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: Your rice plant has THANATEPHORUS CUCUMERIS! A Possible disease: SHEATH BLIGHT Infected leaves senesce or dry out and die more rapidly. Young tillers can also N be destroyed. As a result, the leaf area of the canopy can significantly be reduced by the disease. This reduction in leaf area, along with the diseased- induced senescence of leaves and young infected tillers are the primary causes of yield reduction. Symptoms: Symptoms on leaf sheaths : oval gray spots that later enlarge; with black brown margins and gray center Susceptible stage: tillering to heading Symptoms on leaves: lesions are irregular, banded with green-brown coloration; center is grayish white; leaf whitens; panicle exertion affected when flag leaf is infected Susceptible stages: heading and maturity Disease management A 1. Efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer 2. Sanitation—control weeds in the paddy and on the bunds: plow deeply to bury infected stubble and weeds. 3. Reduce seeding rate or provide wider plant spacing 4, Expose soil to intense sunlight , 5. Drain the field at maximum tillering for a few days GN VK

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