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Instant Inches Vertical Jump Workout the best you can be... Itall starts Now! Lets hop into this workout and get those inches going! Keep an eye on your TinsdKkiBeostwdaided Wayrkedidwillicilingeg ming thieticlen forever if you allow it. Agaxeliasette Next 3 Videos that will be coming to your inbox this week: *» These Videos are going to unleash the most unknown secrets to vertical jump increases that will revolutionize the way athletes train to jump higher. The truth is... you CAN increase your vertical MULTIPLE Apptoatkesimply, and Easily, ina matter of minutes... Stay Tall, Accelerate (Never slow down), Be EXPLOSIVE! Roynbtpsilations for being one of the first athletes ever to get pravteehaads omiranardes. sbleanabadhisalay BRour “seionsyrelgctpe workouts, and do NOT miss the other videos... you are a serious athlete, and you DESERVE to be Ok, so in the video--- I show you how to doa few things: Concentrate on staying tall, not leaning forward at take off, and not slowing down. Concentrate on a FAST Last Two Steps. When Assigned “Pop Ups” Only jump at about 25% of your full jump power (Approach should be normal jump speed) Penulti Dril 5 Barriers (shirts/balls/hurdles” about 3-5 feet apart. You will quickly rotate your steps, keep core tight, use arms to power your jump vertically: *- Always Keep Pen Drill Workout Even (Do both ways..Left-right/right-left) (Refer To Video) Pen Drill 2 Foot Stay tall, “Pall” Forward. QUICKLY Snap In Take Off Steps’** (Refer To Video) The Workout Dorsiflexion: Toes To Shins, should feel tightening on the outside of your calves. Run and jump off the “balls” of your feet, and not heel to toe. ALWAYS RUN And JUMP Using Dorsiflexion (Refer To Video) Dynamic Warm Up Do a Proper Dynamic Warm Up Prior To Starting. DO NOT Do Static Stretching! Now take 5 Jumps on your own using your new technique adjustments, and see the Results © Approaches 10 Proper Approaches (No Jumps) 5 Pop Ups Each 1 Foot and 2 foot Pen Drill 1 Foot 3 Sets of 5 Reps Pen Drill 2 Foot 3 Sets of 5 Reps Adam Lin! enauger

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