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Detailed Explanations of
Try Yourself Questions

Computer Science & IT

Compiler Design
1 Introduction and Lexical Analysis

T1 : Solution

Lexical analyzer produces an error when an illegal character appears in the string pattern that makes
invalid token.

T2 : Solution

G3 and G4 are set of left recursive and set of right recursive grammars respectively. L(G3) L(G4). Given
any left recursive grammar can be converted to right recursive and vice-versa. Copyright
2 Parsing and Syntex
Directed Translation

T1 : Solution


For any particular string:

# parse trees = # LMDs = # RMDs

T2 : Solution


Var id.[E]
Both will be in the same state of LR(0) parser and produces SR conflict in LR(0) .
Var id.

T3 : Solution

Recursive descent parser can not use left recursive grammar but it can use right recursive grammar.

4 Computer Science & IT Compiler Design

T4 : Solution

For string : IF TRUE THEN IF TRUE THEN ELSE END has two parse trees.



IF bexpr THEN stmt

TRUE ifstmt

IF bexpr THEN stmt ELSE stmt




IF bexpr THEN stmt ELSE stmt END


IF bexpr THEN stmt


The given grammar is ambiguous, hence it is not LL(1) and also not LR(1).

T5 : Solution


Set 1 has RR conflict.

A a., {b}
B ba., {b, c}
{b} {b, c}
Grammar produces RR conflict for CLR (1). Copyright
Workbook 5

T6 : Solution

Set 3 contain S as reduced item.
Follow (S) = { ), $}
In row 3, entry for column ) and $ will be rb.
E1 = rb, E2 = rb [ b:S ]
In set 5, on S it goes to set 6.
In row 5, entry for non-terminals S is state 6.
E3 = 6 [ (5) (6) ]
E1 = rb, E2 = rb and E3 = 6

T7 : Solution



The set of terminals followed by A are same in all sentential forms.

T8 : Solution

(a) An unambiguous grammar can have different leftmost and rightmost derivation. However, an
unambiguous grammar has only one derivation tree. So option (a) is false.
(b) LL(1) is a top-down parser.
(c) LALR is more powerful than SLR.
(d) For any parser, grammar should be unambiguous.

T9 : Solution


For Input string: aab

LR parser reduces aS to S to parse the string aab when stack has aaS.

3 Runtime Environment

T1 : Solution

Symbol table maintains: Frame pointer, Access link, Local variables, Return address, Return value, etc.

T2 : Solution







Given calling sequence from the program is: Main A1 A2 A21 A1

A1 and A2 are defined in Main, so A1 and A2 access links are pointed to Main.
A21 definition is available in A2, hence A21 access link points to A2. Copyright
4 Intermediate Code Generation
and Code Optimization

T1 : Solution
Constant folding,
Strength reduction,
Copy propagation,
Loop unrolling,
Code motion can be applied on the given code.

T2 : Solution

x = x 0;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i + +)
x = x + 1;
y = 10;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i + +)
y = y 2;
Apply code optimizations: [Constant folding, Strength reduction, Copy propagation, Loop unrolling, and
Code motion.]
x = 4;
y = 160;
Option (d) is correct.

8 Computer Science & IT Compiler Design

T3 : Solution

Loop unrolling makes more number of statements.
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
x = x + 1;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x = x+1;
x = x+1;

T4 : Solution

x = 2 can be propagated [copy propagation]

x = 2;
y = 2; y=2 propagated
z = 2P+32
z = 2 P+3y;
constant folding
z = 2P+6
strength reduction
z = P<< 1 + 6

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)

Loop unrolling can be applied
z = z + i;

No deadcode is present in the given code, hence there is no possibility of deadcode elimination.

T5 : Solution


x = 2;
y = 2; x = 2 is propagated first
z = 2 P+3 2;
for(i=1; i<10; i++) y = 2 is propagated next
{z=z+1;} Copyright
Workbook 9

T6 : Solution

S1 : s = q + r
1 S2 : s = p + q
S3 : u = s * v

2 3
S4 : v = r + u S5 : q = s * u

4 S6 : q = v + r

(i) p is not live both at Block 2 and Block 3. There is a path from (S4 & S5) to S2, but S1 has an assignment
to p.
(ii) q is not live both at Block 2 and Block 3. There is a path from (S4 & S5) to S1, but S6 has an assignment
to q in between the path.
(iii) r is live both at Block 2 and Block 3. There is a path from (S4 & S5) to S6, S6 uses r and no assignment
to r in this path.
(iv) u is not live both at Block 2 and Block 3. There is a path from S4 to S5 and S5 to S4 where both S4 and
S5 uses u but S3 has an assignment to u in this path.
(v) Similarly s and v are not live both at Block 2 and Block 3
Only r is live both at basic Block 2 and basic Block 3.


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