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Flute Claritin Bb Vibraphone [4-octave)* Marimba Piano Viol Violoncello * Ifa Soclene vbraphonois used a ghackensee! should be used ta cbtan thehighes! pitches Duration: 16 minutes ‘Commissioned by the Galfomia EAR Unit and the ‘Serge Koussexitzky Music Foundlation inthe Lary of Congress: iver was frst performed on 11 January 1995 at the Las Angeles Gounty Museum of Art by the California EAR Unit eee eee eee Porformanee note The file should be the prominent voiee throughaut. To ‘accormadiate this, the clarinet and sirings dynamics should ever be too loud. The strings shouc play ighlly autanci), to sound like the ute ‘Anmerkung zur Auffiihrang Die Fiste solte curchweg die vorhorrschende Stimme sain, Un as, auermdgiichen, carf cle Dynamic dor Klrinette und der Streicher rie 2uaut sein. Die Streicher solten leicht (fautando) spielen. um ihren Kiang der Fidte anzunahem, Note sur rinterprétation La parte de fite devra prédorniner & tout moment, A cette fin, es rnuancas dynamiques des parties de ciarintte el de cordes ne ‘devront jamais étre trop fortes. Les cordes jousront f2gerement leutarcio) pour se rapprocher de la sonerité dala ate, LOUIS ANDRIESSEN (1994) Fue) Clarinet sb) Violin Violante a1 a ieee te — 3 Marina Piano chews Vibe Mar. A, cushy ch anby cane) vl Vib Mae, cushy vl Ve vite i086) vi 1b) vl Pl sae chub) VI Vie Pro, cub) poco eet vi ovo ores Vine fot shorter ive 7 5 = or shorter cash) vi b Vibr. = = | = = pores pe erese Mar ‘poe por cre chy wh ve vin a chub) cash) vi ee == o ay 4b) Hise Pi cl anby MI R. chy = FA chanby cheney cL enh f 1 (Bb) vw chy vl vite Mar a chsh) vt Mae chanby ve A chewy Pre chap vt cua | vu cL(ab v Ve. Vibe Lab vl. cab) vt Ve Vibe mise 20 rh cab 5 ee = S = —— F cL esby ve Vit. Pro, cin) ve fm) cash fg vt Vite ci.cbba fe vl —— FS = sep eee Tel het aga aie ge a bh 7 ph vette ear ly Tar ft ch iBby " boi aR] chat vl cheb) vt. 26 C1 ABby vl Ve Vit Maw ve Vib. %) As belon. 20) | fe sere iu f pase z chsh “i = F ito sepre Comemriad’ ve meno f (ous ibs Pro, men f A. cb) Ve Pro, cuunbs ff cu eBh) Ve » = ~ i —— = a == be ee me fe chy SS fremenne ay 65 ch.iBb) vl Vite Mar Pre, 8, chanby vt Vite, eo eer eee et poe ae mee ete Eero tt penne ed a ee fF Fegato, sempre dion poco a poco piti tranquillo fino al Tempo 1 " cb) vu Mar Pro, rn ib) Mt ve Pro,

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