.):
Dead load, 1.0 1dead2 = 81.3 + 25 = 106 psf
Service load, 1.0 1dead + live2 = 106 + 50 = 156 psf
Construction load, 2.0 1slab dead load2 = 2 * 81.3 = 163 psf
Thus, cracking will be governed by construction loads. Take Ma as 163/223 = 0.731
times the column strip moments from Table 13-13. Then,
Negative moment at B2 and C2: 0.731 * 71.9 = 52.6 kip-ft
Positive moment at midspan: 0.731 * 31.0 = 22.7 kip-ft
(b) Compute Mcr. Assume that the maximum construction load on a given slab
occurs when it is 14 days old. From Eq. (3-5), a 14-day old slab has a strength of
0.88 fc . From ACI Code Eq. (9-9),
Mcr =

fr = 7.52fc = 7.520.88 * 4000 = 445 psi
17.875 ft * 12 in./ft2 * 16.5 in.23
Ig = = 2160 in.4
yt = 3.25 in.
445 * 2160
Mcr = = 296,000 lb-in. = 24.7 kip-ft
Considering the effect of tension stresses in the slab due to shrinkage, the slab in the
column strip probably will be cracked in both the negative-and positive-bending re-
gions. However, Eq. (9-10b) essentially would still give Ie equal to Ig at midspan.
776 Chapter 13 Two-Way Slabs: Behavior, Analysis, and Design

(c) Compute Icr and Ie.

Negative moment region. Although the slab reinforcement would likely change for
this thinner slab, referring to Fig. 13-89, As = 9 No. 5 bars. For this slab, assume the
effective depth, d1eastwest2 L h - 1.1 in. = 5.4 in., so

9 * 0.31
r = = 0.00547
7.875 * 12 * 5.4

n 1at time of cracking2 =

= 8.58
57,00020.88 * 4000
Thus, nr = 0.0469, and from Eq. (9-3), k = 0.263. It then follows that

* 17.875 * 122 * 10.263 * 5.423 + 9 * 0.31 * 8.5815.4 - 0.263 * 5.422

Icr =
Icr = 90 + 379 = 469 in.4
From Eq. (9-10b),

Mcr 3
Ie = Icr + 1Ig - Icr2

24.7 3
Ie = 469 + 12160 - 4692 * a b = 644 in.4

Positive moment region. Because Ma L Mcr , Ie = Ig = 2160 in.4

Weighted average value of Ie. From Eq. (9-11a),

Ie1average2 = 0.70Iem + 0.151Ie1 + Ie22
Ie1average2 = 0.7 * 2160 + 0.151644 + 6442 = 1710 in.4

(d) Compute the immediate and long-term deflections due to dead and live
loads. To calculate the column strip (and middle strip) deflections, we need to deter-
mine what percentage of the dead and live loads are carried by the column and
middle strips. This percentage commonly is taken to be the same as the percentage
of the moments assigned to the column and middle strips. Because different per-
centages commonly are assigned for the negative- and positive-bending regions, a
simple average is used here to determine the percentage of load carried by each
strip. For this interior panel in Example 13-14, 75 percent of the negative moment
at the end of the span and 60 percent of the midspan positive moment were assigned
to the column strip. Thus, we will assume that 67.5 percent of the distributed dead
and live loads are to be carried by the column strip (32.5 percent of the distributed
loads will be assigned to the middle strip in the second part of this panel deflection
calculation). So,
wD = 106 psf * 15.75 ft * 0.675 = 1130 lb/ft = 1.13 k/ft
w L = 50 psf * 15.75 ft * 0.675 = 532 lb/ft = 0.53 k/ft

From Table 9-2,

D 1max2 = 0.0026 (row 1)
Section 13-16 Deflections in Two-Way Slab Systems 777

L 1max2 = 0.0048 (row 4)

Where / = 20 ft, I = Ie = 1710 in.4 and E = Ec for fc = 4000 psi

Ec = 57,00024000 = 3,600,000 psi = 3600 ksi

Then, the immediate deflections due to dead and live load are

0.0026 * 1.13 * 204

D1max2 = * 123 = 0.132 in.
3600 * 1710
0.0048 * 0.53 * 204
L1max2 = * 123 = 0.114 in.
3600 * 1710
To determine long-term deflections, assume that 25 percent of the live load is sus-
tained for long periods of time, i.e., it essentially acts like a dead load. Then,
using the suggested long-term deflection coefficient of 3.0, the long-term deflec-
tion at midspan of the column strip is

1long term2 = 3.010.132 + 0.25 * 0.1142 = 0.482 in.

2. Compute the deflection of the middle strip between column lines 2 and 3.
(a) Compute Ma and Mcr. Again, the governing Ma is due to construction

Negative at line 2: 0.731 * 20.0 = 14.6 kip-ft

Positive at midspan: 0.731 * 16.0 = 11.7 kip-ft
Negative at line 3: 0.731 * 18.6 = 13.6 kip-ft

As before,

12.12 * 12 * 6.53
Ig = = 3330 in.4
Mcr = 38.0 k-ft

(b) Compute Ie. Because Ma 6 Mcr at all points, Ie = Ig = 3330 in.4

(c) Compute the immediate and long-term deflections due to dead and
live load.
As before,

wD = 106 psf * 20 ft * 0.325 = 689 lb/ft = 0.69 k/ft

wL = 50 psf * 20 ft * 0.325 = 325 lb/ft = 0.33 k/ft

Using the same deflection formulas with / = 15.75 ft,

0.0026 * 0.69 * 15.754

D1max2 = * 123 = 0.016 in.
3600 * 3330
0.0048 * 0.33 * 15.754
L1max2 = * 123 = 0.014 in.
3600 * 3330
778 Chapter 13 Two-Way Slabs: Behavior, Analysis, and Design

Also, as before,
1long term2 = 3.010.016 + 0.25 * 0.0142 = 0.059 in.

3. Check deflections against ACI Code limits.

(a) Check immediate deflection due to live load.

L1max for panel2 = 0.114 + 0.014 = 0.128 in.

ACI Code limit = //360 = 120 ft * 12 in./ft2/360 = 0.667 in. (o.k.)

(b) Check total deflection after attachment of partitions. We will assume that
90 percent of the immediate deflection due to dead load will have occurred at the time
the partitions are attached. Thus, the deflections experienced by the partitions should
be equal to the sum of 10 percent of the immediate deflection due to dead load, the im-
mediate deflection due to live load, plus 100 percent of the long-term deflections. So,

1max for partitions2 = 0.110.132 + 0.0162 + 0.128 + 10.482 + 0.0592

= 0.015 + 0.128 + 0.541 = 0.684 in.
ACI Code limit = //240 = 120 ft * 12 in./ft2/240 = 1.00 in. (o.k.)


The use of post-tensioning is quite common in two-way floor systems. In general, post-
tensioning allows the designer to control cracking and deflections under service loads and
thus, leads to thinner slabs and longer spans. Although the design of post-tensioned slabs
will not be covered in detail here, some of the fundamental considerations for using post-
tensioning in two-way floor systems will be discussed. More in-depth coverage is provided
in textbooks for design of prestressed concrete structures [13-48], [13-49], [13-50] and in
manuals from the Post-Tensioning Institute [13-51].
Two-way post-tensioned slabs usually are constructed with unbonded tendons. The
post-tensioning tendons (strands) are sheathed in plastic or covered with grease for corro-
sion protection and to break the bond between the strands and the concrete. In typical
two-way slabs, the tendons are grouped together in one direction in a narrow band within
the column strip and uniformly distributed in the other direction. The banded tendons nor-
mally are used in the longer span direction and the distributed tendons in the shorter di-
rection (Fig. 13-101).
A fundamental design concept for use of post-tensioning in two-way slabs is that
the axial tension in the post-tensioning tendons puts an eccentric compression force into a
concrete slab, and thus provides a moment that counteracts the moment caused by external
loads, as shown in Fig 13-102. A general expression for calculation of stresses in a post-
tensioned slab section is given in Eq. (13-45), where P is the effective post-tensioning
force in the tendon, e is the eccentricity of the tendon with respect to the centroid of the
section, Ag and Ig are the gross area and moment of inertia for the slab section, and Ma is
the external moment acting on the section. Equations 13-46a and b demonstrate the calcu-
lation of concrete stresses at the top and bottom edges of the slab, respectively. Gross sec-
tion properties are used here because it generally is assumed that post-tensioned slabs
are uncracked under service loads.

P 1P # e2 y Ma # y
f = ; ; (13-45)
Ag Ig Ig

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