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Reflection on Entry point from chapter 4-5

I am agree with this article, because this article talks more than other articles. This

article is about more on biblical perspective. There are many lesson that this article has taught

me, but I would like to mention some of the points which were highlight. A biblical view of

the child, and assessment, these are the most important points for me.

ITC has taught us through biblical curriculum, because we are going to be a Christian

teacher. Thats why we have many responsibility in a class in future. While we will teach in

future, we have to make sure that. What have my students learn about bible, or what

perspective they have about bible. We Christian teacher have to teach through biblical

perspective so that our students also can understand what does mean biblical view. Sometime

our assessment should be from biblical view, because that will help our students to go deep in

bible and understand more. During my practicum, I have taught some of the class about bible,

but I used always connect my lesson in biblical perspective, so that my students could

understand what does it mean in biblical view.

In conclusion, I know maybe I wasnt good teacher, and maybe I didnt teach through

biblical view that well, but I will try my best in future to teach from biblical view. And I will

make my students to understand about biblical view.

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