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Reflection on Brophy

I am totally agree with this article, because this article taught us very important lesson

for especially for new teachers. There are total twelve points which we can learn from this

chapter, but I like most three of them, which are; a supportive classroom climate, opportunity

to learn, and thoughtful discourse.

This article has taught me really good lesson for my teaching career. There are some

significance points which we have to learn, such as; a supportive classroom climate.

Classroom climate is very important if a teacher wants their students to learn what they have

to learn. Classroom climate will help students to whether focus on topic or not, thats why

teacher should make supportive classroom climate. And thoughtful discourse, because when a

teacher make thoughtful discourse then students will be able to learn. That is kind of giving

students a opportunity to learn new things, because when students get thoughtful discourse

then students will critical thinking to solve their problem. During my practicum, I tried to

make good classroom climate by making funny and interesting class. When I used to teach

using funny way, then students used to focus more on lesson, because kids love funny things.

Even though I didnt have thoughtful discourse but I gave them opportunity to learn.

In conclusion, a teacher cannot be a perfect teacher, but as being teacher we have to

always give our best in every part in the classroom. I will try to make thoughtful discourse for

my students in future.

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