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By: Paul Sickinger

Client: Martin Fletcher
Email Correspondence
with Mr. Fletcher
Sickinger, Paul A.

Thu 2/16, 5:59 PM
Good Evening Mr. Fletcher,

My name is Paul Sickinger and I have been assigned as your financial Advisor for the remainder
of the semester. My goal is the assist each of my clients with their saving, spending, debt
management etc. in order to create a financially sound and responsible post-graduation
spending plan.

I would like to meet with you in person next week to gather information about your financial
situation, review your spending spreadsheet and offer suggestions. What days and times are
convenient for you to meet next week?

Remember to bring a copy of your spending spreadsheet to the consultation.

I look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

Paul Sickinger
Nichols College
Class of 2018

Fletcher, Martin F.

Thu 2/16, 6:01 PM
Sickinger, Paul A.

Hello Paul,
Would meeting next Wednesday afternoon work? Any time after 1:30 is good for me.
Sickinger, Paul A.

Thu 2/16, 6:04 PM
Mr. Fletcher,

Does Wednesday at 3:45pm in Jasmines Cafe work for you?


Paul Sickinger
Nichols College
Class of 2018

Fletcher, Martin F.

Thu 2/16, 6:06 PM
Sickinger, Paul A.

Fletcher, Martin F.;
Sickinger, Paul A.

Wed 2/22/2017 1:45p - 2:45p

Where: Jazmins Cafe

(Martin sent me an invitation via email that was put directly into my calendar on my phone. This
confirmed our meeting)
Sickinger, Paul A.

Tue 3/21, 9:15 AM
Mr. Fletcher,

It was a pleasure to meet with you on February, 22nd to discuss your financial situation, review
your spending spreadsheet and offer suggestions.

I was very impressed that you have paid off your student loans already. In regards to your new
car, I see no reason why a client like you would struggle to pay it off in these next 4 years.

I would like to meet again this week to offer more suggestions and gather some additional
information on your financial situation. Does Thursday at 3:45pm in Jasmines Cafe work for


Paul Sickinger
Nichols College
Class of 2018

Fletcher, Martin F.

Tue 3/21, 9:52 AM

Sickinger, Paul A.

Hello Paul,
That works perfectly, I look forward to seeing you!

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