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Engage 1 Planejamento: 2 aulas por semana

Aul Unidade Seo + Gramtica / Tpicos Vocabulrio Tarefas de casa ou

a nmero de explorados trabalho extra
1 Welcome pginas 4 e 5 Whats in your room? Where Countries and Workbook, pginas W2
Unit is it? nationalities: Japan e W3
Whos your favorite person? Japanese, Australia
Whats his / her job? Australian, Guatemala
How often do you ? Guatemalan, The United
Kingdom British, The United
States American
Feelings: angry, bored,
happy, sad, scared, tired
Things in your bedroom:
bookcase, closet , desk, lamp,
magazine, watch, cell phone,
computer , MP3 player, pencil
case, skateboard
Jobs: singer, doctor, actor,
dancer, soccer player, athlete
Family: brother, father,
grandfather, grandmother,
grandparents, mother, sister
Going out in town: bowling
alley, cybercaf, movie
theater, sports center, clothes
store, fast food restaurant,

Engage 1 Planejamento
skate park, sports store
Leisure activities: go
online, go out with friends,
play computer games, go
shopping, talk on the phone,
watch TV
2 Welcome pginas 6 e 7 be (affirmative and Workbook, pgina W4
Unit negative)
be (questions and short
Possessive adjectives
Possessive s
3 Welcome pginas 8 e 9 Demonstratives: this / Workbook, pgina W5
Unit that / these / those
there is / there are
can (affirmative and
can (questions and short
Simple present
(affirmative and negative)
4 Welcome pgina 10 Simple present (questions
Unit Workbook, and short answers)
pgina W6 Question words
5 Unit 1 Its Introducing Whats the weather like in ? Weather: cold, cloudy, hot, Workbook, pgina W8
happenin the topic raining, snowing, stormy,
g pgina 11 sunny, windy
the topic
pgina 12
6 Unit 1 Its Grammar Present progressive MultiROM (Vocabulary
happenin pgina 13 (affirmative and negative) exerccios 1 e 2.

Engage 1 Planejamento
g Workbook, Talking about things that Grammar exerccios
pgina W9 are happening right now 1, 2 e 3.)
7 Unit 1 Its Building the Present progressive Everyday activities: Workbook, pginas
happenin topic pginas (questions and short babysit, chat online, do W10 e W11
g 14, 15 answers) homework, get dressed, post Magazine 1, pgina 83
Asking about what is a comment, sleep, send a
happening now text message, wait for the
8 Unit 1 Its Living Talking about what you Round-up, Writing
happenin English: are doing pgina 18, An online
g Reading, Talking about where you chat
Listening, are and what you are Workbook, pgina W12
Speaking doing MultiROM (Vocabulary
pginas 16, exerccios 3 e 4.
17 Grammar exerccios 3
e 4.)
Speaking exerccio 1.)
9 Unit 1 Its Unit test
10 Unit 2 Introducing Clothes: boots, glasses, Workbook, pgina W14
Whats he the topic pants, shirt, shoes, skirt,
wearing? pgina 19 socks, top
the topic
pgina 20
11 Unit 2 Grammar Simple present and Project 1, pgina 84
Whats he pgina 21 present progressive MultiROM (Vocabulary
wearing? Workbook, Talking about regular exerccios 1 e 2.
pgina W15 activities and when they Grammar exerccios
happen 1, 2 e 3.)
Talking about things that
are happening right now
Engage 1 Planejamento
12 Unit 2 Building the has / have Physical descriptions Workbook, pginas
Whats he topic pginas Talking about physical Eyes: big, small, blue, (light) W16 e W17
wearing? 22, 23 appearance brown, green
Hair: long, short, straight,
wavy, blond, (dark) brown,
Other: a beard, a mustache
13 Unit 2 Living Clothes and physical Workbook, pgina W18
Whats he English: descriptions Round-up, Writing
wearing? Reading, Describing what you look pgina 26, A personal
Listening, like and what you are blog
Speaking wearing MultiROM (Vocabulary
pginas 24, exerccios 3 e 4.
25 Grammar exerccios 4,
5 e 6. Speaking
exerccio 1. Games
unidades 1 e 2.)
14 Review A pginas 27, Present progressive Weather
28 (affirmative and negative) Everyday activities
Present progressive Clothes
(questions) Physical appearance
Simple present and
present progressive
has / have
15 Unit 2 Unit test
Whats he
16 Unit 3 Introducing Do you like ? Food: apples, bananas, eggs, Workbook, pgina W20
Have the topic French fries, hamburgers,
some pgina 29 mangoes, pizzas, potatoes,
more Exploring sausages, strawberries,
the topic tomatoes
pgina 30

Engage 1 Planejamento
17 Unit 3 Grammar there is / there are + MultiROM (Vocabulary
Have Pgina 31 countable nouns exerccios 1 e 2.
some Workbook, Talking about things that Grammar exerccios
more pgina W21 we can count 1, 2 e 3.)
a / an / some / any
18 Unit 3 Building the Uncountable nouns Food and drink: bread, Workbook, pginas
Have topic pginas Talking about things that chesse, coffee, ketchup, milk, W22 e W23
some 32, 33 we cant count oil, pasta, rice, salad, salt,
more soda, water
19 Unit 3 Living Favorite food Round-up, Writing
Have English: Making requests pgina 36, A report
some Reading, about a favorite
more Listening, meal
Speaking Workbook, pgina W24
pginas 34, MultiROM
35 (Vocabulary
exerccios 3 e 4.
Grammar exerccios
4, 5, 6. Speaking
exerccio 1.)
20 Unit 3 Unit test
21 Unit 4 Introducing Noun categories: baggage, Workbook, pgina W26
Consumer the topic food, furniture, money, music,
world pgina 37 time, traffic, travel
the topic
pgina 38
22 Unit 4 Grammar How much ...? / How many Magazine 2, pgina 85
Consumer pgina 39 ...? + quantifiers MultiROM (Vocabulary
world Workbook, Asking about the exerccios 1 e 2.

Engage 1 Planejamento
pgina W27 quantities of things Grammar exerccios
1, 2 e 3. )
23 Unit 4 Building the Whose ? + possessive Personal possessions: Workbook, pginas
Consumer topic pginas pronouns backpack, belt, bracelet, W28 e W 29
world 40, 41 Talking about peoples earrings, ID card, key, key
possessions ring, sunglasses
mine / yours / his / hers / ours
/ yours / theirs
24 Unit 4 Living Radio advertisements Round-up, Writing
Consumer English: Asking for things in a pgina 44, A
world Reading, store consumer profile
Listening, Workbook, pgina W30
Speaking Project 2, pgina 86
pginas 42, MultiROM (Vocabulary
43 exerccios 3 e 4.
Grammar exerccios
4, 5, 6. Speaking
exerccio 1. Games
unidades 3 e 4.)
25 LIVRE A aula livre servir para o professor colocar a matria em dia , caso ele esteja atrasado. Ele poder usar
esta aula para trabalhar com o MultiROM no laboratrio ou usar outras atividades contidas no iTools e
no Teacher s Resource MultiROM.
26 Review B pginas 45, there is / there are + Food
46 countable nouns Food and drink
Uncountable nouns Noun categories
How much ? / How many Personal possessions
? + quantifiers
Whose ? + possessive
27 Unit 4 Unit test
28 Unit 5 A Introducing Can I / we ? Requests: borrow, buy, Workbook, pgina W32

Engage 1 Planejamento
good the topic drive, dye, get, go, have, stay
idea? pgina 47 out
the topic
pgina 48
29 Unit 5 A Grammar can (permission) MultiROM (Vocabulary
good pgina 49 Asking for permission exerccios 1 e 2.
idea? Workbook, Grammar exerccios
pgina W33 1, 2 e 3.)
30 Unit 5 A Building the Suggestions Places to go: amusement Workbook, pginas
good topic pginas Making suggestions park, coffee shop, library, W34 e W35
idea? 50, 51 Lets go out. museum, park, shopping mall,
What about going out? skating rink, swimming pool
Why dont we go out?
OK. / Thats a good idea. /
I dont think so. / Lets not. /
No way!
31 Unit 5 A Living Talking about what to do Round-up, Writing
good English: on the weekend pgina 54, An e-mail
idea? Reading, Making suggestions to a friend
Listening, Workbook, pgina W36
Speaking MultiROM (Vocabulary
pginas 52, exerccios 3 e 4.
53 Grammar exerccios
4, 5, 6. Speaking
exerccio 1.)
32 Unit 5 A Unit test
33 Unit 6 One Introducing Jobs: architect, artist, fashion Workbook, pgina W38
of a kind the topic designer, inventor, musician,
pgina 55 politician, scientist, writer

Engage 1 Planejamento
the topic
pgina 56
34 Unit 6 One Grammar was / were MultiROM (Vocabulary
of a kind pgina 57 Talking about the past exerccios 1 e 2.
Workbook Grammar exerccios
pgina W39 1, 2 e 3.)
35 Unit 6 One Building the Ordinal numbers Adjectives of opinion: Workbook, pginas
of a kind topic pginas Talking about the order of awesome, awful, boring, W40 e W41
58, 59 things delicious, disgusting, Magazine 3, pgina 87
first, second, third, fourth, fantastic, interesting, terrible
fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
ninth, tenth etc
36 Unit 6 One Living Famous politicians Project 3, pgina 88
of a kind English: Giving personal Workbook, pgina W42
Reading, information MultiROM (Vocabulary
Listening, exerccios 3 e 4.
Speaking Grammar exerccios
pginas 60, 4, 5, 6. Speaking
61 exerccio 1. Games
unidades 5 e 6.)
37 Review C pginas 63, can (request and Requests
64 permission) Places to go
Suggestions Jobs
was / were Adjectives of opinion
Ordinal numbers
38 Unit 6 One Unit test
of a kind
39 Unit 7 The Introducing Kinds of music: classical, Workbook, pgina W44
sounds of the topic country, jazz, pop, rap,
music pgina 65 reggae, rock, soul
the topic

Engage 1 Planejamento
pgina 66
40 Unit 7 The Grammar Simple past regular verbs MultiROM (Vocabulary
sounds of pgina 67 (affirmative) exerccios 1 e 2.
music Workbook, Talking about actions in Grammar exerccios
pgina W45 the past 1, 2 e 3.)
play played
arrive arrived
stop stopped
try - tried
41 Unit 7 The Building the Simple past irregular Musical instruments: bass, Workbook, pginas
sounds of topic pginas verbs (affirmative) drums, guitar, keyboard, W46 e W47
music 68, 69 Talking about actions in piano, saxophone, trumpet,
the past violin
42 Unit 7 The Living Talking about a concert Round-up, Writing
sounds of English: Talking about activities in pgina 72, A profile of
music Reading, the past your favorite band
Listening, Workbook, pgina W48
Speaking MultiROM (Vocabulary
pginas 70, exerccios 3 e 4.
71 Grammar exerccios
4, 5, 6. Speaking
exerccio 1.)
43 Unit 7 The Unit test
sounds of
44 Unit 8 Introducing Nature: beaches, deserts, Workbook, pgina W50
Mysteries the topic islands, jungles, mountains,
pgina 73 oceans, rivers, volcanoes
the topic
pgina 74
45 Unit 8 Grammar Simple past (questions Magazine 4, Pgina 89
Mysteries pgina 75 and short answers) MultiROM (Vocabulary

Engage 1 Planejamento
Workbook, Asking and answering exerccios 1 e 2.
pgina W51 questions about things Grammar exerccios
and events in the past 1, 2 e 3.)
46 Unit 8 Building the Simple past (negative) Disaster verbs: break, Workbook, pginas
Mysteries topic pginas Talking about things that crash, die, disappear, hit, sink W52 e W53
76, 77 didnt happen in the past
47 Unit 8 Living Easter Island mystery Round-up, Writing,
Mysteries English: Talking about yesterday pgina 80, An e-mail
Reading, about a day out
Listening, Workbook, pgina W54
Speaking Project 4, pgina 90
pginas 78 e MultiROM (Vocabulary
79 exerccios 3 e 4.
Grammar exerccios
4, 5, 6. Speaking
exerccio 1. Games
unidades 7 e 8.)
48 LIVRE A aula livre servir para o professor colocar a matria em dia, caso ele esteja atrasado. Ele poder usar
esta aula para trabalhar com o MultiROM no laboratrio ou usar outras atividades contidas no iTools e
no Teachers Resource MultiROM.
49 Review D pginas 81, Simple past regular Kinds of music
82 (affirmative) Musical instruments
Simple past irregular Nature
(affirmative) Disaster verbs
Simple past (negative)
50 Unit 8 Unit test

Engage 1 Planejamento
Engage 1 Planejamento

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