Battle of Washita River

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Battle of Washita River

The Battle of Washita River (also called Battle of 2.1 Winter camps on the Washita River
the Washita or the Washita Massacre[4] ) occurred on
November 27, 1868 when Lt. Col. George Armstrong
Custers 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked Black Kettles South-
ern Cheyenne camp on the Washita River (near present-
day Cheyenne, Oklahoma), part of a major winter en-
campment of numerous Native American tribal bands.

1 Background
After the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho signed the
Medicine Lodge Treaty, they were required to move
south from present-day Kansas and Colorado to a new
reservation in Indian Territory (modern Oklahoma). This
forced them to give up their traditional territory for one
with little arable land and away from bualo, their main Location of Black Kettles campsite by the Washita River in 2008
source of meat and a center of their culture.[5] Months of
fragile peace survived raids between warring Kaw Indians By early November 1868, Black Kettles camp joined
and Southern Cheyennes. other Southern Cheyenne and other tribal bands at the
Washita River, which they called Lodgepole River, after
But in summer 1868, war parties of Southern Cheyenne, local pine trees.[8] Black Kettles village was the western-
and allied Arapaho, Kiowa, Comanche, Northern most of a series of camps, of Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kiowa,
Cheyenne, Brul and Oglala Lakota, and Pawnee war- Comanche, and Kiowa-Apache bands, that ran ten to 15
riors attacked white settlements in western Kansas, south- miles along the Washita River.[9]
east Colorado, and northwest Texas. Among these raids
were those along the Solomon and Saline rivers in Kansas, Black Kettles
village was several miles west of the rest of
which began August 10, 1868. The warriors killed at least the camps and consisted of around 50 Cheyenne lodges,
15 white settlers, wounded others, and were reported to plus one or two lodges of visiting Arapaho and two of vis-
have raped some women, as well as taking others captive iting Lakota, for a total of about 250 inhabitants.[9][10]
to be adopted into their tribes.[6] Little Rock, the only council chief who had remained
with Black Kettle since the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864,
On August 19, 1868, Colonel Edward W. Wynkoop, In- lived with his family in the village. It also included the
dian Agent for the Cheyenne and Arapaho at Fort Larned, families of Big Man, Wolf Looking Back, Clown, Cranky
Kansas, interviewed Little Rock, who was a chief in Man, Scabby Man, Half Leg, Bear Tongue, and Roll
Black Kettle's Cheyenne village. Little Rock told what he Down.[10]
had learned about the raids along the Saline and Solomon
rivers. According to Little Rocks account, a war party Downriver from Black Kettles camp the Washita looped
of about 200 Cheyennes from a camp above the forks of northward in a large oxbow. At its northern [11][12]
portion was
Walnut Creek departed camp intending to go out against the Arapaho camp of Little Raven, Big Mouth,
the Pawnee. Instead they raided white settlements along Yellow Bear, and Spotted Wolf, a total of about 180
the Saline and Solomon rivers. Some of the warriors re- lodges. At the bottom of the loop was a large Southern
turned to Black Kettles camp. Little Rock learned from Cheyenne camp under Medicine Arrows. Followers of
them what took place. Little Rock named the warriors Little Robe, Sand Hill, Stone Calf, Old Little Wolf (Big
most responsible for the raids and agreed to try to have Jake), and Black White Man made up one large village,
them delivered to white authorities.[7] and nearby was a smaller Cheyenne village consisting of
the followers of Old Whirlwind. These two Cheyenne
villages, together comprising about 129 lodges, were sit-
uated along the oxbow southeast of Little Ravens Ara-
2 Indians in November 1868 paho camp and west of a small Kiowa camp headed by
Kicking Bird.


The Kiowa leaders Satanta, Lone Wolf, and Black Ea- Arkansas again, but my father there [the agent]
gle had moved their villages to the Fort Cobb area. sent for me time after time, saying it was the
Downriver were other camps of Comanches and Kiowa- place for my people, and nally I went. No
Apaches.[8] Overall, a total of about 6,000 Indians were sooner had we got there than there was trou-
in winter camp along the upper Washita River.[8][9] ble. I do not want war, and my people do not,
but although we have come back south of the
Arkansas, the soldiers follow us and continue
2.2 November 20 meeting at Fort Cobb ghting, and we want you to send out and stop
these soldiers from coming against us.[16]
In mid-November, a party headed by Black Kettle and
Little Robe of the Cheyenne and Big Mouth and Spot- Hazens October 13 orders from General William
ted Wolf of the Arapaho arrived at Fort Cobb to visit Tecumseh Sherman, commander of the Military Division
the post trader, William Dutch Bill Grienstein.[13] of the Missouri, had charged Hazen with making provi-
Griensteins wife Cheyenne Jennie, a Cheyenne origi- sion for Indians who wanted to stay out of the war. The
nally of Black Kettles camp, had died around October orders stated if General Philip Sheridan had to invade
10.[14] Grienstein had sent runners to inform her par- the reservation to pursue hostile Indians, he needed to
ents of her death, perhaps also sending a message to urge spare the well-disposed. Sherman recommended that
Black Kettle to come to talk with Colonel (Brevet Ma- non-belligerent Indians camp near Fort Cobb. Hazen
jor General) William B. Hazen about making peace.[15] knew that Sheridan had already declared the Cheyennes
The four chiefs met with Hazen on November 20, with and Arapahos to be hostile, meaning they were subject
Captain Henry Alvord of the Tenth Cavalry document- to attack by the U.S. Army.[18][19] Hazen told the four
ing the conversations.[13] chiefs he could not make peace with them. He recom-
Black Kettle began by saying to Hazen, The Cheyennes, mended against their coming to Fort Cobb, as their pres-
when south of the Arkansas, do not wish to return to the ence would jeopardize the peace of the Kiowas and Co-
north side because they feared trouble there, but were manches already camped there. He told them,
continually told that they had better go there, as they
would be rewarded for so doing.[16] Hardo notes that by I am sent here as a peace chief; all here is
the terms of the Medicine Lodge Treaty, the Cheyenne- to be peace, but north of the Arkansas is Gen-
Arapaho reservation had the Arkansas River as its north- eral Sheridan, the great war chief, and I do not
ern boundary. In April 1868, the U.S. Army distributed control him; and he has all the soldiers who are
food provisions due the Cheyennes and Arapahoes at Fort ghting the Arapahoes and Cheyennes. There-
Larned and Fort Dodge, both north of the Arkansas. Fur- fore, you must go back to your country, and if
ther, on August 9, 1868, they had distributed treaty annu- the soldiers come to ght, you must remember
ities in the form of arms and ammunition at Fort Larned they are not from me, but from that great war
rather than south of the Arkansas. [17] chief, and with him you must make peace.[16]

Black Kettle continued, asking if he might move his peo- Reporting to Sherman on November 22, Hazen said,
ple south to Fort Cobb: "{T]o have made peace with them would have brought
to my camp most of those now on the war path south
The Cheyennes do not ght at all this side of the Arkansas; and as General Sheridan is to punish
of the Arkansas; they do not trouble Texas, but those at war and might follow them in afterwards, a sec-
north of the Arkansas they are almost always at ond Chivington aair might occur, which I could not
war. When lately north of the Arkansas, some prevent.[21] Hazen reported that while the chiefs seemed
young Cheyennes were red upon and then the sincere, the Kiowa and Comanche at Fort Cobb said the
ght began. I have always done my best to young warriors who accompanied the chiefs were pleased
keep my young men quiet, but some will not that peace had not been made. They boasted that the
listen, and since the ghting began I have not Lakota and other northern bands would come down the
been able to keep them all at home. But we all following spring to clean out the entire country.[21][22]
want peace, and I would be glad to move all my Hazen took the young warriors boasts so seriously that he
people down this way; I could then keep them requested two more companies of the 10th Cavalry from
all quietly near camp. My camp is now on the Fort Arbuckle and two howitzers to remain for a week or
Washita, 40 miles east of the Antelope Hills, two at Fort Cobb.[21][23]
and I have there about 180 lodges. I speak only
for my own people; I cannot speak nor control
the Cheyennes north of the Arkansas.[16] 2.3 Black Kettles return to the Washita
Big Mouth of the Arapahoes spoke next, saying in part: Black Kettle and the other chiefs departed Fort Cobb
on about November 21 with food supplied by Grien-
I never would have gone north of the stein, traveling through storm conditions. They reached

he had a guilty conscience from having gone against the

chiefs wishes by joining the war party. Crow Neck told
no one else what he had seen, fearing that he might be
laughed at, or chastised by Black Kettle for having been
part of the raid.[28][29][30]
On the evening of November 26, Black Kettle held a
council in his lodge with the principal men of his village
to convey what he had learned at Fort Cobb about Sheri-
dans war plans. Discussion lasted into the early morning
hours of November 27. The council decided that after
the foot-deep snow cleared, they would send out runners
to talk with the soldiers. They wanted to clear up misun-
derstandings and make it clear that Black Kettles people
wanted peace. Meanwhile, they decided to move camp
the next day downriver to be closer to the other Indian
According to Moving Behind Woman, who was about 14
at the time of the Washita attack,[32] Black Kettles wife
Medicine Woman stood outside the lodge for a long time.
She was angry that the camp was not moving that night,
saying, I don't like this delay, we could have moved
long ago. The Agent sent word for us to leave at once.
It seems we are crazy and deaf, and cannot hear.[9][33]
Black Hawks brother White Shield (also known as Gen-
Washita River; vicinity where Chief Black Kettle was killed while
trying to cross river.
tle Horse) had a vision of a wolf wounded on the right
side of its head mourning its little ones which had been
scattered and killed by a powerful enemy. He tried to per-
suade Black Kettle to move camp immediately, but was
their villages on the Washita on the evening of November
unsuccessful. But ve of Black Kettles children (four
daughters and a son) moved to the camp of Black Ket-
The evening before, on November 25, a war party of as tles nephew Whirlwind,[34] which was ten miles down-
many as 150 warriors, which included young men of the river (ve miles straight-line distance).[35]
camps of Black Kettle, Medicine Arrows, Little Robe,
and Old Whirlwind, had returned to the Washita encamp-
ments. They had raided white settlements in the Smoky
Hill River country with the Dog Soldiers.
Major Joel Elliott of the Seventh Cavalry found their trail
on November 26, which drew Custer and his forces to the
Washita.[25] On November 26, the same day that Black
Kettle returned to the Washita, a party of Kiowa return- 3 Sheridans oensive
ing from raiding the Utes passed through Black Kettles
camp on their way to their own village. They told the
Cheyenne that as they had passed near the Antelope Hills General Philip Sheridan, in command of the U.S. Armys
on the Canadian River, they had seen a large trail lead- Department of the Missouri, decided upon a winter cam-
ing southward toward the Washita camps. The Cheyenne paign against the Cheyenne. While dicult, a winter
discounted the information, as they did not believe U.S. campaign oered chances for decisive results. If the In-
soldiers would operate so far south in such wintry condi- dians shelter, food, and livestock could be destroyed or
tions. The Kiowa proceeded to their own village further captured, not only the warriors but their women and chil-
east along the river, but Trails the Enemy decided to stay dren were at the mercy of the Army and the elements.
overnight with friends in Black Kettles camp.[9][26][27] They would be forced to surrender.[36] Sheridan planned
Also on November 26, Crow Neck, a returning warrior, to have three columns converge on the Indian wintering
told Bad Man (also known as Cranky Man) that he had grounds just east of the Texas Panhandle: one from Fort
left an exhausted horse along the trail to rest. When he Lyon in Colorado, one from Fort Bascom in New Mex-
went back to retrieve the horse that day, he saw mov- ico, and one from a supply camp to be established (Camp
ing gures to the north who looked like soldiers. Fear- Supply). (It was later renamed Fort Supply in the Indian
ful, he turned back without getting his horse. Bad Man Territory.) Lt. Col. George A. Custer led the 7th Cavalry
doubted Crow Neck had seen soldiers; he said perhaps forces against the various bands on the Washita River.[36]

Near nightfall, fearing the outlying Indians would nd and

attack his supply train, Custer began marching toward the
other encampments. The surrounding Indians retreated,
at which point Custer turned around and returned to his
supply train.[43]
In his rst report of the battle to Gen. Sheridan on
November 28, 1868, Custer reported that by actual and
careful examination after the battle, his men found the
bodies of 103 warriors[44] a gure echoed by Sheridan
when he relayed news of the Washita ght to Bvt. Maj.
Gen. W.A. Nichols the following day.[45] In fact, no count
of the dead had been made.[46][47] The reported number
was based on Custers reports from his ocers the day af-
ter the attack, during their return to Camp Supply.[46][48]
Map of the battle Cheyenne and other Indian estimates of the Indian ca-
sualties at the Washita, as well as estimates by Custers
civilian scouts, are much lower.[48]
4 The attack
According to a modern account by the United States
Army Center of Military History, the 7th Cavalry had 21
On November 26, 1868, Custers Osage scouts located ocers and men killed and 13 wounded at the Washita.
the trail of an Indian war party. Custers troops followed They estimated the Indians had perhaps 50 killed and
this trail all day without a break until nightfall, when they as many wounded.[36] Twenty of the soldiers killed were
rested briey until there was sucient moonlight to con- part of a small detachment led by Major Joel Elliott,[49]
tinue. When they reached Black Kettles village, Custer who was among the dead. Elliott had separated from the
divided his force into four parts, each moving into po- three companies he led, apparently without Custers ap-
sition so that at rst daylight they could simultaneously proval. Yelling Heres for a brevet or a con!",[50][51]
converge on the village.[37] At daybreak, as the columns Elliott and his small band pursued a group of eeing
attacked, Double Wolf awoke and red his gun to alert Cheyenne. Elliotts contingent ran into a mixed party
the village; he was among the rst to die in the charge.[38] of Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Arapaho warriors who were
The Cheyenne warriors hurriedly left their lodges to take rushing from villages up the river to aid Black Kettles
cover behind trees and in deep ravines. Custer soon con- encampment.[52] The warriors overwhelmed the small
trolled the village, but it took longer to quell all remaining troop in a single charge.[49]
Custers abrupt withdrawal without determining the fate
Black Kettle and his wife, Medicine Woman, were shot of Elliott and the missing troopers darkened Custers rep-
in the back and killed while eeing on a pony.[40][41] Fol- utation among his peers. There was deep resentment
lowing the capture of Black Kettles village, Custer found within the 7th Cavalry that never healed.[53] In particular,
himself in a precarious position. As the ghting began Eliotts friend and H Company captain Frederick Ben-
to subside, he saw large groups of mounted Indians gath- teen never forgave Custer for abandoning Elliott and his
ering on nearby hilltops and learned that Black Kettles troopers. Eight years later, when Benteen failed to race to
village was only one of many Indian encampments along Custers aid at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, his actions
the river. Fearing an attack, he ordered some of his men were closely examined in light of his long-standing anger
to take defensive positions while the others were to seize toward Custer for the events at the Washita River.
the Indians belongings and horses. They destroyed what
they did not want or could not carry, including about
675 ponies and horses. They spared 200 horses to carry
prisoners.[42] 5 The role of Indian noncombat-
ants in Custers strategy
The Southern Cheyenne encampment on the Washita
River comprised a key component in Custers eld strat-
egy Indian noncombatants. Women, children, the el-
derly or disabled[54] were targeted for capture to serve
as hostages and human shields. Custers battalions in-
tended to ride into the camp and secure noncombatant
hostages[55] and forc[e] the warriors to surrender.[56]
Custer demonstrated the value of a strategy that uti-
General Custer Marching to Cheyenne Village, 1868 lized capture[d] women and children to neutralize the

children, and their necessary exposure in case

of conict, would operate as a powerful argu-
ment in favor of peace, when the question of
peace or war came to be discussed.[61]

General Phil Sheridan, commander of the Department

of the Missouri, issued orders for the Washita River ex-
pedition, including the following: "to destroy [Indian]
villages and ponies, to kill or hang all warriors, and to
bring back all woman and children [survivors].[62] The
purpose of this total war strategy[63] was to make all
segments of Indian society experience the horrors of war
Cheyenne captives, taken at Fort Dodge, Kansas en route to the as fully as the warriors.[64]
stockade at Fort Hays; to the left stands U.S. Army chief of scouts
Benjamin Ben Clark, the highly regarded[65] scout and
John O. Austin.
guide attached to the Seventh Cavalry, recalled the ex-
ecution of these orders at the Washita: "[T]he regiment
Southern Cheyenne superiority in numbers at the Battle galloped through the tepeesring indiscriminately and
of the Washita.[54] killing men and women alike.[66] One cavalry unit was
seen pursuing a group of women and children, shooting
Author James Donovan describes the 53 women and chil-
at them and killing them without mercy.[67] Lieutenant
dren seized at the Washita as captives or prisoners.
Edward Godfrey observed that soldiers made no eort
They were used by Custer to ensure the escape of his
to prevent hitting women during the attack.[68]
regiment as Cheyenne forces from nearby villages be-
gan pressing his position.[57] Historian Jerome Greene Ben Clark reported the loss of seventy-ve [Cheyenne]
spelled out their function: "fty-three women and warriors dead, and fully as many women and children
children taken captive at the Washita served as assur- killed.[69] Greene notes "all warriors who lay wounded
ance against attack from the downriver [Indians] during in the village presumably no matter the extent of their
Custers extrication of his command from the scene late injuries were (according to Clarks testimony) promptly
on November 27..[58] As Custer advanced with his reg- shot to death.[58] This was consistent with Sheridans or-
iment in a mock assault mounted women and children ders to kill or summarily hang all [captured] warriors.[66]
hostages riding among his troops the warriors dispersed, The Seventh Cavalry tactical engagement of noncombat-
afraid that shots directed against the column might hit ants contributed to the eective destruction[70] of Black
the prisoners.[59] Kettles village it ceased to exist.[71]
Larry Sklenar, in his narrative of the Washita battle, de- Colonel Ranald Mackenzie, with elements of the Fourth
scribes the role of hostages as human shields: Cavalry, emulated the success and methods of the
Battle of the Washita in the lead-up to the Red River War
Custer probably could not have pulled o at the battle of North Fork, near McClellan Creek, Texas,
this tactical coup [at the Washita] had he not in 1872. Applying similar tactics, Mackenzies command
had in his possession the fty-some women and of 284 men attacked a Comanche village of 262 lodges
children captives. Although not hostages in and 500 warriors, capturing 130 women and children.[72]
the narrowest meaning of the word, doubtlessly The captives served both as human shields, as Macken-
it occurred to Custer that the family-oriented zie withdrew to his supply base, and as hostages, oered
[Cheyenne] warriors would not attack the Sev- as a bargaining tool to force the o-reservation Indi-
enth [Cavalry] with the women and children ans back to reservation, and to force them to free white
marching in [the middle of his column].[60] captives.[73]

Custer provided the military logic for tactical use of hu-

man shields in his book My Life on the Plains, published 6 Controversies
two years before the Battle of the Little Big Horn:
6.1 Indian casualties at the Washita
Indians contemplating a battle, either of-
fensive or defensive, are always anxious to have The number of Indian casualties at the Washita reported
their women and children removed from all by Custer has been controversial.[46] In his rst report
dangerFor this reason I decided to locate of the battle to Gen. Sheridan on November 28, 1868,
our [military] camp as close as convenient to Custer reported that by actual and careful examina-
[Chief Black Kettles Cheyenne] village, know- tion after the battle, the bodies of 103 warriors were
ing that the close proximity of their women and found[44][46] a gure echoed by Sheridan when from

Camp Supply he relayed news of the Washita ght to Bvt. After Custer and Sheridan visited the battleeld in De-
Maj. Gen. W.A. Nichols the following day.[45] In fact, no cember, Custer revised his initial estimate of 103 war-
battleeld count of the dead was made.[46][47] According riors killed upward. He wrote from Fort Cobb,
to Lt. Edward S. Godfrey, no estimate of Indian war-
rior fatalities was made until the evening of the day fol- The Indians admit a loss of 140 killed, be-
lowing the battle, after the soldiers made camp during sides a heavy loss of wounded. This, with
their march back to Camp Supply.[46] On [the] second the Indian prisoners we have in our possession,
night [after the battle], Godfrey told interviewer Walter makes the entire loss of the Indian in killed,
M. Camp in 1917, Custer interrogated the ocers as wounded, and missing not far from 300.[80]
to what Indians they had seen dead in the village, and it
was from these reports that the ocial report of Indians
Hoig points out that if true, the number would mean
killed was made up. The dead Indians on the eld were
that virtually everyone in Black Kettles village was killed
not counted by the troops then, but guessed at later, as
or captured.[47] Greene states, Custers gures were in-
ated, and the specic sources of his information remain
In his 1928 memoir, Godfrey related, After supper in unknown.[48] Hardor notes Custers revised total with
the evening, the ocers were called together and each skepticism.
one questioned as to the casualties of enemy warriors, lo-
cations, etc. Every eort was made to avoid duplications.
This new number was based on information
The total was found to be one hundred and three.[75]
obtained from two imprisoned Kiowa chiefs at
Captain Benteen stated, in annotations to his personal
Fort Cobb who faced death by hanging. In
copy of W.L. Holloways Wild Life on the Plains and Hor-
view of their predicament, it seems likely that
rors of Indian Warfare, that Custer assembled the o-
these men would have said anything to avoid
cers to inquire of each how many dead Indians each had
the gallows. But such skepticism is not war-
seen; then what each had seen were added. They had all
ranted in the case of the Washita prisoners.
seen the same dead Indians. [emphasis in original].[46]
The Cheyenne women were allowed to mingle
John Poisal and Jack Fitzpatrick, mixed-blood scouts freely with the ocers and knew many of them
attached to the Seventh Cavalry,[46] reported a dier- on an intimate basis. They were assured good
ent number of Indian casualties to scout J.S. Morrison treatment and had no apparent reason to distort
when they arrived at Fort Dodge with the Cheyenne their statements about dead kinsmen.[46]
prisoners. In a letter to Indian Agent Col. Edward W.
Wynkoop on December 14, 1868, Morrison wrote, Greene nds the Cheyenne and other Indian estimates
most reliable. He writes, As might be expected, the
John Smith, John Poysell [Poisal], and Jack
best estimates must come from the people who suered
Fitzpatrick have got in today. John S. was not
the losses, though noting, even these do not agree.[48]
in the [Washita] ght, but John P. and Jack
Utley, however, writes, Indian calculations a dozen
were. They all agree in stating that the o-
warriors and twice as many women and children killed
cial reports of the ght were very much exag-
are as improbably low as Custers are high.[81] Hoig
gerated; that there were not over twenty bucks
writes, Even though the number 103 was not arrived at
killed; the rest, about 40, were women and
by a precise battleeld count, it is a denite gure which
has already been placed on historical markers of the bat-
The Cheyenne prisoners, interviewed by Gen. Sheri- tleeld. Since it will likely never be proved absolutely
dan at Camp Supply, reported 13 Cheyenne men, two incorrect, the gure will undoubtedly remain accepted as
Sioux, and one Arapaho killed at the Washita,[46] a g- the number of Indians killed by Custer at the Washita.
ure which Sheridan subsequently reported to Bvt. Maj. History should make it clear, however, that the dead were
Gen. Nichols.[78] The journalist DeB. Randolph Keim by no means all warriors who were met in open battle and
interviewed the women prisoners with the help of inter- defeated.[82]
preter Richard Curtis. He obtained the names of those Several of the Cheyenne accounts provide names of men
killed and arrived at the same gure of 13 Cheyenne, killed at the Washita.[79][83][84][85][86] In his book on the
two Sioux, and one Arapaho killed.[79] Later information Washita, Greene provides an appendix of Known Vil-
from various Cheyenne sources, most of them indepen- lage Fatalities at the Washita. He compiled a list of
dent of each other, tended to conrm the gures given by all unique names, for a total of 40 men, 12 women (of
the Cheyenne women prisoners.[46] Few of the military whom 11 are unidentied), and six unidentied children.
reports noted casualties among the women and children. Greene notes that some individuals might have more than
Custer acknowledged in his report, In the excitement of one name, so some entries might be duplicates.[87] Using
the ght, as well as in self-defence, it so happened that the same sources, Richard G. Hardor has compiled a
some of the squaws and a few of the children were killed Composite List of Names. It partially reconciles mul-
and wounded....[44] tiple names (or multiple translations of the same name)

among the dierent sources; for example, the Mexican tions. The December 14 New York Tribune reported,
Pilan, with Indian names White Bear and Tall White Col. Wynkoop, agent for the Cheyenne and Arapa-
Man; or Bitter Man/Cranky Man, also known as Bad hos Indians, has published his letter of resignation. He
Man. Writes Hardor, Some of the dead may have regards Gen. Custers late ght as simply a massacre,
been identied by their birth name by one informant and and says that Black Kettle and his band, friendly Indi-
by their nickname by another. Variations in the trans- ans, were, when attacked, on their way to their reserva-
lation of personal names add to the confusion in the tion. The scout James S. Morrison wrote Indian Agent
identication....[88] Col. Wynkoop that twice as many women and children
as warriors had been killed during the attack.

6.2 Battle or massacre? In Custers direct frontal assault on an armed and ostensi-
bly hostile encampment, the only fatality in the 7th Cav-
alry in the ghting in the village itself was squadron com-
mander Capt. Louis Hamilton; the rest of the dead were
with the detached command of Maj. Joel Elliott, who (as
noted above) were killed more than a mile from the ght-
ing in the village.[99] Companies A and D, composed of
120 ocers and men, suered only four wounded in the
assault, and attacking Companies C and K, also totaling
120 ocers and men, suered no casualties.[99]
Historian Paul Andrew Hutton wrote, Although the ght
on the Washita was most assuredly one-sided, it was not
a massacre. Black Kettles Cheyennes were not unarmed
innocents living under the impression that they were not
at war. Several of Black Kettles warriors had recently
The Indian Campaign, an 1868 sketch by Theodore R. Davis fought the soldiers, and the chief had been informed by
Hazen that there could be no peace until he surrendered
to Sheridan. The soldiers were not under orders to kill ev-
Following the event, a controversy arose as to whether
eryone, for Custer personally stopped the slaying of non-
the event was best described as a military victory or as
combatants, and fty-three prisoners were taken by the
a massacre. This discussion endures among historians to
this day.[96]
Historian Joseph B. Thoburn considers the destruction of
The Indian Bureau described the event as a massacre of
Black Kettles village too one-sided to be called a battle.
innocent Indians, and humanitarian groups denounced it
He reasons that had a superior force of Indians attacked a
as cold-blooded butchery.[96] The Cheyenne survivors
white settlement containing no more people than were in
considered it a horrifying event that gravely impacted
Black Kettles camp, with like results, the incident would
their lives and community; the loss of many tribal elders,
doubtless have been heralded as a massacre.[96] Histo-
in particular, was profoundly damaging to Cheyenne fam-
rian Stan Hoig argues that the conict t the denition of
ilies and society. Modern Cheyenne consider the event a
a massacre because a group of people, even one in posses-
massacre and are campaigning to change the name of the
sion of weapons as the Cheyenne were, were killed in-
historical site to reect that view.[97]
discriminately, mercilessly and in large numbers.[101]
Custer himself did not consider Washita a massacre, stat-
ing that he did not kill every Indian in the village, though
he said his forces could not avoid killing a few women in
the middle of the hard ght. He said that some women 7 In popular culture
took up weapons and were subsequently killed and that he
took women and children prisoners.[98] In his book about During the late 20th century, a time of activism for Native
the encounter, published in 2004 for the National Park American and minority civil rights, and protests about
Service, historian Jerome Greene concluded that Sol- the Vietnam War, lm and other media reected changes
diers evidently took measures to protect the women and in historians perspective on the Battle of Washita River.
children.[98] They also used the event to reect on contemporary is-
By early December 1868, the attack had provoked de- sues. In the 1970 lm Little Big Man, based on the
bate and criticism in the press. In the December 9 Leav- 1964 novel by Thomas Berger, director Arthur Penn de-
enworth Evening Bulletin, an article noted: Gen. S. picted the Seventh Cavalrys attack on Black Kettles vil-
Sandford and Tappan, and Col. Taylor of the Indian lage on the Washita as a massacre resembling the 1968
Peace Commission, unite in the opinion that the late bat- My Lai massacre by U.S. troops in Vietnam.
tle with the Indians was simply an attack upon peaceful The 1991 television lm Son of the Morning Star, based
bands, which were on the march to their new reserva- on Evan S. Connell's book of the same name, pre-

sented the battle from the points of view of Kate Big- in U.S. Senate, Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, Com-
head (Cheyenne) and Elizabeth Custer. It depicted Chief municating in Compliance with the Resolution of the Sen-
Black Kettle as being killed by Custers troopers, and ate of the 14th ultimo, Information in Relation to the Late
Custers not waiting for word of Major Elliott. The fourth Battle of Washita River|. 40th Cong., 3d sess., 1869. S.
episode of the 2005 TV miniseries Into the West depicts Exec. Doc. 40. Available wholly or in part in Hoig 1980,
pp. 47-50; Custer 1874, pp. 105-107; Greene 2004, pp.
Custer attacking and Black Kettle eeing the village.
52-53; Hardor 2006, pp. 45-49.
The television series Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman aired
a special double-episode entitled Washita on April 29, [8] Greene 2004, pp. 102.
1995.[105] The episode set the scene of the Washita at- [9] Hoig 1980, p. 93.
tack in Colorado instead of Oklahoma, the site of the ac-
tual battle. It ctionalized Custer as deliberately mislead- [10] Greene 2004, pp. 103
ing Colorado settlers about the dierence between Black
[11] Hoig 1980, p. 94.
Kettle and his band, depicted as peaceful, and the Dog
Soldiers, who were attacking farms and railroad crews. [12] Hardor 2006, p. 276 note 1.
Lead character Dr. Michaela Mike Quinn made futile
attempts to argue with Custer and to warn Black Kettle [13] Hoig 1980, p. 89.
of impending massacre. [14] Hardor 2006, p. 289 note 1.
In the 2003 lm The Last Samurai,[106] Tom Cruise plays
[15] Hardor 2006, p. 307 note 9.
Captain Nathan Algren, a veteran of the 7th Cavalry of
the 1860s. His participation in the Washita action, de- [16] Hazen, W.B. (November 20, 1868). Record of a conver-
picted as a massacre, leaves him haunted by nightmares. sation held between Colonel and Brevet Major General W.
B. Hazen, U.S. Army, on special service, and chiefs of the
Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes of Indians, at Fort Cobb, In-
dian Territory, November 20, 1868. In U.S. Senate 1869,
8 See also pp. 22-23. Excerpted in Hoig 1980, pp. 89-92; Greene
2004, p. 107; Hatch 2004, p. 240; Hardor 2006, pp.
List of battles fought in Oklahoma 55-57.

Clara Blinn [17] Hardor 2006, p. 56 note 2.

[18] Hoig 1980, p. 91.

9 Notes [19] Greene 2004, pp. 106.

[20] Greene 2004, pp. 107.

[1] Black Kettle and Little Rock were the two known chiefs in
the village that was attacked, and both were killed. How- [21] Hazen, W.B. (November 22, 1868). Letter to Lt. Gen.
ever, as chiefs they were not military commanders. Ac- William T. Sherman, U.S. Army. In U.S. Senate 1869,
cording to George Bent, The whites have the wrong idea pp. 24-25
about Indian chiefs. Among the Plains Indians a chief was
[22] Hoig 1980, p. 92.
elected as a peace and civil ocer and there was no such
oce as war chief. What the whites call war chiefs were [23] Hoig 1980, p. 92-93.
only warriors of distinction.... But the Indian idea of a
chief is not a ghter, but a peace maker. Bent 1968, p. [24] Greene 2004, pp. 108-109.
[25] Greene 2004, pp. 109-110.
[2] Greene 2004, p. 111.
[26] Greene 2004, pp. 110.
[3] Greene 2004, p. 103.
[27] McCusker, Philip [U.S. interpreter for Kiowas and Co-
[4] Hoig, Stan (1979). The Battle of the Washita: the manches]. (December 3, 1868). Report to Col. Thomas
Sheridan-Custer Indian campaign of 1867-69. Lincoln, Murphy, Superintendent for Indian Aairs. In U.S.
NE: University of Nebraska Press. p. 189. ISBN 0-8032- House of Representatives 1870, pp. 7-8; Hazen 1925, pp.
2307-2. 310-311.

[5] Medicine Lodge Treaty, 1867 [28] Brill 2002, p. 137.

[29] Hardor 2006, p. 15.

[6] Moore January 19, 1897, p. 350.
[30] Greene 2004, p. 238 note 24.
[7] Report of an interview between E. W. Wynkoop, US In-
dian Agent, and Little Rock, a Cheyenne Chief Held at [31] Greene 2004, pp. 109.
Fort Larned, Kansas, August 19, 1868., Bureau of In-
dian Aairs, Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians. Published [32] Hardor 2006, p. 323.

[33] Ediger, Theodore A. and Vinnie Homan. (1955). [58] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
Some Reminiscences of the Battle of the Washita: Mov- ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
ing Behinds Story of the Battle of the Washita Chroni- (2004) p. 136
cles of Oklahoma 33(2): 137-141. Reprinted in Hardor
2006, pp. 323-328. [59] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
[34] Riggs, Stacy. (November 18, 1936). Account of Black (2004) pp. 183184
Kettles Daughter As Told To and Related by Her Son,
Stacy Riggs. In Hardor 2006, pp. 318-320. [60] Sklenar, Larry. To Hell with Honor: Custer and the Little
Bighorn, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (2000)
[35] Hardor 2006, p. 318 note 4. p. 35

[36] Stewart 2005, p. 330. [61] Custer, George Armstrong, My Life on the Plains : Or,
Personal Experiences with Indians. New York: Sheldon
[37] Hoig 1980, p. 124. and Company (1874). p. 220
[38] Greene 2004, p. 129. [62] Donovan, James, A Terrible Glory. Little, Brown and
Company (2008). pp. 6263
[39] Greene 2004, pp 128-130.
[63] Donovan, James, A Terrible Glory. Little, Brown and
[40] Lewis, 2004, p. 231
Company (2008). p. 62
[41] National Park Service, 1999.
[64] Sklenar, Larry. To Hell with Honor: Custer and the Little
[42] Greene 2004, p. 126. Bighorn, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (2000)
p. 32
[43] Greene 2004, p. 128.
[65] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
[44] Custer, George Armstrong. (November 28, 1868). Re- ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
port to Maj. Gen. P.H. Sheridan. In U.S. Senate 1869, (2004) pp. 9394
pp. 27-29; U.S. House of Representatives 1870, pp.
162-165. Reproduced in Cozzens 2003, pp. 394-397; [66] Donovan, James, A Terrible Glory. Little, Brown and
Hardor 2006, pp. 60-65. Company (2008). p. 63

[45] Sheridan, Philip H. (November 29, 1868). Report to [67] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
Brevet Maj. Gen. W.A. Nichols, Assistant Adjutant Gen- ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
eral, Military Division of the Missouri. In U.S. Senate (2004) p. 119
1869, p. 32; U.S. House of Representatives 1870, pp.
146-147. [68] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
[46] Hardor 2006, pp. 78-79, note 15. (2004) p. 189

[47] Hoig 1980, p. 200. [69] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
[48] Greene 2004, p. 136. (2004) p. 137
[49] Wert 1996, p. 276. [70] Connell, Evan S. 1984, 2004 p. 200
[50] Wert 1996, p. 275. [71] Greene, Jerome. Washita: The US Army and the South-
ern Cheyenne, 18671869. University of Oklahoma Press
[51] Hatch 2002, p. 90.
(2004) p. 184
[52] Wert 1996 p. 273.
[72] Hutton, Paul Andrew (ed.), Soldiers West: Biographies
[53] Utley, Frontier Regulars, p. 157-158. The bodies of El- from the Military Frontier. University of Nebraska Press
liott and his men were not found by the 7th Cavalry until (1987) p. 179
December 9, 1868.
[73] The Handbook of Texas Online. (2010)
[54] Fox, Richard Allan, Jr., Archeology, History and Custers
[74] Camp, Walter M. (March 3, 1917). Interview of Lt. Ed-
Last Battle. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma
ward S. Godfrey. In Hardor 2006, pp. 130-131.
Press (1993) p. 297
[75] Godfrey, Edward S. (1928). Some Reminiscences, In-
[55] Donovan, James, A Terrible Glory. Little, Brown and
cluding the Washita Battle, The Cavalry Journal 37(153):
Company (2008). p. 253.
481-500 (October). Reproduced in Hardor 2006, p.
[56] Robinson, Charles M., A Good Year to Die. Random 132-147. The quotation is found on p. 145. See also:
House Publishing (1995). p. 257 Godfrey, Edward S. (1929). The Washita Campaign,
Winners of the West 6(5-8) (AprilJuly), reproduced in
[57] Donovan, James, A Terrible Glory. Little, Brown and Cozzens 2003, pp. 339-354; an almost identical statement
Company (2008). p. 64 appears on p. 352.

[76] Hardor 2006, p. 282. [91] Grierson, Benjamin H. (April 6, 1869). Letter to John
Kirk. Excerpted in Hardor 2006, pp. 286-287.
[77] Morrison, J.S. (December 14, 1868). Letter to Col. Ed-
ward W. Wynkoop. Reproduced in full in Brill 2002, pp. [92] Colyer, Vincent. (April 9, 1869). Inspection report to
313-314. Reproduced in part in U.S. House of Represen- Felix B. Brunot, Commissioner, April 9 entry. In Report
tatives 1870, p. 11 and Hardor 2006, pp. 283-284. of the Secretary of the Interior, 41st Congress, 2nd session,
Executive Document. Excerpted in Hardor 2006, pp.
[78] Sheridan, Philip H. (December 3, 1868). Report to Brevet 367-371.
Maj. Gen. W.A. Nichols, Assistant Adjutant General,
Military Division of the Missouri. In U.S. Senate 1869, [93] Clark, Ben. (May 14, 1899). Custers Washita Fight
pp.34-35. Reproduced in Hardor 2006, pp. 275-277. (interview). New York Sun. Reproduced in Hardo 2006,
pp. 204-215; casualty estimate on p. 208.
[79] Keim, DeB. Randolph. (December 24, 1868). The In-
dian War. New York Herald. (Dispatch written from [94] Camp, Walter M. (February 8, 1909). Interview of Den-
Camp Supply, December 1, 1868). Reproduced in nis Lynch, private, 7th Cavalry. In Hardor 2006, pp.
Hardor 2006, pp. 297-398. 184-188.

[80] Custer, George Armstrong. (December 22, 1868). Re- [95] Magpie [Cheyenne]. (November 23, 1930). Interview by
port to Brevet Lt. Col. J. Schuyler Crosby. In U.S. House Charles Brill et al., September 17. Daily Oklahoman. Re-
of Representatives 1870, pp. 155-162. Reproduced in produced in Hardor 2006, pp. 302-311. Casualty esti-
Hardor 2006, pp. 66-79. mate on p. 310.

[81] Utley 2001, p. 70. [96] Hardor 2006, p. 29.

[82] Hoig 1980, p. 201. [97] Hardor 2006 p.31

[83] Bent, George. (August 28, 1913). Letter to George Hyde. [98] Greene 2004, page 189.
Reproduced in Hardor 2006, pp. 398-399. Also in
Hydes 1967 Life of George Bent, Written From His Let- [99] Hatch 2002, page 81
ters, p. 322.
[100] The Custer Reader, Norman: University of Oklahoma
[84] Grinnell, George Bird. (October 3, 1916). Letter to Press, p. 102
W.M. Camp. Reproduced in Hardor 2006, pp. 399- [101] Hardor 2006, p. 30.
400. Grinnells letter states his information comes from a
letter from George Bent written two or three years ago. [102] Little Big Man (lm). Directed by Arthur Penn. Based
The Mexican, White Bear, was a Mexican captive, pur- on novel by Thomas Berger. Written by Calder Willing-
chased by William Bent (George Bents father). Accord- ham. Produced by Stuart Millar. Performers Dustin Ho-
ing to Hardor, White Bear, also known as Pilan, was man, Faye Dunaway, Chief Dan George, Martin Balsam,
married to a Cheyenne woman and may have been a trader Richard Mulligan. Cinema Center Films, 1970.
working for Fort Cobb post trader William Grienstein.
Hardor 2006, p. 210 note 9. [103] Fuller, Graham. (March 5, 2000). Sending Out a Search
Party for the Western, New York Times, p. 2.13.
[85] Bent, George. (December 4, 1916). Letter to W.M.
Camp. Reproduced in Hardor 2006, pp. 400-401. The [104] Dancis, Bruce. (2003-5-02). A shift to the rights: Sym-
name of the Mexican killed was here given as Pilan. Ac- pathetic depiction of Indians in 'Little Big Man' is no small
cording to Hardor, Pilan, known to the Cheyenne as thing, The Sacramento Bee.
White Bear, was married to a Cheyenne woman and may
have been a trader working for Fort Cobb post trader [105] Washita. Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman (television se-
William Grienstein. Hardor 2006, p. 210 note 9. ries). CBS Broadcasting, Inc. Original broadcast April
29, 1995.
[86] Hyde 1968, p. 322.
[106] The Last Samurai (lm). Directed by Edward Zwick.
[87] Greene 2004, pp. 212-214. Written by John Logan, Edward Zwick, and Marshall
Herskovitz. Produced by Tom Cruise. Performers Tom
[88] Hardor 2006, p. 402. Cruise, Ken Watanabe. Warner Brothers, 2003.

[89] Alvord, Henry E. (December 7, 1868). Summary of In-

formation Regarding Hostile Indians, Semi-Weekly Re-
port No. 5. In U.S. Senate 1869, pp. 35-37; U.S. House 10 References
of Representatives 1870, pp. 151-153. Excerpted in
Hardor 2006, p. 268. Brill, Charles J. (2002). Conquest of the Southern
[90] Alvord, Henry E. (April 4, 1874). Letter to W.B. Hazen. Plains; Uncensored Narrative of the Battle of the
Hazen 1925, pp. 310-311. Excerpted in Hardor 2006, Washita and Custers Southern Campaign. Norman,
p. 269. Here, Alvord added one warrior killed to those OK: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-8061-
originally estimated killed in his December 1868 intelli- 3416-X. Originally published in 1938 (Oklahoma
gence report. City, OK: Golden Saga Publishers).

Blinn, Richard. (1868). Richard Blinn Diary: Tran- Hatch, Thom. (2004). Black Kettle: The Cheyenne
script. MMS 1646 mf. Bowling Green, OH: Bowl- Chief Who Sought Peace but Found War. Hoboken,
ing Green State University, Center for Archival Col- NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-44592-4.
Hatch, Thom. (2002). The Custer Compan-
Connell, Evan S. (1984). Son of the Morning Star: ion: A Comprehensive Guide to the Life of George
Custer and the Little Bighorn. New York: North Armstrong. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Point Press. ISBN 978-0-86547-160-3. ISBN 0-8117-0477-7.

Cozzens, Peter, ed. (2003). Eyewitnesses to the In- Hazen, W.B. (1874). Some Corrections of 'Life
dian Wars, Volume Three: Conquering the South- on the Plains.'" St. Paul, MN: Ramaley & Cun-
ern Plains. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. ningham. Reprinted with editorial introduction in
ISBN 0-8117-0019-4. Chronicles of Oklahoma 3(4): 295-318 (December
Custer, George Armstrong. (1874). My Life on the
Hoig, Stan. (1980). The Battle of the Washita: The
Plains: Or Personal Experiences With the Indians.
Sheridan-Custer Indian Campaign of 1867-69. Lin-
New York: Sheldon and Company. Also available
coln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 0-
online from Kansas Collection Books.
8032-7204-9. Previously published in 1976 (Gar-
Frost, Lawrence A. (1990). The Custer Album: A den City, NY: Doubleday). ISBN 0-385-11274-2.
Pictorial Biography of General George A. Custer. Hyde, George E. (1968). Life of George Bent Writ-
Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN ten from His Letters. Ed. by Savoie Lottinville. Nor-
0-8061-2282-X. Originally published 1964. man, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-
Garlington, E. A. (1896). The Seventh Regi-
ment of Cavalry. In Theophilus F. Rodenboguh and Lewis, Jon E., ed. (2004). The Mammoth Book
William L. Haskin, eds. The Army of the United of Native Americans: The Story of Americas Origi-
States: Historical Sketches of Sta and Line with Por- nal Inhabitants in All Its Beauty, Magic, Truth, and
traits of Generals-in-Chief. New York: Maynard, Tragedy. New York: Carroll & Graf. ISBN 0-7867-
Merrill, & Co., pp. 251257. Online version dated 1290-2.
October 30, 2002 through the United States Army
Center of Military History, retrieved on June 29, Michno, Gregory F. (2003). Encyclopedia of In-
2007. dian Wars: Western Battles and Skirmishes 1850-
1890. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing
Godfrey, Edward S. (1928). Extract of Narra- Company. ISBN 0-87842-468-7.
tive Account 1928. Richard G. Hardor, ed.
Washita Memories: Eyewitness Views of Custers At- Michno, Gregory F. (200512). Cheyenne Chief
tack on Black Kettles Village (Norman, OK: Univer- Black Kettle. Wild West (magazine). Retrieved
sity of Oklahoma Press, 2006), 132146. Originally through on June 28, 2007.
published in The Cavalry Journal, October 1928. Moore, Horace L. (January 19, 1897). The Nine-
teenth Kansas Cavalry in the Washita Campaign.
Greene, Jerome A. (2004). Washita, The Southern
Address before the 21st annual meeting of the
Cheyenne and the U.S. Army. Campaigns and Com-
Kansas State Historical Society. Kansas Historical
manders Series, vol. 3. Norman, OK: University of
Collections, vol. VI. Reprinted in Chronicles of Ok-
Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-8061-3551-4.
lahoma 2(4): 350-365 (December 1924).
Grinnell, George Bird. (1972). The Battle of the National Park Service. (1999-11). The Story of the
Washita, 1868. pp. 3749 in Richard Ellis, ed., Battle of the Washita, Washita Battleeld National
The Western American Indian: Case Studies in Tribal Historic Site, National Park Service.
History. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
ISBN 0-8032-0804-9. National Park Service. (August 10, 2006).
Frequently Asked Questions, Washita Battleeld
Grinnell, George Bird. (1983). The Fighting National Historic Site, National Park Service.
Cheyennes. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma
Press. First published 1914. ISBN 1-58218-390-2. Moore, Horace L. (January 19, 1897). The Nine-
teenth Kansas Cavalry in the Washita Campaign.
Hardor, Richard G., compiler & editor (2006). Address before the 21st annual meeting of the
Washita Memories: Eyewitness Views of Custers At- Kansas State Historical Society. Kansas Historical
tack on Black Kettles Village. Norman, OK: Univer- Collections, vol. VI. Reprinted in Chronicles of Ok-
sity of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-8061-3759-2. lahoma 2(4): 350-365 (December 1924).

New York Times, November 27 December 8, 1868. 11 External links

Roenigk, Adolph. (1933). Pioneer History of Washita Battleeld National Historic Site, U.S. Na-
Kansas. (Lincoln, KS:) A. Roenigk. Through tional Park Service
Kansas Collection Books.
HistoryNet Historical articles (including Michnos
Stewart, Richard W., editor. (2005). Winning the article on Black Kettle)
West: The Army in the Indian Wars 1865-1890.
Chapter 14 in American Military History, Volume 1:
The United States Army and the Forging of a Nation,
1775-1917, pp. 321340. Washington, DC: United
States Army, Center of Military History. CMH Pub
3021. pp. 328331 includes a brief account of the
Armys campaigns in the southern plains, including
the Battle of Washita River.

United States Army Center of Military History.

(October 3, 2003). Named Campaigns Indian
Wars. Washington, DC: United States Army, Cen-
ter of Military History. Retrieved on July 6, 2007.

U.S. House of Representatives. (1870). Diculties

with Indian Tribes. 41st Congress, 2nd session,
House Executive Document 240.

U.S. Senate. (1869a). Letter of the Secretary of

the Interior, Communicating, in Compliance with the
Resolution of the Senate of the 14th ultimo, Infor-
mation in Relation to the Late Battle of the Washita
River. 40th Congress, 3rd Session, 1869, Senate Ex-
ecutive Document 13.

U.S. Senate. (1869b). Documents Related to the In-

dian Battle on the Washita River in November 1868.
40th Congress, 3rd Session, 1869, Senate Executive
Document 18.

Utley, Robert M. (2001). Cavalier in Buckskin:

George Armstrong Custer and the Western Military
Frontier, rev. ed. Norman, OK: University of Okla-
homa Press. ISBN 0-8061-3387-2.

(1973). Frontier Regulars: The United States

Army and the Indian 1866-1891, McMillan Publish-
ing. Bison Press 1984 edition: ISBN 0-8032-9551-

Wert, Jery D. (1996). Custer: The Controversial

Life of George Armstrong Custer, New York: Simon
and Schuster. ISBN 0-684-81043-3.

White, Richard. (1991). Its Your Misfortune and

None of My Own": A New History of the American
West. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
ISBN 0-8061-2567-5.

Wilson, Hill P. (1904). Black Kettles Last Raid.

Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society 8:

12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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12.2 Images
File:Battle_of_Washita_map.gif Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Custer{}s_Washita_prisoners_at_Fort_Dodge,_1868.jpg Source:
57/Custer%27s_Washita_prisoners_at_Fort_Dodge%2C_1868.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Bonhams Original artist:
File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
File:Flag_of_Oklahoma.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:General_Custer_Marching_to_Cheyenne_Village_1868.jpg Source:
General_Custer_Marching_to_Cheyenne_Village_1868.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from [1] Original artist:
Harpers weekly, v. 12, 1868 Dec. 19, p. 804.
File:Red_pog.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Seventh_Cavalry_Charging_Black_Kettle_s_Village_1868.jpg Source:
Seventh_Cavalry_Charging_Black_Kettle_s_Village_1868.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from [1] Original artist:
Harpers weekly, v. 12, 1868 Dec. 19, p. 804.
File:The_Indian_campaign.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: Davis, Theodore R.
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map.svg License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Alexrk
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main Contributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original artist: No machine-
readable author provided. Jacobolus assumed (based on copyright claims).
File:Washita_Massacre_Site.jpg Source: License:
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cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: 7mike5000

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