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Criteria D: Evaluation

Testing Methods
My specifications (Check)
The leaflet must use Global environmental Issues that I chose at criteria A to be appealing to the
target audience.
The leaflet needs to contain an environmental issue because our purpose of the unit is to spread
The Leaflet is for school community so I need to use simple and informative words.
This product is perfectly safe because its just a leaflet it doesnt harm anyone.
The product should be size just good to see.
Function of this leaflet is to spread awareness.
Success Criteria that i think
Criteria C because we were designing the leaflet and i liked that
because we were doing it on laptop

My Final Product:
Design Specification Yes/No

Appearance of leaflet (Color, font, relevant Yes

images and pictures, size, spacing, use of
bullet points and tick boxes)

Clear and positive title Yes

specific to comments Yes

Style (Language) (Easy to understand, Yes

check for jargon, check for wordiness,
check for formality)

Purpose (Audience of leaflet; what level of Yes

information will be provided

Involvement of service-users (Who and yes

how; discussed potential barriers; discussed
format, content, style and accessibility)

Examples (if relevant), to explain what you Yes


Survey to Peers
peer evaluation survey
Question Grade 1-5

ksitij Krishiv Advait Bhuvan

5 2 5 2
4 2 5 3
3 3 3 4
4 3 2 3

coments =
Krishiv You need to add a
lot more info. The
pictures are not very
interesting. It is
really very short.
Add more content.
Advait U need to write more
information and add
pictures but rest all
were excellent.
bhuvan Iwt was good but
you could have done
Ksitij it was very good

Survey Table

Evaluation form global environmental change

Thank you for your valuable feedback

Name of developer-srikaran date-

Your name-anush

Your class 5C

How would you rate my leaflet

Poor average good very good excellent

Please describe what you have learnt

Please rate the following specific aspect

Poor Average Good Very Excellen
good t

Content You need

to work
on it.

Layout good

Background Its brigt

Image Keep a

Font You can

keep it a
bit big

Understanding You can

add a
way to
Poor Average Good Very Excellen
good t

Content details

Layout understa

Background Really

Image good

Font good

Understanding Good

How do you feel can any improvement can have been done
The font should have been big

Bigger font and more information

Feed back or reflection
____________it was good but more contant

Thank you for filling my evaluation form

Friend Name:
Friend Name:
Improvements= i could have added bit more information and

Survey to target audience

Feedback form
Survey Results
Improvement that i could make next time
Comparing final product with Design Cycle:

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