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To Whom It May Concern:

I have had the great pleasure of having Maritza in my U.S. History class and as a TA in
my Freshman Seminar course for the last year and half at NOVA Academy Early College High
School. Within the last year and half I have witnessed Maritza grow both as an individual and
academically. She has proven to be a great role model for many students in both of my classes
and has gained other students trust and respect by showing to them that if they require help she
is willing to provide it for them at any cost.

Maritza is a great critical thinker and she always worked to the best of her abilities on
every assignment in my class. Additionally, she was always willing to provide any assistance to
other students in class and when some of her classmates were falling behind in some of their
assignments she was willing to help them finish their assignments. Maritza's great academic
performance did not happen only in my class, but she has done so well academically in several of
her other classes that she received the Soaring Eagle Award in 2015 and Honor Roll in 2017 and
2013. Additionally, Maritza participated in the College Initiative, a college and career prep
program that prepares them to pass the ACT/SAT test. Lastly, Maritza has been participating in
G.L.O.W Girls, a program that empowers girls by allowing them to participate in arts, crafts, and
getting involved in the community.

I am very proud to have had Maritza as a student in my classes, she is the type of student
that every teacher dreams of having in their classroom. I truly appreciate Maritza's contribution
to my classes and respect her points of view and ideas. Additionally, I would like to point out that
Maritza never gives up when she realizes that changes need to be made both in her academic and
personal life.

To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Maritza Diaz. If you
have any further questions regarding Maritza's ability or this recommendation, please do not
hesitate to contact me at (714) 337-1571.

Ms. Laura Ramirez


Social Studies Teacher

NOVA Academy Early College High School
500 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

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