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Art Mid-Semester 1 ATL Reflection Rubric

Challenges I face I am working What I always do

towards well

Attitude towards I am rarely I am mostly engaged I am always

studies engaged in my in my learning and actively engaged in
learning and make am beginning to my learning and
Listen in class.
limited or no use of show evidence of my show consistent
Participate by asking the opportunities independent learning evidence of
and answering
and support skills. independent
available to me. learning.
Always ready to learn
with a positive attitude.

Open to try new things.

Willing to try my best.

Preparation and I rarely come to I mostly come to I always come to

organization lessons with the lessons with the lessons with the
correct equipment correct equipment correct equipment,
All required material is
brought to class. and the use of my and use my planner and use my planner
planner is effectively. I meet effectively. I have
Home learning
ineffective. I rarely most deadlines. met all deadlines so
assignments are
handed in on time and meet deadlines. far.
completed to the best
of ability.

Quality of work The standard of my The standard of my My standard of

work is rarely in work is mostly in line work is always in
Work Is legible and
carefully presented. line with my ability with my ability and is line with my ability
and is not mostly in an and is in an
Work shows best effort.
organized. organized manner. organized manner.

Collaborative During group During group During group

skills activities, I rarely activities, I will activities, I always
share ideas and usually share ideas share ideas with
Able to express ideas
with sensitivity to tend to take a and will take an others and take an
others. passive role. I active role if active role. I
rarely listen to and prompted. I usually consistently listen
Open-minded to others
opinions. respect the listen to and respect to and respect the
opinions of others. the opinions of opinions of others.
Proactive contribution.
Student Reflection/Target (s)

Provide evidence (examples) for each stage you have identified above.

What support (from parents, teachers, etc.) would you need to meet your

Attitude towards studies

During class time I always participate in class discussions and always try to pay
the most attention I can. I dont have a goal.

Preparation and organization

I am organized and I never forget my stuff. I dont have any goals.

Quality of work
Most of the time I put the most effort into my work while there can be times when
I am not fully focused which make my quality of work drop. My work is always
presented in an organized manner. My goal is to always try my best.

Collaborative skills
During group work I always try to collaborate with everyone because I try to do
my work the best I can. I dont have any goals.

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