Landmine Detection Robot Using 8051

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(Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Submitted By

Shubham Malhotra (1213107)

Paras Sharma (1213076)

Shubham Garg (1213106)

Nikhil Sachdeva (1213071)

Under the Supervision of

Er. Sonia Saini

A.P, ECE Department

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Radaur-135133 (Yamuna Nagar)


(Affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India)


We have immense pleasure in expressing our thanks and deep sense of gratitude to our guide
Er. Sonia Saini , Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, JMIT,Radaur for her guidance throughout this project.

We would also like to express our deepest appreciation to our project incharge Er. Manju
Ahuja, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JMIT, Radaur for their
technical support in our project.

We also express our sincere thanks to Er. Deepti Malhotra, Head of the Department,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JMIT Radaur for extending hers

We wish to express our profound sense of gratitude to Dr. S.K Garg, Director, JMIT, Radaur
for his encouragement, and for all facilities to complete this project.

Finally we express our sincere gratitude to all the members of faculty and my friends who
contributed their valuable advice and helped to complete the project successfully.



SHUBHAM GARG (1213106)



An automatic robot, which is capable of detecting buried landmines and taking from their
locations, while enabling the operator to control the robot wirelessly from a distance. The
detection of the buried mine is done by using metal detectors since most land mines contain
metal components. The robot will travel in a straight line path. The system allows the
operator to stay at a safe distance by enabling him to control the robot wirelessly or remotely.
The robot detects landmine using metal detector. When the metal is detected, robot stops.

Platforms to be used:

Hardware: Metal Detector, RF Module, L293D Module

Software: 8051IDE, Proteus Design Suit 8, Flash Magic


Figure 2.1 Microcontroller

Figure 2.2 General Architecture of Microcontroller

Figure.2.3 Pin Diagram of 8051

Figure2.4 Power on Reset Circuit

Figure 2.5 Clock Generator Circuit

Figure 2.6 RF Module

Figure 2.7 RF Module Pins

Figure 2.8 HT-12E (Encoder IC)

Figure 2.9 HT-12D (Decoder IC)

Figure 2.10 L293D Motor Driver IC

Figure 2.11 Working of a Metal Detector

Figure 2.12 Metal Detector Circuit

Figure 3.1 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 Home

Figure 3.2 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 (Schematic Capture)

Figure 3.3 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 (PCB Design)

Figure 3.4 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 3D Visualization

Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of Power Supply

Figure 4.2 Power Supply Circuit

Figure 4.3 Receiver Section

Figure 4.4 Transmitter Section

Figure 4.5 Main Section

Table 2.1 Transmitter Pin Description

Table 2.2 Receiver Pin Description

Table 2.3 HT-12E Pin Description

Table 2.4 HT-12D Pin Description

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.......................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................ ii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................. iv

1.1 Background................................................................................................................... .............................1
1.2 Aim of the project............................................................................................................................. .........1
1.3 Methodology...........................................................................................................................................1-2
1.4 Significance of this work ..........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Outline of this report..................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Conclusion............................................................................................................ .....................................2
2.1 Microcontroller.......................................................................................................................................3-4
2.1.1 Microcontroller v/s microprocessor....................................................................................................4
2.1.2 How does a Microcontroller work?....................................................................................................4
2.1.3 General architecture of a microcontroller..........................................................................................5
2.1.4 Pin Diagram of AT89S52................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.5 Pin Description of AT89S526.............................................................................................................8
2.1.6 Power on Reset Circuit.......................................................................................................................8
2.1.7 Clock Generator circuit.......................................................................................................................8
2.1.8 Future of Microcontroller and Applications....................................................................................8-9
2.2 RF Receiver and Transmitter Module..................................................................................................9-10
2.2.1 Pin Description............................................................................................................................ 10-11
2.2.2 Serial Encoder/Decoder...............................................................................................................11-15
2.3 Motor Driver Module(L293D)...........................................................................................................15-16
2.4 Metal Detectors.................................................................................................................................. .16-20
2.5 Resistors..............................................................................................................................................20-30
3.1 Proteus Design Suit................................................................................................................................31
3.1.1 Features of Proteus Design Suit..................................................................................................31-34


4.1 Power Supply Circuit........................................................................................................................35-36
4.2 Circuit Description..................................................................................................................................36
4.2.1 Receiver Section.............................................................................................................................36
4.2.2 Transmitter Section........................................................................................................................37
4.2.3 Main Section..................................................................................................................................37
5. CODING 38-42


1.1 Background

Landmines are weapons or explosives which are buried under the soil that are activated by
pressure, and may kill or cause harm when stepped upon it, and also cause long term
physiological effects. Landmines pose a serious threat to soldiers and civilians worldwide
and also provide major challenges to agriculture, infrastructure and road development in
post-conflict region. The landmines are usually buried 10mm to 40mm below the soil and
requires about minimum pressure of 9Kg to detonate them. The face diameter of these AP
mines ranges from 5.6 to 13.3cm. Landmines are broadly categorized into two types of
landmines Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank landmines. Anti-personnel landmines are used to
injure a person since it contains fewer amounts of explosives which get activated when
pressure is applied on it while Anti-Tank landmines consists of large amount of explosives
which can even destroy large tanks.
The landmine crisis is globally alarming since there are presently 500 million unexploded,
buried mines in about 70 countries. Governments are looking into this situation seriously
since landmines are claiming the limbs and lives of civilians every day. The purpose of
this paper is to design a robot prototype which is capable of detecting buried land mines
and changing their locations, while enabling the operator to control the robot wirelessly
from a distance. This technology interfaces the metal detector circuit in a robot to search
the land mines. The metal detector circuit is interfaced with the robot and it is left on the
required search area in order to detect the metallic components used in the landmines. The
main advantage in this project is that we can make this robot at low cost and more

1.2 Aim of the project

A land mine detection robot is needed to be designed to employ in peace support

operations and in the clearance of contaminated areas.

1.3 Methodology

The Mine Detecting Robot system consists of two main parts: the robot itself and the
remote control system used to drive the robot. The two parts communicate with each other
through a wireless connection that sends control information to the robot and returns
sensor information to display on the remote. The core of the robot system is a

microcontroller that receives input from the metal detecting sensors as well as from the
wireless transceiver. The wireless information is processed and sent to the motor driver
circuits and the marking system, while any information from the metal detectors is sent
back to the remote through the wireless transceiver. The core of the remote control system
is also a microcontroller, which receives inputs from push buttons mounted on the remote
control board. Joysticks function as analog potentiometers, and when these signals are sent
through analog-to-digital converters, a digital signal that can be sent to the robot is
obtained. In order to communicate with the robot, the remote control microcontroller also
has a wireless transceiver. It sends control information to the robot and displays
information about the metal detector array in an LED configuration on the remote
controller board.

1.4 Significance of this work

This project finds its application for the military purpose. The aim of our project is to
detect the landmines laid by the Maoists or terrorists so as to help the soldiers in detecting
the location so as they can be diffused before getting exploded resulting in saving our
soldiers life.

1.5 Outline of this report

This report contains a detailed information about all the components used in this project.
The components used are:

i. Micrcontroller 8051(AT89)
ii. Metal Detector
iii. RF Module
iv. L293D Module

A detailed report about each and every component is described in separate chapter wise.

1.6 Conclusion
In the present investigation of the current prototype of automatic landmine detection
has been presented and it can be built using some hundreds of INR. So huge
investments on landmine detection can be reduced in the countries are threatened by
landmines. This prototype provides less complex structure and reduced the cost to
build a landmine detection robot. It detects the uneven landmines present under the

A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated as C or uC MCU) is a small computer on a
single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable
input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of NOR flash or OTP ROM is also
often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are
designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal
computers or other general purpose applications.

Microcontroller are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as

automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office
machines, appliances, power tools, toys and other embedded systems. By reducing the
size and cost compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor, memory, and
input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to digitally control even more
devices and processes. Mixed signal microcontrollers are common, integrating analog
components needed to control non-digital electronic systems.

Some microcontrollers may use four-bit words and operate at clock rate frequencies as
low as 4kHz, for lower power consumption (milliwatts or microwatts). They will
generally have the ability to retain functionality while waiting for an event such as a
button press or other interrupt; power consumption while sleeping (CPU clock and most
peripheral off) may be just nanowatts, making many of them well suited for long lasting
battery applications. Other microcontrollers may serve performance-critical roles, where
they may need to act more like as digital signal processor (DSP), with higher clock speeds
and power consumption.

A microcontroller is a small and low-cost computer built for the purpose of dealing with
specific tasks, such as displaying information in a microwave LED or receiving
information from a televisions remote control. Microcontrollers are mainly used in
products that require a degree of control to be exerted by the user.

Figure 2.1: Microcontroller


Microprocessors are used to execute big and generic applications, while a microcontroller
will only be used to execute a single task within one application. Some of the benefits of
microcontrollers include the following:
Cost advantage: The biggest advantage of microcontrollers against larger
microprocessors is that the design and hardware costs are much lesser and can be kept to
a minimum. A microcontroller is cheap to replace, while microprocessors are ten times
more expensive.
Lesser power usage: Microcontrollers are generally built using a technology known as
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). This technology is a competent
fabrication system that uses less power and is more immune to power spikes than other
All-in-one: A microcontroller usually comprises of a CPU, ROM, RAM and I/O ports,
built within it to execute a single and dedicated task. On the other hand, a microprocessor
generally does not have a RAM, ROM or IO pins and generally uses its pins as a bus to
interface to peripherals such as RAM, ROM, serial ports, digital and analog IO.

2.1.2 How does a Microcontroller work?

Microcontroller has an input device in order to get the input and an output device (such as
LED or LCD Display) to exhibit the final process. Let us look into the illustration of how
a microcontroller works in a Television.
The Television has a remote control as an Input device and the TV screen as the output
device. The signal sent from the remote control is captured by the microcontroller. The
microcontroller controls the channel selection, the amplifier system and picture tube
adjustments such as hue, brightness, contrast etc.

2.1.3 General architecture of a microcontroller
The architecture of a microcontroller depends on the application it is built for. For
example, some designs include usage of more than one RAM, ROM and I/O functionality
integrated into the package.

Figure 2.2: General Architecture of Microcontroller

The architecture of a typical microcontroller is complex and may include the following:
1. A CPU, ranging from simple 4-bit to complex 64-bit processers.
2. Peripherals such as timers, event counters and watchdog.
3. RAM (volatile memory) for data storage. The data is stored in the form of registers,
and the general-purpose registers store information that interacts with the arithmetic
logical unit (ALU).
4. ROM, EPROM, EEPROM or flash memory for program and operating parameter
5. Programming capabilities.
6. Serial input/output such as serial ports.
7. A clock generator for resonator, quartz timing crystal or RC circuit.
8. Analog-to-digital convertors.
9. Serial ports.
10. Data bus to carry information.


Figure.2.3 Pin Diagram of 8051


The 89C51 have a total of 40 pins that are dedicated for various functions such as I/O,
RD, WR, address and interrupts.

Out of 40 pins, a total of 32 pins are set aside for the four ports P0, P1, P2, and P3, where
each port takes 8 pins.

The rest of the pins are designated as Vcc, GND, XTAL1, XTAL, RST, EA, and PSEN.
All these pins except PSEN and ALE are used by all members of the 8051 and 8031
families. In other words, they must be connected in order for the system to work,
regardless of whether the microcontroller is of the 8051 or the 8031 family. The other
two pins, PSEN and ALE are used mainly in 8031 based systems.

a. Vcc Pin 40 provides supply voltage to the chip. The voltage source is +5 V. b. GND
Pin 20 is the ground.

c. XTAL1 and XTAL2 The 8051 have an on-chip oscillator but requires external clock to
run it. Most often a quartz crystal oscillator is connected to input XTAL1 (pin 19) and
XTAL2 (pin 18). The quartz crystal oscillator connected to XTAL1 and XTAL2 also
needs two capacitors of 30 pF value. One side of each capacitor is connected to the
ground. C2 XTAL2 C1 XTAL1 GND It must be noted that there are various speeds of
the 8051 family. Speed refers to the maximum oscillator frequency connected to the
XTAL. For example, a 12 MHz chip must be connected to a crystal with 12 MHz
frequency or less. Likewise, a 20 MHz microcontroller requires a crystal frequency of no
more than 20 MHz When the 8051 is connected to a crystal oscillator and is powered up,
we can observe the frequency on the XTAL2 pin using oscilloscope.

d. RST Pin 9 is the reset pin. It is an input and is active high (normally low). Upon
applying a high pulse to this pin, the microcontroller will reset and terminate all
activities. This is often referred to as a power on reset. Activating a power-on reset will
cause all values in the registers to be lost. Notice that the value of Program Counter is
0000 upon reset, forcing the CPU to fetch the first code from ROM memory location
0000. This means that we must place the first line of source code in ROM location 0000
that is where the CPU wakes up and expects to find the first instruction. In order to
RESET input to be effective, it must have a minimum duration of 2 machine cycles. In
other words, the high pulse must be high for a minimum of 2 machine cycles before it is
allowed to go low.

e. EA All the 8051 family members come with on-chip ROM to store programs. In such
cases, the EA pin is connected to the Vcc. For family members such as 8031 and 8032 in
which there is no on-chip ROM, code is stored on an external ROM and is fetched by the
8031/32. Therefore for the 8031 the EA pin must be connected to ground to indicate that
the code is stored externally. EA, which stands for external access, is pin number 31
in the DIP packages. It is input pin and must be connected to either Vcc or GND. In other
words, it cannot be left unconnected.

f. PSEN this is an output pin. PSEN stands for program store enable. It is the read
strobe to external program memory. When the microcontroller is executing from external
memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle.

g. ALE (Address latch enable) is an output pin and is active high. When connecting a
microcontroller to external memory, port 0 provides both address and data. In other
words the microcontroller multiplexes address and data through port 0 to save pins. The
ALE pin is used for de-multiplexing the address and data by connecting to the G pin of
the 74LS373 chip.


Figure2.4 Power on Reset Circuit


Figure 2.5 Clock Generator Circuit


The future is bright and shining for microcontrollers. This is because the global economies
are booming and mirocrocontrollers have a role to play in almost every gadget present on
earth. The list of applications for these microcontrollers is:

1. Energy Management

Technology for energy management is in great demand due to government initiatives that
focus on energy. Efficient metering systems help in controlling energy usage in homes and

industrial applications. These metering systems are made capable by incorporating

2. Touch Screens

A touch screen is accepted as the most efficient method to implement user control. They
enable dynamic user interface and allow increased productivity. Touch screen controller
implementation is microcontroller-based and therefore, ample opportunities lie ahead for
microcontrollers providers that incorporate touch sensing capabilities in their design. Portable
electronics such as home appliances, cell phones, media players, gaming devices are some of
the domains where microcontrollers-based touch screens will be in demand.

3. Automobiles

Microcontrollers find wide usage in hybrid vehicles, especially to ensure smooth and
simultaneous functioning of electric and petrol engines. Additionally, almost every car
manufacturer uses microcontrollers to control functions within their vehicles and to ensure
error-free rides for their customers.

4. LED Lighting:

Microcontrollers are used for LED lighting in residential and industrial locations to enable
greater control and power savings.

5. Person Medical Devices:

The rise and popularity of portable medical devices such as blood pressure and glucose
monitors have ensured that microcontrollers will have a role in the medical industry.
Microcontrollers are used to display date and increase reliability in providing medical results.


RF Modules are used wireless transfer data. This makes them most suitable for remote
control applications, as in where you need to control some machines or robots without getting
in touch with them (may be due to various reasons like safety, etc). Now depending upon the
type of application, the RF module is chosen. For short range wireless control applications,
an ASK RF Transmitter-Receiver Module of frequency 315 MHz or 433 MHz is most

A typical 315MHz (or) 433MHz ASK RF Module looks like this

Figure 2.6 RF Module

Now, lets have a look at its pinout

Figure 2.7 RF Module Pins


Table 2.1 Transmitter Pin Description

1 GND Ground(0V)
2 DATA Serial Data Input Pin
3. Vcc Supply Voltage, 5V
4. ANT Antenna Output Pin

Table 2.2: Receiver Pin Description
Pin No Name Function
1. GND Ground(0V)
2. DATA Serial Data Output
3. NC No Connection
4. VCC Supply Voltage(5V)
5. VCC Supply Voltage(5V)
6. GND Ground(0V)
7. GND Ground(0V)
8. ANT Antenna Input

Range in open space(Standard Conditions) : 100 Meters

RX Receiver Frequency : 433 MHz

RX Typical Sensitivity : 105 Dbm

RX Supply Current : 3.5 mA

RX IF Frequency : 1MHz

Low Power Consumption

Easy For Application

RX Operating Voltage : 5V

TX Frequency Range : 433.92 MHz

TX Supply Voltage : 3V ~ 6V

TX Out Put Power : 4 ~ 12 Dbm

This has single channel for data transfer, thus serial data communication is used.

2.2.4 Serial Encoder/Decoder

The most popular serial encoder/decoder used is the HT12D-HT12E pair. Their description is
given below. Its okay if you dont understand what is written there. Just make sure you go
through the pin configurations and the circuit implementation.

The HT12E Encoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for Remote Control system applications.
They are capable of Encoding 12 bit of information which consists of N address bits and 12-
N data bits. Each address/data input is externally trinary programmable if bonded out.

Figure 2.8 HT-12E (Encoder IC)

The HT12D Decoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications.
This ICs are paired with each other. For proper operation a pair of encoder/decoder with the
same number of address and data format should be selected. The Decoder receive the serial
address and data from its corresponding encoder, transmitted by a carrier using an RF
transmission medium and gives output to the output pins after processing the data.

Table 2.3: HT-12E Pin Description

1 A0
2 A1
3 A2
4 8 bit Address pins for input A3
5 A4
6 A5
7 A6
8 A7
9 Ground(0V) Ground
10 AD0

11 4 bit Data/Address pins for Intput AD1
12 AD2
13 AD3
14 Transmission Enable;active low TE
15 Oscillator output Osc2
16 Oscillator input Osc1
17 Serial data output Output
18 Supply Voltage; 5V (2.4V-12V) Vcc
Features Encoder


Operating Voltage : 2.4V ~ 12V

Low Power and High Noise Immunity

CMOS Technology

Low Standby Current and Minimum Transmission Word

Built-in Oscillator needs only 5% Resistor

Easy Interface with and RF or an Infrared transmission medium

Minimal External Components

Figure 2.9 HT-12D (Decoder IC)

Features Decoder


Operating Voltage : 2.4V ~ 12.0V

Low Power and High Noise Immunity

CMOS Technology

Low Stand by Current

Ternary address setting

Capable of Decoding 12 bits of Information

8 ~ 12 Address Pins and 0 ~ 4 Data Pins

Received Data are checked 2 times, Built in Oscillator needs only 5% resistor

VT goes high during a valid transmission

Easy Interface with an RF of IR transmission medium

Minimal External Components

Table 2.4 HT-12D Pin Description

1 A0
2 A1
3 A2
4 8 bit Address pins for input A3
5 A4
6 A5
7 A6
8 A7
9 Ground(0V) Ground
10 D0
11 4 bit Data/Address pins for D1
12 output D2

13 D3
14 Serial Data input Input
15 Oscillator output Osc2
16 Oscillator input Osc1
17 Valid transmission;active VT
18 Supply Voltage; 5V (2.4V- Vcc


Burglar Alarm, Smoke Alarm, Fire Alarm, Car Alarm, Security System

Garage Door and Car Door Controllers

Cordless telephone

Other Remote Control System


Compatible with RF Modules 433 MHz Link RF Modules (Tx + Rx Pair) 433 Mhz


The L293 and L293D devices are quadruple high-current half-H drivers. The L293 is
designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 1 A at voltages from 4.5 V to
36V. The L293D is designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600-mA at
voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. Both devices are designed to drive inductive loads such as
relays, solenoids, DC and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current/high-
voltage loads in positive-supply applications.

Each output is a complete totem-pole drive circuit, with a Darlington transistor sink and a
pseudo- Darlington source. Drivers are enabled in pairs, with drivers 1 and 2 enabled by
1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 enabled by 3,4EN.

The L293 and L293D are characterized for operation from 0C to 70C.

Figure 2.10 L293D Motor Driver IC


Wide Supply-Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 36 V

Separate Input-Logic Supply

Internal ESD Protection

High-Noise-Immunity Inputs

Output Current 1 A Per Channel (600 mA for L293D)

Peak Output Current 2 A Per Channel (1.2 A for L293D)

Output Clamp Diodes for Inductive Transient Suppression (L293D).


In the year 1960, the first metal detector was established and was used in industrial
applications and mineral prospecting. A metal detector is an electronic device that comprises
of an oscillator which generates an AC current that passes via a coil generating an alternating
magnetic field. When a part of the metal is nearby to the coil, eddy current will be induced in
the metal object & this generates a magnetic field of its own. If an extra coil is used to
measure the magnetic field, the magnetic field can be changed and sensed due to the metal
object. The metal detectors are used to sense the weapons and also used in the construction
industry to identify the steel reinforcing bars in pipes, concrete, wires, pipes buried in walls &

Metal detector types are classified into three types such as BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillation),
TR( Transmitter or Receiver) and VLF(Very Low frequency)

How Does a Metal Detector Work?

The metal detector working is, when the electromagnetic field is transmitted from the search
coil into the earth. Metals in the electromagnetic field will become strengthened & resend an
electromagnetic of their own. The metal detector comprises of a search coil which receives
the retransmitted field & alarms the user by generating a response of the metal. Minelab
metal detectors are accomplished by discriminating between dissimilar types of targets and
can be fixed to ignore unwanted metal objects.

Figure 2.11: Working of a Metal Detector


The main purpose of the battery is to provide the power to the detector.

Control Box

The control box comprises of the electronics of the detector. When the transmit signal is
generated, the receive signal is processed and transformed into a target response.

Search Coil

The electromagnetic field can be transferred by the search coil of the detector into the ground
& receives the electromagnetic field return from a metal object.

Electromagnetic Field Transmission

The transmitted electromagnetic field energizes metal objects to allow them to be sensed.


Here, a target is a metal object that can be sensed by a metal detector. In this, the target is
treasure which is sensed and that is a good target.

Undesirable Target

These metal objects are generally attracted to a magnet like nails and also non-ferrous like
bottle tops. If the metal detector is fixed to discard unwanted targets, then the response of the
target will not be generated for those targets.

Receive Electromagnetic Field

The receive electromagnetic field is produced from energized targets & it is received by the
search coil

Response of the Target

When the metal detector detects the metal object, then it generates an audible sound like a
beep. Various Minelab detectors also generate a visual display of target information.

Metal Detector Circuit Diagram

The metal detector circuit built with an LC circuit, buzzer and simple proximity sensor. In LC
circuit, capacitor and inductor are connected in parallel. When the circuit detects any metal
near to it, then the circuit activates the proximity sensor and its glow the LED and makes a

Figure 2.12: Metal Detector Circuit

When this circuit has any resonating frequency from any target which is near to it, then the
electric field will be created, which will lead to induce current in the coil and change the S/L
in the flow of the S/L through the coil.

The value of the sensor can be changed by using a variable resistor, that is equal to the LC
circuit. When the metal is detected, the circuit will have new signal and respond
accordingly.When the metal object is sensed by the coil, the sensors o/p will be of 1mA.
When the coil is close to the target, then the o/p of the sensor will be around 10mA.

When the output pin is high, the resistor R3 will offer a positive voltage to the Q1 transistor
to turn ON the LED, which will glow and generate a buzzer sound. Here, resistor R2 is
mainly used to restrict the current flow.

A Metal Detector Circuit using IC 555

This circuit uses an IC 555, which is used to detect the magnets and metals. When the
magnet is near to the 10mH choke, then the output frequency varies. This circuit can be
powered from a power supply, which can give an o/p DC voltage between 6-12 volts. When a
metal object is near to the L1 coil, then it generates a change of output oscillation frequency
and buzzer sound.

Figure 2.13: Metal Detector Circuit using 555 IC


A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance

as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust
signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines,
among other uses. High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as
heat may be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for
generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time
or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a
volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or
chemical activity.

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are
ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can be
composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated

The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial

resistors are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. The nominal
value of the resistance falls within the manufacturing tolerance, indicated on the component.

Electronic symbols and notation

Two typical schematic diagram symbols are as follows:


(a) resistor, (b) rheostat (variable resistor), and (c) potentiometer

IEC resistor symbol

The notation to state a resistor's value in a circuit diagram varies. The European notation BS
1852 avoids using a decimal separator, and replaces the decimal separator with the SI prefix
symbol for the particular value. For example, 8k2 in a circuit diagram indicates a resistor
value of 8.2 k. Additional zeros imply tighter tolerance, for example 15M0. When the value
can be expressed without the need for an SI prefix, an "R" is used instead of the decimal
separator. For example, 1R2 indicates 1.2 , and 18R indicates 18 . The use of a SI prefix
symbol or the letter "R" circumvents the problem that decimal separators tend to "disappear"
when photocopying a printed circuit diagram.

Theory of operation

Ohm's law
The behavior of an ideal resistor is dictated by the relationship specified by Ohm's law:


Ohm's law states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is proportional to the current (I), where
the constant of proportionality is the resistance (R). For example, if a 300 ohm resistor is
attached across the terminals of a 12 volt battery, then a current of 12 / 300 = 0.04 amperes
flows through that resistor.

Practical resistors also have some inductance and capacitance which affect the relation
between voltage and current in alternating current circuits.

The ohm (symbol: ) is the SI unit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Simon Ohm.
An ohm is equivalent to a volt per ampere. Since resistors are specified and manufactured
over a very large range of values, the derived units of milliohm (1 m = 10 3 ), kilohm (1
k = 103 ), and megohm (1 M = 106 ) are also in common usage.

Series and parallel resistors
The total resistance of resistors connected in series is the sum of their individual resistance

Req=R1 + R2+R3+...+Rn

The total resistance of resistors connected in parallel is the reciprocal of the sum of the
reciprocals of the individual resistors.


For example, a 10 ohm resistor connected in parallel with a 5 ohm resistor and a 15 ohm
resistor produces 1/1/10 + 1/5 + 1/15 ohms of resistance, or 30/11 = 2.727 ohms.
A resistor network that is a combination of parallel and series connections can be broken up
into smaller parts that are either one or the other. Some complex networks of resistors cannot
be resolved in this manner, requiring more sophisticated circuit analysis. Generally, the Y-
transform, or matrix methods can be used to solve such problems.

Power dissipation
At any instant, the power P (watts) consumed by a resistor of resistance R (ohms) is
calculated as:


where V (volts) is the voltage across the resistor and I (amps) is the current flowing through
it. Using Ohm's law, the two other forms can be derived. This power is converted into heat
which must be dissipated by the resistor's package before its temperature rises excessively.

Resistors are rated according to their maximum power dissipation. Discrete resistors in solid-
state electronic systems are typically rated as 1/10, 1/8, or 1/4 watt. They usually absorb
much less than a watt of electrical power and require little attention to their power rating.

Figure 2.14 :An aluminium-housed power resistor rated for 50 W when heat-sinked

Resistors required to dissipate substantial amounts of power, particularly used in power

supplies, power conversion circuits, and power amplifiers, are generally referred to as power
resistors; this designation is loosely applied to resistors with power ratings of 1 watt or
greater. Power resistors are physically larger and may not use the preferred values, color
codes, and external packages described below.

If the average power dissipated by a resistor is more than its power rating, damage to the
resistor may occur, permanently altering its resistance; this is distinct from the reversible
change in resistance due to its temperature coefficient when it warms. Excessive power
dissipation may raise the temperature of the resistor to a point where it can burn the circuit
board or adjacent components, or even cause a fire. There are flameproof resistors that fail
(open circuit) before they overheat dangerously.

Since poor air circulation, high altitude, or high operating temperatures may occur, resistors
may be specified with higher rated dissipation than is experienced in service.

All resistors have a maximum voltage rating; this may limit the power dissipation for higher
resistance values.

Figure 2.15 VZR power resistor 1.5k 12W, manufactured in 1963 in USSR

Non-ideal properties
Practical resistors have a series inductance and a small parallel capacitance; these
specifications can be important in high-frequency applications. In a low-noise amplifier or
pre-amp, the noise characteristics of a resistor may be an issue.

The temperature coefficient of the resistance may also be of concern in some precision

The unwanted inductance, excess noise, and temperature coefficient are mainly dependent on
the technology used in manufacturing the resistor. They are not normally specified
individually for a particular family of resistors manufactured using a particular technology. A
family of discrete resistors is also characterized according to its form factor, that is, the size
of the device and the position of its leads (or terminals) which is relevant in the practical
manufacturing of circuits using them.

Fixed resistor

Figure 2.16 A single in line (SIL) resistor package with 8 individual, 47 ohm resistors.

One end of each resistor is connected to a separate pin and the other ends are all connected
together to the remaining (common) pin pin 1, at the end identified by the white dot.

Lead arrangements

Figure 2.17 Resistors with wire leads for through-hole mounting

Through-hole components typically have "leads" (pronounced \ldz\) leaving the body
"axially," that is, on a line parallel with the part's longest axis. Others have leads coming off
their body "radially" instead. Other components may be SMT (surface mount technology),
while high power resistors may have one of their leads designed into the heat sink.

Carbon composition

Figure 2.18 Three carbon composition resistors in a 1960s valve (vacuum tube) radio

Carbon composition resistors consist of a solid cylindrical resistive element with embedded
wire leads or metal end caps to which the lead wires are attached. The body of the resistor is
protected with paint or plastic. Early 20th-century carbon composition resistors had
uninsulated bodies; the lead wires were wrapped around the ends of the resistance element
rod and soldered. The completed resistor was painted for color-coding of its value.

The resistive element is made from a mixture of finely powdered carbon and an insulating
material, usually ceramic. A resin holds the mixture together. The resistance is determined by
the ratio of the fill material (the powdered ceramic) to the carbon. Higher concentrations of
carbon, which is a good conductor, result in lower resistance. Carbon composition resistors
were commonly used in the 1960s and earlier, but are not popular for general use now as
other types have better specifications, such as tolerance, voltage dependence, and stress.

Carbon composition resistors change value when stressed with over-voltages. Moreover, if
internal moisture content, from exposure for some length of time to a humid environment, is
significant, soldering heat creates a non-reversible change in resistance value. Carbon
composition resistors have poor stability with time and were consequently factory sorted to,
at best, only 5% tolerance. These resistors, however, if never subjected to overvoltage nor
overheating were remarkably reliable considering the component's size.

Carbon composition resistors are still available, but comparatively quite costly. Values
ranged from fractions of an ohm to 22 megohms. Due to their high price, these resistors are
no longer used in most applications. However, they are used in power supplies and welding

Carbon pile
A carbon pile resistor is made of a stack of carbon disks compressed between two metal
contact plates. Adjusting the clamping pressure changes the resistance between the plates.
These resistors are used when an adjustable load is required, for example in testing
automotive batteries or radio transmitters. A carbon pile resistor can also be used as a speed
control for small motors in household appliances (sewing machines, hand-held mixers) with
ratings up to a few hundred watts. A carbon pile resistor can be incorporated in automatic
voltage regulators for generators, where the carbon pile controls the field current to maintain
relatively constant voltage. The principle is also applied in the carbon microphone.

Carbon film

Figure 2.19 Carbon film resistor with exposed carbon spiral (Tesla TR-212 1 k)

A carbon film is deposited on an insulating substrate, and a helix is cut in it to create a long,
narrow resistive path. Varying shapes, coupled with the resistivity of amorphous carbon
(ranging from 500 to 800 m), can provide a wide range of resistance values. Compared to
carbon composition they feature low noise, because of the precise distribution of the pure
graphite without binding. Carbon film resistors feature a power rating range of 0.125 W to 5
W at 70 C. Resistances available range from 1 ohm to 10 megohm. The carbon film resistor
has an operating temperature range of 55 C to 155 C. It has 200 to 600 volts maximum

working voltage range. Special carbon film resistors are used in applications requiring high
pulse stability.

Ammeter shunts
An ammeter shunt is a special type of current-sensing resistor, having four terminals and a
value in milliohms or even micro-ohms. Current-measuring instruments, by themselves, can
usually accept only limited currents. To measure high currents, the current passes through the
shunt across which the voltage drop is measured and interpreted as current. A typical shunt
consists of two solid metal blocks, sometimes brass, mounted on an insulating base. Between
the blocks, and soldered or brazed to them, are one or more strips of low temperature
coefficient of resistance (TCR) manganin alloy. Large bolts threaded into the blocks make the
current connections, while much smaller screws provide volt meter connections. Shunts are
rated by full-scale current, and often have a voltage drop of 50 mV at rated current. Such
meters are adapted to the shunt full current rating by using an appropriately marked dial face;
no change need to be made to the other parts of the meter.

Grid resistor
In heavy-duty industrial high-current applications, a grid resistor is a large convection-cooled
lattice of stamped metal alloy strips connected in rows between two electrodes. Such
industrial grade resistors can be as large as a refrigerator; some designs can handle over 500
amperes of current, with a range of resistances extending lower than 0.04 ohms. They are
used in applications such as dynamic braking and load banking for locomotives and trams,
neutral grounding for industrial AC distribution, control loads for cranes and heavy
equipment, load testing of generators and harmonic filtering for electric substations.

The term grid resistor is sometimes used to describe a resistor of any type connected to the
control grid of a vacuum tube. This is not a resistor technology; it is an electronic circuit

Variable resistors

Adjustable resistors
A resistor may have one or more fixed tapping points so that the resistance can be changed by
moving the connecting wires to different terminals. Some wirewound power resistors have a
tapping point that can slide along the resistance element, allowing a larger or smaller part of
the resistance to be used.

Where continuous adjustment of the resistance value during operation of equipment is
required, the sliding resistance tap can be connected to a knob accessible to an operator. Such
a device is called a rheostat and has two terminals.


Figure 2.20 Typical panel mount potentiometer

Figure 2.21 Drawing of potentiometer with case cut away

showing parts: (A) shaft, (B) stationary carbon composition resistance element, (C) phosphor
bronze wiper, (D) shaft attached to wiper, (E, G) terminals connected to ends of resistance
element, (F) terminal connected to wiper.

Figure 2.20 An assortment of small through-hole potentiometers designed for mounting

on printed circuit boards.

A potentiometer or pot is a three-terminal resistor with a continuously adjustable tapping

point controlled by rotation of a shaft or knob or by a linear slider. It is called a potentiometer

because it can be connected as an adjustable voltage divider to provide a variable potential at
the terminal connected to the tapping point. A volume control for an audio device is a
common use of a potentiometer. A typical low power potentiometer (see drawing) is
constructed of a flat resistance element (B) of carbon composition, metal film, or conductive
plastic, with a springy phosphor bronze wiper contact (C) which moves along the surface. An
alternate construction is resistance wire wound on a form, with the wiper sliding axially along
the coil. These have lower resolution, since as the wiper moves the resistance changes in
steps equal to the resistance of a single turn.

High-resolution multi turn potentiometers are used in a few precision applications. These
have wire wound resistance elements typically wound on a helical mandrel, with the wiper
moving on a helical track as the control is turned, making continuous contact with the wire.
Some include a conductive-plastic resistance coating over the wire to improve resolution.
These typically offer ten turns of their shafts to cover their full range. They are usually set
with dials that include a simple turns counter and a graduated dial, and can typically achieve
three digit resolution. Electronic analog computers used them in quantity for setting
coefficients, and delayed-sweep oscilloscopes of recent decades included one on their panels.

Special devices
There are various devices whose resistance changes with various quantities. The resistance of
NTC thermistors exhibit a strong negative temperature coefficient, making them useful for
measuring temperatures. Since their resistance can be large until they are allowed to heat up
due to the passage of current, they are also commonly used to prevent excessive current
surges when equipment is powered on. Similarly, the resistance of a humistor varies with
humidity. One sort of photodetector, the photoresistor, has a resistance which varies with

The strain gauge, invented by Edward E. Simmons and Arthur C. Ruge in 1938, is a type of
resistor that changes value with applied strain. A single resistor may be used, or a pair (half
bridge), or four resistors connected in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. The strain resistor
is bonded with adhesive to an object that is subjected to mechanical strain. With the strain
gauge and a filter, amplifier, and analog/digital converter, the strain on an object can be

A related but more recent invention uses a Quantum Tunnelling Composite to sense
mechanical stress. It passes a current whose magnitude can vary by a factor of 1012 in
response to changes in applied pressure.


Proteus design suit has been used for circuit designing, simulation of the project work main.
For main programming purposes we have used 8051IDE


The Proteus Design Suite is an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool including
schematic capture, simulation and PCB Layout modules. It is developed in Yorkshire,
England by Labcenter Electronics Ltd with offices in North America and several overseas
sales channels. The software runs on the Windows operating system and is available in
English, French, Spanish and Chinese languages.

Figure 3.1 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 Home

3.1.1 Features of Proteus Design Suit

The Proteus Design Suite is a Windows application for schematic capture, simulation, and
PCB layout design. It can be purchased in many configurations, depending on the size of
designs being produced and the requirements for microcontroller simulation. All PCB Design
products include an autorouter and basic mixed mode SPICE simulation capabilities.

i. Schematic Capture

Schematic capture in the Proteus Design Suite is used for both the simulation of designs and
as the design phase of a PCB layout project. It is therefore a core component and is included
with all product configurations.

Figure 3.2 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 (Schematic Capture)

ii. Microcontroller Simulation

The micro-controller simulation in Proteus works by applying either a hex file or a debug file
to the microcontroller part on the schematic. It is then co-simulated along with any analog
and digital electronics connected to it. This enables it's used in a broad spectrum of project
prototyping in areas such as motor control, temperature control and user interface design.It
also finds use in the general hobbyist community and, since no hardware is required, is
convenient to use as a training or teaching tool. Support is available for co-simulation of:

Microchip Technologies PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC33


Atmel AVR (and Arduino), 8051 and ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers

NXP 8051, ARM7, ARM Cortex-M0 and ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers.

Texas Instruments MSP430, PICCOLO DSP and ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers.

Parallax Basic Stamp, Freescale HC11, 8086 Microcontrollers.

iii. PCB Design

The PCB Layout module is automatically given connectivity information in the form of a
netlist from the schematic capture module. It applies this information, together with the user
specified design rules and various design automation tools, to assist with error free board
design. Design Rule Checking does not include high speed design constraints.PCB's of up to
16 copper layers can be produced with design size limited by product configuration.

Figure 3.3 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 (PCB Design)

iv. 3D Verification

The 3D Viewer module allows the board under development to be viewed in 3D together
with a semi-transparent height plane that represents the boards enclosure. STEP output can
then be used to transfer to mechanical CAD software such as Solidworks or Autodesk for
accurate mounting and positioning of the board.

Figure 3.4 Proteus Design Suit 8.0 3D Visualization



Ideally, A DC Power Supply Unit (commonly called a PSU) deriving power from the AC
mains (line) supply performs a number of tasks:

1. It changes (in most cases reduces) the level of supply to a value suitable for driving
the load circuit.

2. It produces a DC supply from the mains (or line) supply AC sine wave.

3. It prevents any AC from appearing at the supply output.

4. It will ensure that the output voltage is kept at a constant level, independent of
changes in:

a. The AC supply voltage at the supply input.

b. The Load current drawn from the supply output.

c. Temperature.

To do these things the basic PSU has four main stages, illustrated in Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1: Block Diaram of Power Supply



1 3

U1 C4
TR1 BR1 7805

1 3
+ 5V

230V C1 C2
1000UF 1000uF C3




Figure 4.2 Power Supply Circuit

Power supplies in recent times have greatly improved in reliability but, because they have to
handle considerably higher voltages and currents than any or most of the circuitry they
supply, they are often the most susceptible to failure of any part of an electronic system.

Modern power supplies have also increased greatly in their complexity, and can supply very
stable output voltages controlled by feedback systems. Many power supply circuits also
contain automatic safety circuits to prevent dangerous over voltage or over current situations.

The power modules on Learn about-electronics therefore introduce many of the techniques
used in modern power supplies, the study of which is essential to an understanding of
electronic systems.


The whole system consists of 3 main section, they are:-

4.2.1 Receiver Section

4.2.2 Transmitter Section

4.2.3 Main Section





1 20
2 19 R4
3 18 470 Ohm
4 17
5 16
6 15 R2
7 14
8 13 P2.0
9 12 P2.1
10 11 p2.2 Q1
HT12D 10K



Figure 4.3 Receiver Section

This is the receiver circuit which receives the serial data wirelessly and converts the data to
parallel and outputs the parallel data using pins D8 to D11.




1 20
2 19
3 18
4 17 R1
5 16 10K
6 15
7 14
8 13
9 12
10 11




Figure 4.4 Transmitter Section

The circuit inputs using IR modules and outputs the processed data to serial port which is
transmitted wirelessly


+5V +12V
16 8 U2
19 39
XTAL1 P0.0/AD0
38 2 3
37 7 6
P0.2/AD2 IN2 OUT2
R1 18
XTAL2 P0.3/AD3
36 1
10k 35
33 9
P0.6/AD6 EN2
9 32 10 11
15 14
C1 P2.2/A10
23 L293D
10u 29 24
PSEN P2.3/A11
30 25
ALE P2.4/A12
31 26
EA P2.5/A13
P2.6/A14 RP1
1 10
P1.0 P3.0/RXD
2 11 2
P1.1 P3.1/TXD
3 12 3
GND P1.2 P3.2/INT0
4 13 4
P1.3 P3.3/INT1
5 14 5
P1.4 P3.4/T0
6 15 6
P1.5 P3.5/T1
7 16 7
P1.6 P3.6/WR
8 17 8
P1.7 P3.7/RD

Figure 4.5 Main Section

This section contains the Microcontroller which acts as the heart of the project as it contains
all the decision. This section also includes L293D i.e., motor driver IC and LCD module.


Source Code for Smart Helmet using AT89C51

org 0000h

mov p1,#0ffh

mov p3,#0ffh

SETB p2.0

SETB p2.1

SETB p2.2

SETB p2.3

SETB p2.4

SETB p2.5

clr p0.0


jb sw1,next1

acall one

sjmp s1


jb sw2,next2

acall two

sjmp s1


jb sw3,next3

acall three

sjmp s1


jb sw4,next4

acall four

sjmp s1


SETB p2.0

SETB p2.1

SETB p2.2

SETB p2.3

SETB p2.4

SETB p2.5

sjmp s1


SETB p2.3

SETB p2.1

CLR p2.0

CLR p2.2

SETB p2.4

SETB p2.5

ljmp check


SETB p2.4

SETB p2.5

SETB p2.0

SETB p2.2

CLR p2.1

CLR p2.3

ljmp check


SETB p2.0

clr p2.1

SETB p2.2

SETB p2.3

SETB p2.5

ljmp check


SETB p2.0

SETB p2.1

SETB p2.2

clr p2.3

SETB p2.4

ljmp check


jb p1.0,s1

setb p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

clr p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

setb p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

clr p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

setb p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

clr p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

setb p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

acall delay9

clr p0.0

acall delay9

acall delay9

ljmp s1


mov r5,#250


mov r4,#255


djnz r4,here

djnz r5, here2



The robot prototype detects and changed the place of landmine model. However, in case of
original mine field it may have some difficulties to deploy. So, this prototype has to improved
in the following ways to deploy in the actual mine field.

The detection unit only able to detect metals that is larger than M8 nut. But replacing
with large circumference electromagnet coil can be used to avoid these problems.
Since this prototype wireless communication is limited to some 100 meters distance.
But the wireless range can be extended by adding highly developed wireless
controllers in the robot.
The detection coil unit is in fixed place in this robot prototype. So implementing a
servomotor connection with the detection unit makes it to cover overall forward
distance of the robots structure by implementing right/left movements in the detection
In case of plastic landmine detection, the detector can be replaced by ground
penetrating radar or other detection mechanism.
Camera can be installed in the robot to survey the minefield and gives report to the
user or human controller.
Wheels size should be increased to upload the landmine from the actual mine fields.
We can install shock absorbers and adjusters to the wheel unit, so that it can run on
any landmine field




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