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Technique Feats Prerequisite Benefit

Advanced Seal Proficiency Fuinjutsu 6 ranks You can learn Advanced Seal techniques
Blood Pact Various You can summon creatures of a specific type.
Chakra Penetration Gain a +2 bonus to overcome Chakra resistance
Greater Chakra Penetration Chakra Penetration Gain an additional +2 bonus to overcome Chakra resistance
Combat Tactics - +4 Concentration when using a technique defensively
Dense Chakra Con 13, Chakra Pool 20+ Your techniques are harder to dispel and disrupt
You can ignore the material components for
Elemental Specialization Chakra Control 12, Ninjutsu 15
techniques of a chosen element.
Eyes of Divination Sense Motive 8, Attentive You can learn the Kaigan technique
Fuinjutsu Adept - You are especially adept at Fuinjutsu techniques
Genjutsu Adept - You are especially adept at Genjutsu techniques
Gouken Taijutsu 4 You can learn Gouken techniques without penalty
Grand Master Technique-related skill 4* +6 to all attempts to master techniques
Hand Seals Proficiency You can perform hand seals while holding a small object
Harmony Chakra Control 5 You are especially adept at Chakra control techniques
Initiate of the Eight Celestial Gates Str, Dex or Con 15 You can learn Hachimon Tonkou techniques
Ninjutsu Adept You are especially adept at Ninjutsu techniques
Retrieval Expert Ninjutsu 9 You can learn spacetime techniques without penalties
Sealweaver Int 13 You can learn Fuinjutsu techniques without penalty
Shadow Arts Hide 5, Ninjutsu 5 You can learn Shadow ninjutsu techniques
Taijutsu Adept You are especially adept at Taijutsu techniques
Technique Focus 6 ranks in relevant skill You are more proficient with one specific technique
Training You can learn Training techniques without penalty

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