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Counting Criterion

to 4
Name of Course/Class:
Know numbers names and the count sequence.
Cool kids can count.

Grade Level: Kindergarten

1 per student: 25 students 1 per class: Other:
d iPads LCD projector Class Dojo will be running throughout the class period to
(4 parts) iPad Pencils Teacher computer give students points for participation.
Notebooks Class Dojo should already be downloaded on iPads so
Pencils students can see their points for the day and make sure
they were marked as present. ClassKick will be setup on
iPads so the students do not have to go searching for the

Accommodations Modifications
Student with special needs will have number line Student with special needs will take assessment with pencil and
already taped to their class before students arrive. paper instead of on Formative.

Weblink to your curriculum:

Essential Question: What are numbers and why are numbers used?

Orient Objectives: Given Formative students will count from 0 to 4 on a number line with 80% accuracy.
leaner: Standards:

Technology E
K.CC.A.1 Count to 100 by ones CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.A.1 8.1.P.A.5 1c
and by tens. Count to 100 by ones and by tens. Demonstrate the Students use
ability to access and technology to seek
use resources on a feedback that
computing device.
informs and
improves their
practice and to
demonstrate their
learning in a
variety of ways

Interdisciplinary Standards

NJCCCS Common Core

SL.K.3. (Language Arts) Ask and Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking
turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).
answer questions to seek help, get
information, or clarify something
that is not understood.

Anticipatory Set/Hook/Daily Review: Time to complete: 2 minutes

Teacher will have lamented giant numbers with strings attached so students can wear them. The teacher will pick five students (privately) to
wear the numbers (0-4). Those students will walk into the class room wearing the numbers and line up in front of the classroom. Teacher will ask
students what the students up front are wearing. Teacher will do a quick review of what numbers are. Students will be marked as present on
Class Dojo.

Input/Modeling or Present Information: Time to complete: 15 minutes

Teacher will ask students if they can count to four or any higher? Teacher will pull up PowerPoint where each slide has a number (0-4) written
big on it. The students will be instructed to copy numbers into their notebook. The teacher will count the numbers aloud and then have the class
Instructional count with them.
Check for Understanding/Provide Learner Guidance: Time to complete: 2 minutes

(8 events) The teacher will ask a student what number are we counting to today? The teacher will ask another student what number did we start counting
with today?

Guided Practice with coaching /Elicit Performance: Time to complete: 10 minutes

Teacher will bring in five different food items (check for allergies before bringing in certain foods). The teacher will have the food laid out on the table so all
(45 minutes) students can see them. The teacher will then count the items aloud and then the class will join in on counting aloud. Teacher will then create a number line on
ClassKick and fill in the numbers. (ClassKick is web tool that allows the teacher to see what students are doing and can grade the assignment.
Students are able to draw on ClassKick as if they were writing in their notebooks. They can go back and look at the work they completed on
ClassKick.) The teacher will fill in the number line with the students, the teacher will fill in 0 and 1 and then ask the class what comes next.

Independent Practice/Provide informative feedback: Time to complete: 5 minutes

Teacher will handout iPads to all students so they can complete the assignment. iPads will not be handed out in the beginning of class because
the students will want to play games and not pay attention to the lesson being taught. On ClassKick students, will be given a blank number line
and they will have to fill in the numbers backwards starting at 4 and ending with 0. The teacher will walk around and observe the students to
make sure they are filling in the number properly. Students will get points on Class Dojo for completing this assignment.

Closure: Time to complete: 5 minutes

What was the most difficult part of todays lesson? What was the largest number we learned during the lesson?

Formal Assessment: Time to complete: 5 minutes

Given Formative students will create a number line and fill in the numbers 0 through 4 and achieve an 80% or better

Enhance/Transfer: Time to complete: 2 minutes

The teacher will inform that learning how to count to 4 is just the beginning and soon they will be able to count to 100. Learning how to count
the smaller numbers first will help them count to even bigger numbers.

Student Feedback: Time to complete: 2 minutes

Ask the students if they enjoyed using Formative? What was their favorite part of counting?

Teacher Feedback:
Was Formative the right tech tool for the students to use?


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