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Hosokugan (Capture Eye)


Image Capture: The Hosokugan grants an infallible memory that records any image seen
through the eyes and stores it indefinitely. This ability takes no chakra, cannot be turned off
(although it does not actively work while the user is asleep), and is granted to the user the
moment they open their eyes after birth. This means that each natural user of the
Hosokugan remembers every visual moment of their childhood with perfect clarity. The
Hosokugan does not affect any other sense. Sounds, smells, and other tactile memories are
subject to normal memory degradation.

Chakra Capture: The most basic learned ability of the Hosokugan is the Chakra Capture.
The eye's abilities, like all Djutsu, are powered by chakra. The Hosokugan is unique in that
it does not implicitly need to use the wielder's chakra for its advanced abilities, and can,
instead, absorb ambient energy from the atmosphere in order to perform techniques. This is
done through concentration and by focusing the eye to the 'vibrations' of the energy,
allowing for efficient capture. The speed of the absorption depends on the amount of chakra
in the atmosphere and the skill of the user. If powerful Jutsu have recently been used in
proximity to the Hosokugan, the amount of chakra left in the area is higher, allowing for a
more hefty capture. Only skilled or masterful users can attune themselves to these
energies, absorb them, and use them while performing other tasks. Most require something
akin to meditation, and this is often how the technique is introduced to young members of
the Hirama Clan. This technique gives off no observable signs of its use, although unskilled
'capture' of large amounts of ill-tuned chakra can result in temporary blindness or even the
sudden loss of consciousness.

Charms: The Hosokugan, upon eye contact with a target, is capable of using high-level
Genjutsu that trick the victim into believing that they are being either 'caged', 'transformed',
or 'assaulted' by various materials. The exact materials used varies from person to person
based on training, wing of the Hirama Clan, and even personal preference. The actual
application of the technique is similar regardless of the material-focus of the charm. A 'cage'
charm makes the victim believe that they are being physically trapped by some amount of
the material, making them or a part of them immobile. The 'transformation' charm tricks
the victim into thinking they are, in fact, becoming that material, making them anything
from heavier to stronger to brittle in their own perception, depending on the charm's
intention. The 'assault' charm creates the illusion of attack, making the victim believe that
some form or shape of the material is physically assaulting them, from metal kunai to
diamond hail to mud snakes. Each of these illusions is extremely powerful and requires
high-level techniques or extreme willpower to negate.

Examples of such techniques and their naming conventions are: Charm: Steel Cage, Charm:
Obsidian Transformation, and Charm: Sand Assault.

Curses: Only extremely proficient users of the Hosokugan can gain access to the curses,
and doing so means that they have taken on a level of power that few others can mimic. It
takes tremendous skill and focus in order to perform any of these abilities, and failure to do
them correctly almost invariably ends in an overload of chakra into the eyes, causing
permanent blindness. These extreme Genjutsu techniques allow the user to not only trick
the minds of their victims, but their cells, forcing changes within their organs that are far
more than simple illusions. This can often result in immediate death, although affecting
chakra-centers (gates) like the mind, heart, and stomach is extremely difficult and takes a
true master. More commonly, the curses are used to create weak-points that are easy to
exploit, such as a turning a patch of skin into wood and breaking through it. It can also be
used on allies to various beneficial effects. The curses are often unique to the user, their
preferences, and their abilities. The curse is only temporary, ending upon the willing release
of chakra from the Hosokugan. Afterwards, the cells revert to their old state, although by
then, damage can often be permanent to surrounding systems.

Examples of such techniques and their naming conventions are: Curse: Liver of Glass,
Curse: Brain of Stone, or Curse: Skin of Iron.

Surgan (Piercing-Through Eye)


Piercing Eye: The first ability of the Surgan is unlocked the moment that the eye activates
through a period of intense focus. By channeling chakra through the eye, the user gains
telescopic vision. At first, this ability allows for a zoom-like effect that can focus on distant
points up to a few hundred feet away, making them appear as if they were within grabbing
distance. Through rigorous training in concentration, oftentimes painful to the muscles
around the eyes, this distance can increase to astounding levels. The ancient masters of the
Akaike Clan were said to have been able to stand upon a mountaintop and count the tea
leaves in a cup over a hundred kilometers away. This extreme vision takes a small amount
of chakra to activate, but is actually muscular in its use, allowing it to function even if the
user's chakra is low or stunted due to an outside force.

Through Eye: The second ability of the Surgan is developed through training with chakra
control and precision, sometimes taking a few years before it becomes functional. Once the
basics have been mastered it allows the Surgan to see through solid material to observe
objects on the other side. The amount and density of the material determines how much
chakra is required in order to maintain the sight. Where the ability was first used, up within
the mountains, this technique allowed Surgan users to track enemies through stone, and
combined with the Piercing Eye, gave them an unmatched ability to scout positions from a
distance. Those with immense amounts of chakra and supreme skill with the Surgan can
combine the Piercing and Through eyes to see things over vast distances and through the
curves of the Earth itself.

Piercing-Through Eye: The ultimate culmination of the Surgan's power ranges in its
destructive power. At its weakest, it is a short-ranged technique that can be dodged through
quick defensive reactions. At its strongest, it is a weapon that can kill from across the globe,
the victim never knowing that they were a target at all. When the Surgan is focused
through both muscle and chakra control, the user can hyper-focus their pupils into an
absolutely minuscule pinpoint and then shut their eyelids completely. The result is that all of
the material seen through immediately vanishes, regardless of its resiliency or thickness,
ripped from physicality and stored inside an internal chakra plane within the Surgan. Most
of the dimensions of the lost material are small, about the diameter of a pupil. But the
length can be astounding. This technique can lobotomize an enemy from miles away or
break the pressure in a lava chamber buried deep within the ground, causing an eruption.
Despite its power, there are weaknesses in the Surgan, as one cannot see anything but the
focused area, leaving them at the mercy of their immediate surroundings or anything in
between. This also means that targeting a living creature with any precision must be done
with extreme planning and skill. But those capable of it are tremendously powerful.

Kychgan (Emphasis Eye)


Emphasis Eye: Upon activation the Kychgan has the capability to detect structural
weaknesses in both physical material and chakra. Those points appear to the user with a
blue glow, and are intuitively understood on a subconscious level. Skilled users can
understand how much of and what kind of force is necessary to exploit that weakness to the
fullest, and the results can be devastating. By striking a wall with precision, it can be
destroyed with minimal effort. Pressure points unique to the individual are read by
the Kychgan and can be taken advantage of. Old injuries are revealed, particularly weak
organs are highlighted, and pressure points are rated by effectiveness. Even chakra and
wind pressure has its own emphasis, and can be affected with a masterful approach. The
Taijutsu-based techniques are unique to the individual and can have a wide variety of
results. Specific techniques or preferences by the users often fall into separate categories
depending on what emphasis they interact with: Body Emphasis, Chakra Emphasis, or
Matter Emphasis. These abilities often have stronger, well-practiced effects than the more
improvised use of weak-points.

Examples of such techniques and their naming conventions are: Body Emphasis: Palm and
Broken Spine, Chakra Emphasis: Fist and Pressure Wave, and Matter Emphasis: Foot and
Shattered Ground.

Setsuzoku Kychgan (Connection Emphasis Eye): The Setsuzoku Kychgan, true form of
the eye, is unlocked when the user faces a moment where they transcend fatea rare
fraction in time when they make a choice that alters the fabric of reality. Without exception,
these moments come during pivotal points in the user's life, often life-or-death, or having to
do with the path they choose to follow for the remainder of their days. For the lucky few, it
is soon after they unlock the Kychgan. But there is no way to predict it. Some go their
whole lives awaiting mastery of the eye, facing challenge after challenge, only to die having
never encountered a moment decreed by fate. Those that do are granted a powerful
transformation and the ability to see a thing imperceptible to all others: leylines. Once they
enter their Connection Form, these true eyes change to reflect their new sight, gaining an
opposite spiral with more arms and a circle bisecting them.

Connection Form: One of the strongest techniques in existence, the Connection Form
makes use of the Setsuzoku Kychgan's ability to see leylines, the nexus points where
natural energies collide. When standing atop these points, the Setsuzoku Kychgan can
activate, absorbing not only the natural energy, but the leyline itself, turning the user into a
conduit for the forces of nature that embody that area. This provides them with a
tremendous amount of chakra, a huge boost to their physical abilities, and, depending on
the nature of the leyline, bodily enhancements ranging from claws to tails to other primal
alterations. In essence, the Setsuzoku Kychgan is another path to a power similar to Sage
Mode, a technique used primarily by those of the Land of Herds. Unlike Sage Mode, the
Connection Form can last indefinitely so long as the user remains in the proximity of the
leyline's natural location. The power that they receive is also related to the potency of the
leyline. Most areas have minor leylines, capable of significant boosts in power but far from a
Sage Mode equivalent. These are often used as emergency sources and can come with
unpredictable strengths. Truly important leylines like the ones on the Sawada Clan's island
provide power beyond Sage Mode, and, if one is trained in their use, create warriors of
unmatched strength.

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