City Cooperation Final 2 Tom Lisec Report 2007

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Special Report on Areas of Cooperation

Between the City of Fridley

and the Fridley School District

The purpose of this special report is to highlight ways in

which the two major governmental units in Fridley
cooperate for the benefit of the community and its people.

When times are difficult and resources are short, it is

tempting to want to eat the other fellows lunch. That
attitude shouldnt appear here because this report
underscores the importance and strength of the bonds that
connect the City and School District of Fridley. There is
much to be gained by this continued mutual support and
spirit of cooperation. This report shows how it works.

Prepared by
Tom Lisec, Community Education Director
Jack Kirk, Park and Recreation Director
with input
from City and School District Staff Members

January 2007
Special Report on Areas of Cooperation
Between the City of Fridley
and the Fridley School District

City Parks and Recreation and District Community Education

The City Parks and Recreation Department and the School District
Community Education Department serve many of the same groups of
residents sometimes independently and sometimes cooperatively. This is
most evident at the Fridley Community Center which was created as a joint
effort of the City and the District, and which continues to function in ways
that serve both. Here are some examples of ways in which City and School
District touch:

The City and the District cooperate in a number of youth programs. For
example, the Districts school age care program - Kids Key Club - shares
space after school with City youth enrichment programs at Hayes and
Stevenson Elementary Schools. The Key Club provides extended care for
kids in City programs, and the City gives discounts to Key Club kids in its
classes. Similar cooperation exists in summer programs at the Fridley
Community Center. After-school and summer programs for young teens are
provided through the Citys Zone and the Districts Tigers Lair. Also, Early
Childhood Family Education staff partner with City staff on community
events such as Lights on After School, Winter Fest, and Penny Carnival.

The City offers a multitude of senior citizen programs and youth programs
at the Fridley Community Center under a joint powers agreement which
involves payments by the City to the District based on the buildings overall
operating costs. This agreement was made possible because of the Citys
contribution to the Centers expansion a number of years ago.

The City uses other District facilities, such as gymnasiums, at no cost for a
variety of programs serving many age groups. Typical examples of these
activities include Mens Basketball at Fridley Middle School, Volleyball and
Open Gym at Hayes Elementary School, and Gymnastics at the High
School. The City pays for building monitors when appropriate.
Parks and Recreation and Community Education (continued)

The City charges a program fee to use the Zone (located on the lower level
of the Fridley Community Center) to local residents on Saturday for
structured youth activities. The City provides supervision and staff for these
events, and District custodians clean the space. The City keeps the program
fees for these activities. Other Community Center rentals are handled by the
Community Education Department which keeps that rental income.

The City uses the Fridley High School Auditorium at no charge for its
Safety Camp and covers the Districts out-of-pocket expenses for that

City staff can directly access the Districts computer-aided scheduling

software rSchool Today to book Park and Recreation activities as well as
Fridley Youth Sports Association games. This arrangement provides great
efficiency on several levels. Community Education staff typically schedule
Senior Center activities in the Community Center. The District provides
internet access for the computer in Senior Center.

District staff members in the FCC office provide support for the Senior
Citizen program. For example, staff members sort mail, sign for packages,
answer phone calls relating to senior events, and direct people to the Senior
Center. In addition, District staff members assist with some of the Senior
Centers major events. Staff and volunteers in the Senior Center office
respond in kind as they are able.

The Senior Center uses the FCC fax machine because the Senior Citizen
program paid for part of it. The District provides Xerox paper in the copy
room for occasional use by the Senior Citizen program.
Joint Efforts to Maintain Facilities

Under the agreement between the City and School District for the operation
of the Fridley Community Center, the District provides the following
custodial support:

Daily congregate dining set-up, tear-down, and kitchen cleaning.

Daily program set-up and tear-down in various rooms.
Support for major functions, events, and dinners.
Zone cleaning after City programs and rental activities.
Repairs to tables, chairs, and equipment.
Trouble-shooting and repair on heating and cooling systems.
Cleaning of Senior Center office.
Painting, carpet shampoo, and floor waxing as needed.
Paper products and cleaning supplies.
Pest control service.
Snow removal in parking lots.
Snow shoveling of sidewalks and entry ways.
Lawn maintenance and irrigation system operation.
Security system: keys, cameras, monitoring equipment.
Elevator maintenance and repair.
Outdoor light bulbs for building and light posts in parking lots.
Maintenance and repair of kitchen equipment.

The City has also been willing to help keep the Community Center building
in good repair, most recently with a new paint job for some exterior duct
work which was completed this fall. The City and the School District have
further understandings and agreements of long-standing on mutual support
for facility maintenance. This cooperation has taken the following forms:

The City provides lighting at District tennis courts.

The City prepares the skating oval at the District track.
The City maintains ice skating rinks at District elementary schools.
The City provides salt and sand for District use in winter.
The City permits the District to plow snow onto City property.
The City provides its aerial lift truck to maintain District lighting.
Other Forms of Cooperation

The Citys Springbrook Nature Center provides a great environmental

learning experience for Fridleys elementary students and middle
schoolers. The Districts schools pay an annual fee to cover a portion
of the costs for this educational opportunity.

The Citys Commons Park is truly a community facility. The District

uses its ball fields, soccer fields, and shelters for a variety of curricular
and extra-curricular activities throughout the year.

City staff made significant contributions of time and materials in the

construction of elementary school playgrounds.

District and City ball fields are jointly maintained on a large scale.
For example, the City invested substantially in the construction of a
soccer field and has helped with a number of other Middle School
projects. In addition, costs of irrigation compressor rental are shared.

The Fridley Police Department provides a uniformed officer at Fridley

High School. The City and the District share the cost of this position,
and both agree on the mutual benefits of the arrangement.

District and City staff confer on emergency school closings.

School Board meetings are conducted at Fridley City Hall so the

District can take advantage of the Citys broadcast and recording
capabilities. The District covers the cost of the technicians for this.

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