Day 3 Task

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Day 3 Task

Reframing behavioural characteristics:

Table 4: Reframing Behavioural Characteristics

Discuss the general behavioural characteristics of all the children in your class with the
class teacher and record these in table form. E.g. Table 4 below.

Table 3: Example Reframing Behavioural Characteristics Record Sheet

Name of General behavioural Reframed Suggestions to
child characteristics help improve
1 Anna She always knocks over other She may want to join in
childrens constructions or tries with other childrens
to destroy other childrens art play but may not know
work how to ask

She may be frustrated

because she does not
know how to play with
the materials or
complete her own art
2 Obaid He talks when he is He is expressive. To make free
supposed to be He effectively discussions in the
listening. conveys his classroom and
He is mouthy and thoughts and allow him to talk
talkative. feelings. freely.
To make him the
class monitor or
leader to keep
everyone quoet in
the class.
3 Hamada She is always talking with She doesn't Activity related
students and doesn't listen understand the talking.
to the teacher. teacher while she is
4 Zayna She is shy and quiet. She is thoughtful. To give her a turn
when there is a read
aloud time.
5 Hour She is sleeping in the class. She doesn't know Encourage her
in the class when focus in the class
the teacher with sleep.
explains. To give her
She doesn't activity.
focus in the
Day 3 Task

Table 6: Mathematical resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer

List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school

Mathematical Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be Exploring on possible activities to

Resources found in developed with it. develop mathematical skills and concepts
the preschool using these materials

Unfix cubes Counting. Describe how this activity will be conducted

using these resources
Comparing size and ordering
bigger / longer, smaller, shorter. Numbers as Labels and for Counting:
Sorting. Calculating
Shape, space and measures:
Making pattern.
Students will be able to count.
Measuring length & weight.
Students will be able to sort
Identifying colors.
according to color.

Numbers as Labels and for Counting

Abacus Counting, Calculating:
Shape, space and measures:
Comparing size bigger / more,
Students will be able to count the
smaller, less.
number and move the beads in a
Identifying colors.
row one by one from left and
Students will be able to sort
according to color by name.

Numbers as Labels and for Counting:

Foam shapes Counting Calculating:
Shape, space and measures:
Comparing size bigger / smaller
Students will be able to able shapes
Ordering, sequencing, creating
part as forms.
Naming shapes: circle, square,
rectangle and triangle.
Naming colors: red, blue, yellow
and green.
Day 3 Task

Numbers as Labels and for Counting:

Math sticks Sorting, Calculating
Shape, space and measures:
Students will be able to count the
Naming shapes.
Students will be able to count
create the object.
Students will be able to follow the
pattern. For example, first red next
yellow before blue math sticks

Number puzzle
wooden Counting Students will be able to count the
Identifying color. number.
Children start by putting the first
number to the last number. For
example, the kids put number 1 to

Number plastic Identifying color. Students will be able to count the
Sorting. number.
Day 3 Task

Math Observation

Explain what concept the children worked on

- What resources did they use?

- How did the children learn?
- Did they work individually, in pairs or as a group?
- What did you do?

Unfix cubes.

They used unfix cubes. They are useful for a variety of math concepts,
inducing number sense, geometry, and measurement.
The learning is unfixing cubes. They began the pattern by placing cubes on
the colored squares. Then they named the pattern (white, black, white,
black..etc.). The learn to compare size such as taller /shorter, more/less.
Also, they can count while they play.
The children work individually not the group. I helped children build cubes,
and I ask the question for students about the arranged color.
Day 3 Task

They used the abacus. It can be used to count and color for kids. There
are many ways to teach numbers and math to kids. It has colorful beads
to make learning exciting while the child uses the sense of touch. The
children can count the number.
The students work individually. I give number then the student used an
abacus to count the number, and I help them.

Foam shapes
They used foam shapes. The children are learning name shapes such as
circle, square, rectangle and triangle, and colors. They used to pattern
and counted. The students work individually. I ask students about
specific shapes.

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