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1. I would like to meet Miley Cyrus because I am her biggest fan, I have followed her
career since her first performance as Hannah Montana, I know all her songs and I love
them, my dream is to meet her and ask for her autograph.

2. I hope to visit the Cataract of Ahuashiyacu in Tarapoto and enjoy the local food, to know
new cultures, to navigate the Amazon River, and to make new friends

3. I hope to visit Miami Beach for its luxurious hotels, its luxurious environments and that
have been the scene of many of my favorite movies, besides I would put into practice my
knowledge of English.

4. I going to see my friends today and we'll run in the morning in the morning, after this
we'll go to English classes, when we'll leave classes we will go to eat our favorite dish and
in the night we will go to a concert of my favorite band.

5. I would like to meet Pepe Mujica because I admire his simplicity in his way of living and
his wisdom, I think he has been a great president in his country and in our country we
need politicians like him.

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