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Working with translation

Bibliography for Week 1:

Baker, M. 2005. Narratives in and of Translation, SKASE Journal

of Translation and Interpretation, Issue 1.

Bancroft, M. A.,S. Garcia Beyaert, K. Allen, G. Carriero-

Contreras, D. Socarrs-Estrada. 2015. The Community
Interpreter: An International Textbook, Columbia, Culture &
Language Press.

Bassnett, S. 1980. Translation Studies, London: Methuen.

Cheung, M. 2005. To Translate Means To Exchange? A New

Interpretation of the Earliest Chinese Attempts to Define
Translation (fanyi). Target 17 (1), pp. 27-48.

Cronin, M.2006. Translation and Identity, London and New

York: Routledge.

Faiq, S. 2000. Arabic Translation: A Glorious Past but a Meek

Present, in Beyond the Western Tradition 2, ed. by M. G. Rose,
Binghamton: SUNY Binghamton, pp. 83-98.

Hermans, T. 2004. Metaphor and Image in the Discourse on

Translation. A Historical Survey, in bersetzung. Translation.
Traduction. An International Encyclopedia of Translation
Studies. Volume 1, ed. by H. Kittel et al., Berlin & New York:
Walter de Gruyter.

Hermans, T. 2007. The Conference of the Tongues, Manchester:

St Jerome Publishing.

Inghilleri, M. 2012. Interpreting Justice. Ethics, Politics and

Language, London: Routledge.
Jakobson, R. 2004. On Linguistics Aspects of Translation, in
The Translation Studies Reader, 2nd edition, ed. by L. Venuti,
London: Routledge, pp. 138-44.

Macfarlane, R. 2015. Landscapes. London: Hamish Hamilton.

Mukherjee, S. 2004. Translation as Recovery. New Delhi:

Pencraft International.

Nida, E. 2004. Principles of Correspondence, in The Translation

Studies Reader, 2nd edition, ed. by L. Venuti, London: Routledge,
pp. 153-67.

Paker, S. 2009. The Turkish Tradition, in Routledge

Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, 2nd edition, ed. by M.
Baker & G. Saldanha, London: Routledge, pp. 550-59.

Salama-Carr, M. 2000. Medieval Translators into Arabic -

Scribes or Interpreters?, in Beyond the Western Tradition 2, ed.
by M. G. Rose, Binghamton: SUNY Binghamton, pp. 99-105.

Takeda, K. 2016. Guilt, Survival, Opportunities, and Stigma:

Japanese interpreters in the postwar occupation period (1945-
1952), in New Perspectives in the History of Interpreting, ed. by
K. Takeda & J. Baigorri-Jaln, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John
Benjamins, pp. 225-46.

Trivedi, H. 2006. In Our Own Time, On Our Own Terms:

Translation in India, in Translating Others, Volume I, ed. by T.
Hermans, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, pp. 102-19.

Tryuk, M. 2015. On Ethics and Interpreters. Frankfurt am Main:

Peter Lang.

Tymoczko, M. 2007. Enlarging Translation, Empowering

Translators, London: Routledge.

Wakabayashi, J. 2009. An Etymological Exploration of

translation in Japan, in Decentering Translation Studies, ed. by
J. Wakabayashi & R. Kothari, Amsterdam & Philadelphia:
Benjamins, pp. 175-94.

Wong, L. W. 2005. From Controlling the Barbarians to

Wholesale Westernization, in Asian Translation Traditions, ed.
by E. Hung & J. Wakabayashi, Manchester: St Jerome
Publishing, pp. 109-34.

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