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Running head: Technology and Self-efficacy

Technology and Self-efficacy

Zheng Lu Jia

Universitas Pelita Harapan

Running head: Technology and Self-efficacy


In the article of Student Reactions to Classroom Management Technology: Learning

Styles and Attitudes Toward Moodle written by Christina Chung and David Ackerman, they

focused on investigating student perceptions in adopting and using Moodle and how their

perceptions impact the effective use of the CMS (Course Management System) (C. CHUNG

AND D. ACKERMAN, page 218). The authors believe that CMS such as Moodle is an

essential tool for many instructors. Moreover, they CMS, especially Moodle, can improve

students self-efficacy. And they want to assess how it works well of using CMS in the class.

Therefore, they made a survey.

Before starting the survey, Chung and Ackerman did a research for clarifying what the

problem is, and getting the definition of self-efficacy (includes academic self-efficacy and

Internet self-efficacy). Especially, Internet self-efficacy theory, which is focusing on how well

one believes s/he can accomplish needed task and goals on the Internet (M. L. Lai, page 218), is

a good support to the article, because it explained that moodle may be an important factor to

examine student perceptions.

The research measured one hundred twenty-five college students. And the samples were

consisted of 58% women and 42% men. Thus, it proves that Moodle does help facilitate

communication both between student and instructor as well as between students themselves (C.


All in all, the article used the result of a survey to indicate that students who are

condent in their overall academic abilities will tend to be more condent in other areas such as
Running head: Technology and Self-efficacy

Internet or technology usage. As the authors said in the end of the article, the perceived

usefulness of classroom management system is the key to students using it.

Running head: Technology and Self-efficacy


In the article of Student Reactions to Classroom Management Technology: Learning

Styles and Attitudes Toward Moodle, the authors, Christina Chung and David Ackerman,

extremely emphasized the importance of using CMS (course management system), such as

Moodle. In fact, it has been arguing long time, which is if Internet tool works on the process of


Some scholars hold the conservative view, which people should watch carefully, when

student use the Internet. In other words, they believe that the Internet is quite good, if the proper

guidance is provided (Hashim). In fact, as Chung and Ackerman said in their article, Internet is

an important tool in todays world. The tool cannot purposely hurt people, but people


On the other hand, the Internet indeed makes the process of learning effectively and

efficaciously. I was in SPH-Kemang, Jakarta, Indonesia, for doing teaching practicum in two

weeks. The impressive thing to me was they communicate with each other electronically

between students and teacher, or students and students, even between teacher and parents.

Teacher sets homework online; And then, students submit the homework online; Of course,

teacher gives the feedback online. What if students do not understand the homework or have

important thing to ask the teacher? They will talk online. Therefore, the Internet makes the

communication of teacher and students easier and closer. Moreover, CMS makes teacher doing

classroom management easier and more direct.

Running head: Technology and Self-efficacy

In fact, the article did not analyze the weakness and the possible problems of using CMS

in the process of learning. They were too emphasizing on the using Moodle to classroom

management. On the other hand, they only did the survey with 125 students from 2 universities.

The quantity of the sample is not enough to support their claim. Therefore, teacher should not

only rely on CMS to manage the class, but also they should improve their teaching skill to fulfill

the various needs of students.

Running head: Technology and Self-efficacy

Chung, C., & Ackerman, D. (2015). Student Reactions to Classroom Management Technology:

Learning Styles and Attitudes Toward Moodle. Journal Of Education For Business, 90(4),


Hashim, R., Hameed, S., Ayyub, A., Ali, S., & Raza, G. (2016). INTERNET USE: DISRUPTIVE


UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL STUDENTS. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal,

(66), 157-161.

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