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Looking Back on my Senior Project

This project has been quite a difficult experience for me to put together but Im proud of

the end result and I feel like I grew a lot over the course of it. I pushed myself to the limit of my

filmmaking abilities and became more well-rounded. My learning stretch was controlling my urge

to experiment with film and instead pay more attention to making the content good. This was

displayed in the first film, Eugenes Woes where I told a short, simple, and quirky story.

To qualify my project in terms of the Santa Susana High School SLOs, the scholarly

portion was the research I did on propaganda films and the techniques of cinema. Doing this

helped me create films not just for my own artistic satisfaction, but for the audience that would

be watching my films. I gained invaluable knowledge from studying these films and it helped me

frame filmmaking within the context of the emotional impact of the images.

In terms of the Skills portion, I displayed that I absorbed the information from my

analysis of propaganda films with the contrast in the tones of my two films. It is clear that my

films have two different objectives in either reaching for or pushing away the audience which

was my intention directing them. This shows that I possess the skills as a director to convey

feeling and emotion intentionally which is essential for any filmmaker.

Now as for the Humane section, I learned from my studies of propaganda films such as

Triumph of the Will that films can have a dangerous and sinister objective to reach the

audience. Taking the techniques that past directors have used for malevolent purposes, I can

add them to my repertoire as a filmmaker and be aware of the impact my films have on others.

This will help me to be a conscientious director in my future pursuits.

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