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Practice Sheet - 8 6th February, 2017

Class III
Subject English

1. Take a print out of this worksheet.

2. Write the answers.
3. Paste it in your English notebook and submit it.

Q.1 Underline the prepositions from the given sentences and write in the given space.
1. Snehas house is beside the park. _______________
2. My friend was waiting near the canteen. _______________
3. A colony of ants is climbing on the wall. _______________
4. Kitty is sleeping in the basket. _______________
5. A river is flowing under the bridge. _______________
6. There is a pole in front of my house. _______________
7. Many kites are flying over the tree. _______________

Q.2 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

a. The bunny is ____________ the tree.

b. The bunny is ____________ the tree.

c. The bunny is ____________ the table.

d. The bunny is ____________ the trees.

Q.3 Choose an appropriate preposition from the bracket and fill in the blank to
complete the paragraph.

There is a river __________________ the new and old parts of the city
(between/behind). There is an old bridge ____________ it (under/over). A seagull
lives _______ the bridge (under/on). My house is __________ that bridge
(near/behind). There are bushes __________ my house (on/behind). I can see many
boats ____ the river (in/on).
Q.4 Complete the following table.

Full form Contraction

You are

I am

You will

She is

It is

Q5. Rewrite the sentences using the contraction forms of the underlined words.

1. We will go to the party next Sunday.


2. They are going to Kashmir in the first week of May.


3. He is my best friend.


4. I am working hard for my exams.


5. She is older than me.


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