Actofteachingchapter 7

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Running Head: Acts of Teaching Chapter 7

Reflection of Acts of Teaching Chapter 7


International Teachers College

Dr. J. Spanogle

12th Apirl 2017

Reflection for Acts of Teaching (Chapter 7) 1


Basically, this chapter contains four ways of teaching in a classroom. The first one is

Presentation. This includes visual aids such as powerpoints, video clips, audio, posters and

other equipments. This way of teaching is pretty cool as it can meet different students with

different types of learning.

The second one is Discussion. This is a way of students perform their task through discussion

about a certain topic of a subject. The teacher needs to give the instructions carefully and

effectively. Also, the teacher needs to know where the discussion is leading, is it in the topic or

out of the topic.

The third one Independent Study, is limited in my opinion because the student more likely to

work alone. The students will gained a certain expectations and instructions from teaching and

have to perform alone. This is challenging and this needs guidelines from teachers in order to be

on the right path of studies.

The fourth and the last one is Individualized Instruction. I have been required to write many

different lessons in this semester. This way enhances all kind of learners. It is challenging for the

teacher who plans the lessons. However, the outcomes are great and it encourages students to be

more active learners.

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