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Why are researchers afraid of politics?

Shah A. A.

Assistant Professor of Structural Geology, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei.


Being in science for most of my adulthood I have somehow felt, and realized that
scientists, mostly, prefer not to associate with politics. This sounds strange but it is
strangely true. And reasons for this choice may vary but it appears that funding and
rewards are the two most influencing facets to it. Every serious scientific investigation
needs funding, and fortunately or unfortunately these funds are often locked behind
political locks, and the keys are usually with politicians. Thus, when a scientist applies for
funding it can only be approved if it satisfies a number of conditions set by a government.
And these conditions serve as keys to funding, and politicians make sure to share these
vital keys only with people who they can tame easily. This is the stage where genuine
science has to die a terrible death. As it entails compromise, which will always work
against the credibility of science. It seems this is one of the major reasons for failure of
scientific community to get organized on a global scale. That could also be one of the
major reasons to argue why science has not taken a proactive role plus responsibility in
minimizing the destructive policies of various governments in the modern world.

Ideally politics and science go hand in glove. So, scientists should preferably take
a very strong position in political decisions. Why not. If good science tries to make life
comfortable on the planet Earth and if bad politics completely destroys that very vision
then what shall we achieve by our sincerity and hard work. The fact remains politics
cannot be ruled-out from any scientific discourse but unfortunately researchers largely
remain at distance from political arenas fearing funding problems, and conflicts with the
established political spheres. This is also one of the reasons why retired scientists often
speak openly against government policies! But, alas, it is too late to turn. This clearly
suggests that because of fear, I reckon, scientists have often taken minimum-to-no-role
in political decisions. And this deserves utmost attention as it has serious implications for
the entire humanity and the role of humans on our planet and beyond.

Now, I ask you, is global warming going to create more havoc than what we are
already witnessing around us; look at the scale of sheer devastation in Iraq, which is still
considered as one of the culturally rich places in the world, and people are famous for
kindness, hospitality and love. History books will consider the decision to invade Iraq as
one of the most brutal realities of the modern world. This is because it was based on lack
of sincere, credible, and responsible information, and therefore it resulted in an
unthinkable devastation of an entire country, and most importantly with it the present level
of humanity, which is said to have achieved milestones in progression and wellbeing of
entire humans on the planet. Well, we know how much we have progressed, and where
we stand, we cant deceive ourselves! Look at Iraq again, and the fact that Iraq war was
absolutely based on mere deception is outrageous as it questions our claims of progress,
wellbeing, and the assertion of being the torchbearers of one of the most civilized species
on the planet. In 2013 one of the reports published in the newspaper The Telegraph
says Much of the key intelligence that was used to justify the war was based on
fabrication, wishful thinking and lies - and as subsequent investigations showed, it was
dramatically wrong. Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

So the war that was started on false grounds has taken a huge toll on humanity.
Until now the total number of documented civilians killed in the ongoing war are estimated
to be about 173,319 193,520 (source: And
this does not include the combatants. This war has created painful memories, traumatized
childhood, mass-executions and appalling acts of violence. Most dreadfully and
regretfully, as is true to all previous wars, women were raped in the most horrendous and
vicious way possible. Data from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR), the UN Refugee Agency, shows that more than 3 million Iraqi people have left
their homes, and have taken shelter in relatively stable parts of the country since the start
of 2014. Another more than 220,000 people are reported to have fled Iraq and have taken
refuge in other countries. The political forces responsible for fabricating lies that led to
Iraq war are still rooming freely. No concrete action has been taken against them and
therefore, they are contiguously posing threat to the world peace. Same forces are now
actively engaged in destroying another sovereign country in the Middle East, Syria, as
exactly similar war mongering rhetoric is evident that had followed Iraq destruction.

Now that we have enough of credible and substantial evidence to support that Iraq
war was based on solid lies therefore who will bring that country back to normal, and who
will take responsibility for the loss of life, property, and total devastation that has ruined
the entire country and its inhabitants. It is impossible to bring back peace to that country
except if we all work together and work for justice. If we dont unite against the evil forces
now then in near future we will surely take this planet into an unprecedented destruction.
Therefore, it is time to realize that indisputable signs of future devastation are at our
doorsteps, and we are probably waiting for a full-scale nuclear war that could end this
world, and it may happen much before climate change or global warming can severely
impact us. At the same breath it is pertinent to ask why scientists are mainly concerned
about the incoming effects of climate change than with the ongoing wars where lives of
millions of people are at stake. Isnt it ironical that most of the scientists work hard to
somehow bring smile on peoples faces; for example a doctor works to bring back life
from a dying patient, or an earthquake scientist aims to achieve a simple goal, and that
is how to save people from earthquake hazards, but paradoxically when it comes to
political wars why do we largely pretend to be lifeless and dead at heart?
Colleagues, it is high time for the entire humanity, and particularly good and
responsible researchers to work out a comprehensive plan to bring much needed peace
on the planet. Let us forget about funding fears and let us join hands to work for the
integrity and welfare of this planet that we have watered from centuries of our hard work.
Truth will freed one, and we ought to work for it, and not against it. This planet needs a
sincere, hardworking, open-minded, and responsible breed of scientists to form a rigorous
international review board about wars, and conflicts. Any political conflict in the world
should pass through such a review board so that any political decision or action is taken
with utmost care, love, affection, sincerity and based on factual evidence. This is the only
way researchers could contribute in bringing justice and peace in the world. Otherwise
we will keep repeating Iraq. And if entire research community is mainly busy with their
own research and they dont bother about politics then please understand and mark my
words that time will come when either we will be bombed in our expensive laboratories or
we ought to leave behind everything that we have achieved in our lifetime, and run for
life. Choice is ours.

(Slightly modified version published in Rising Kashmir, 12th April 2017).

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