Adverbs and Adjectives Excercises

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Adverbs and adjectives

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form.

1) The bus driver was _____________ injured. (serious)

2) Kevin is _____________clever. (extreme)
3) This hamburger tastes _______________. (awful)
4) Be _______________with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful)
5) Robin looks ______________. What's the matter with him? (sad)
6) Jack is ______________upset about losing his keys. (terrible)
7) This steak smells __________________. (good)
8) Our basketball team played _________________last Friday. (bad)
9) Don't speak so __________________. I can't understand you. (fast)
10) Maria _______________opened her present. (slow)

Decide the appropriate form for each sentence.

1.Laila was playing quiet/quietly

2. John speaks very loud/loudly
3. Mary is a careful/carefully driver
4. She gave us a quick/quickly answer
5. Patrick was pleased and started to speak happy/happily
6. I cant believe it! It started to snow heavy/heavily.
7. We were lucky/luckily to sell our apartment
8. I like her voice. It is so beautiful/ beautifully
9. After the accident I started to drive slow/slowly
10. The test wasnt easy/easily and we finished in the nick of the time

Write sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adverbs.

John - David good Speak German

Mary Juan - Daniela careful Listen to the instructions
Women - men polite speak
Simon John - Bob bad dance
Susan - Anne fast run


Write sentences including the adverb

. I go to the club on Sundays. (often).

2. Dad works at the weekend. (rarely)
3. My sister goes to the movies with her friends on Saturdays. (always)
4. I eat pizza with onions. (never)
5. My brother tidies his room in the morning. (sometimes)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form.

1. Sams idea sounds ____________ (good) but I like Carols idea even __________.
2. Every morning I get up 10 minutes _____________ than my sister.
3. What are the ________________ (dangerous) animals in Australia?
4. I can run as ____________ (fast) as my elder brother.
5. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you ___________ (good) than the red one and I
think it fits _____________ (perfect).
6. If you worked ________________ (careful), you would make _________ (few)
7. Joy Fielding writes the ________________ (exciting) books Ive ever read.
8. Caroline is the ______________ (pretty) dressed girl in this room.
9. Vienna is the ______________ (large) town in Austria.
10. Please, speak _____________ (clear).
11. Bob ran _________________ (slow) than his classmates.
12. Jo is the _______________ (good) footballer in my team and he plays very
___________ (fair).

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