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Yerang Cho Enya

Science/ Grade 2

Subject Area Developmental Profile

Science Cognitive
- Understanding: Transcendent values best learned in narrative
Length of Time settings involving imagination, the unexpected (including
10days - 10 lessons detail), idealism, cause and effect.
- Units can often be developed best through a narrative
Grade Level approach.
Grade 2 - Choose content that stimulates romance, wonder, and awe
about reality: seek out something that embodies the chose
transcendent values.
- Look for the reasons behind things; ask questions for more
- Start planning ahead; may create a drawing of something to
build or a plan for an experiment.
- Have a longer attention span; can sit and pay attention to
something that interests them for at least 3045 minutes
- Collect things.
- Developing a sense of time.
- Enjoy problem- solving.
- Need praise, not criticism: We need to correct students but the
same time, must also make active acknowledgements for each
of their accomplishment.
- Identify talent: Different students have different talents, some
have Leadership, designs, Public speaking, Art and painting,
Encouraging others, Music and Singing, Cooking etc,..
- They are active
- They need rest periods: A regular sleeping time of 7-9 hours
- Activities are extremely necessary
- Good body control
- Selective friendship
- Organized games
- Frequent quarrels
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

Main Idea (Claim)

Plants are one of the main creation of God. As a steward of creation the students will learn, - Know
what a plant is,know how they grow, know the plants in our lives, and know how should we care for
the plants. we ure to take care of the plants around us. The students will learn the importance of plants
in our lives and value the life of plants.

Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

God created plants, people are abusing them. We need to protect the plants.
- We will help our pupils to make sense of Gods world, understanding the diverse roles of
everything He has created.We will show that the world is a consistent and ordered creation,
whose lawfulness reflects the faithfulness of God.
- We will unfold the diversity within unity of the creation, celebrating its richness in both
structure and function.
- We will address our four-fold responsibility before God, in both scientific research and
technological application: to God, to ourselves, to our fellow human beings, and to the rest of
- We will promote the idea that science provides important tools for the study and development
of Gods creation, but for use by those who will be responsible stewards of that creation.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

The students will know that different parts of a What is a plant?
flowering plant and a tree. The students will - What are the parts of a flowering plant?
understand and describe a growing process of a - What does a plant need to grow?
flowering plant (a seed to a flower). Plants grow How does a plant grow?
with a process of photosynthesis. They need - what are the parts of a tree?
water, soil (minerals) and sunlight to grow. We - What is photosynthesis?
get fruits and vegetables from the plants. Human How the plants are used in our life?
use trees to make papers, and houses. Plants (Fruits, vegetables, trees, flowers, oxygen)
produces oxygen. Therefore, human need to - What are the benefits that human get from
protect forests and plants. the plants?
- How do we get oxygen?
How should we take care of plants?
- what factors can threaten the trees?
- what can we do to save plants (forests)?
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

Knowledge (know) Skills (do) Dispositions (value)

The learner will know: The learner will be able to: The learner will value:
1. different parts of 7. Identify and describe the 17. Value plants as a creation of
flowering plants and a basic structure of a variety of God.
tree: roots, stem/trunk, common flowering plants, 18. Care for the plants for they
leaves and flowers. including trees. are alive creatures.
2. a plant grows from a 8. Observe and describe how 19. Appreciate plants for their
seed. And it needs water, seeds grow into mature plants. use.
soil (minerals), sunlight. 9.Find out and describe how
(there could be plants need water, light and a
exceptions) suitable temperature to grow
3. know the process stay healthy.
photosynthesis 10. Identify and describe the
4. people get benefits from functions of different parts of
the plants. Plants are flowering plants: roots,
essential natural source stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.
for people : trees, fruits, 11.Observe and record with
vegetables, flowers, some accuracy of the change of
oxygen etc. the plants as they grow over
5. know the major use of time.
the plants by human. 12.Explain photosynthesis
6. human need to protect 13.Research how plants are
plants. And take care of used in our lives
the plants. 14.Grow a plant by themselves.
15. Make a poster
16. Care for the plants.
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

Objectives Objectives
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment(s)
Assessed Assessed
- Booklet, drawing 1,2,3,4,5,6, Booklet report 1,2,3,7,9,10,
- Worksheets 7,8,9,10,11, - the booklet will include 11,13,15, 17,
- Acting out : water, plant, 12,13,14,15 objectives 18
sunlight, soil, CO2 ,16 1,2,3,6,7,9,10,11,15
- Notes (Teacher)
- Short reflection
- Notes (Students)
- Check the chart Group presentation
- Poster - the students will find more 4,5,8,12,14,
- Observation of group work information about two 15, 17, 19
- Evaluation of oral topics which they get to
presentation choose on :
1. How do plants grow?
2. Why do we need to care
about plants?

Unit Schedule

Day Lesson Focus

1 Introduction of the unit: Plants -vocabulary words
2 Plants need water, soil, and sunlight
3 Parts of a flowering plant and tree
4 What is photosynthesis?
5 Use of plants:What do we get from the plants? (Fruits, vegetables, trees, flowers, oxygen)
6 Importance of plants (oxygen)
7 Save the plants
8 What can we do to save the plants?
9 Poster and presentation (Preparation : Research)
10 Group Presentation
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

Day Topic Activities/Procedures Assessment/Feedbacks Objectives

1 Intro: Plants What do you know Discussion 1,2,7

about plants?

2 What a plant needs Planting a green bean Booklet , drawing 1,2, 8,9, 11, 14,
to grow? seed 16, 19

3 Parts of a flowering coloring & labeling the Booklet, worksheet 1, 2, 7, 10

plant and tree parts of a flowering

4 Photosynthesis Demonstrate simple Booklet, Acting out : 3, 11

photosynthesis. water, plant, sunlight,
soil, CO2

5 Use of plants: Brainstorm, Major use Booklet, write an 4, 5, 17,19

Value & of the plants vegetables, appreciation letter to the
importance of fruits, trees, and oxygen plant.

6 Importance of Video : discussion and Short reflection, Booklet 3,4,6

plants Lesson 2 reflection

7 Save the plants: Pictures & Poem (Students) Notes 2, 4, 6, 7

what is happening? Poster Poster

8 What can we do to List/ chart Check the chart 6

save trees(paper) ? Booklet

9 Make a poster, Group work Complete the booklet 2, 4, 6, 7,13,15

research about the Poster
topics Observation of group

10 Group Presentations about one Evaluation of oral 8,9, 11, 12

presentations of the topics. presentation.
How do plants
Why do we need to
care about plants?

Rubric for final assessments: Plant booklet, Presentation

The booklet
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

Day 1 - What did we do to plant green bean seed?

- What do you think it will happen after we water the seed?

Day 2 - What do plants need?

Day 3 - What are the parts of the plant?

Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

- Do you see any changes of your green bean?

Day 4- Photosynthesis

- Do you see any changes of your green bean?

- What happened to your green bean?
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2
Day 5 - observe / draw
- Do you see any changes of your green bean?
- What happened to your green bean?

Day 6 - observe / draw

- Do you see any changes of your green bean?
- What happened to your green bean?

Day 7 -Gods creation / observe / draw

- Why trees are important for human?
- Do you see any changes of your green bean?
- What happened to your green bean?
- You are taking care of a life.

Day 8 - observe / draw

- Do you see any changes of your green bean?
- What happened to your green bean?
- What did you do for the plant to grow?

Rubric for group presentation
Yerang Cho Enya
Science/ Grade 2

Points 2 1 NA

Content Students shows their Includes two or one There is no

understanding about the examples/ reasons. example/reason of the
topic by giving 3 or topic.
more examples/reasons.

Poster Meets the purpose of Meets the purpose of The poster is not
the topic. The poster the topic. The claim of complete.
shows a clear claim. the poster is blurry.
Colorful and

Organization The students Applicable actions are The students cannot

demonstrates clear missing. explain what is the
reason and purpose of topic is about.
the topic with an
examples and
applicable actions that
they can do in real life.

Cooperation Every group member Only one or two person NA

distribute in the explains.

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