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Shoko Hattori Plants

2 weeks / 10 days Grade 3


Subject Area Developmental Profile

Science: Plants Emotional/Psychological (Erickson)
Industry vs. Inferiority
Length of Time - Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads
to a sense of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority.
2 weeks / 10 days (
Grade Level Cognitive (Piaget, etc.)
Grade 3 Concrete operational stage
- This means the child can work things out internally in their head (rather than
physically try things out in the real world).
- Children can conserve number (age 6),mass (age 7), and weight (age 9).
Conservation is the understanding that something stays the same in quantity
even though its appearance changes.
( )
- Increase in body strength and hand dexterity through physical activities
- Improved coordination and reaction time
- Increase in large-muscle coordination, leading to success in organized sports
and games
- Increase in small-muscle coordination, allowing them to learn complex craft
- Refinement of finger control
- Increased stamina (They can run and swim farther.)
- Approaching or reaching puberty for girls, which can make them look grown-up
- Enjoyment of rough-and-tumble games with peers
- Sexual development, which is more rapid in girls than boys
- Refinement of group game skills and team sports skills such as throwing,
catching and kicking
- Development of manual skills and interest in things such as cooking and
- Slow and steady growth (Arms are lengthening; hands are growing. Girls are
growing faster.)
- Learn to cooperate in group settings and group games; dislike playing alone
- Spend a lot of time talking with peers
- Develop lasting friendships and begin to handle peer pressure
- Enjoy group activities and group games that focus on a common interest
- Demonstrate growing independence, leading to concern with rules that can lead
to bossiness
- Use problem-solving, negotiating and compromising skills with peers
- Develop interest in long-range projects
- Begin to develop sportsmanship and learn about winning and losing gracefully
- Develop competence in competitive games and team sports
- Become sensitive to what others think of them and to adult approval
- Begin to consider clubs and groups important
- Become critical of their own performance and begin to evaluate themselves
- Become enthusiastic to tackle anything and will work hard to develop a skill

- Develop competitivenesswant to be first and best, and get things right

- Can express subtle emotions and experience moments of anger or frustration
- May be quite sensitive and overly dramatic
- Can change emotions quickly
- Can become discouraged, which may lead to being shy in public performances
- Show interest in being more grown-up and able to begin tackling more
responsibilities and routines
- Begin to develop their own point of view, which is sometimes different from
parents ideas

Main Idea (Claim)

- The students will investigate how plants grow and develop, including environmental factors that makes
germination happen.

Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

- Human are stewards of Gods creation
- The Lord God placed man in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (
Genesis 2:15)
- God said His creation was good.
- Creation (including plants) belongs to God.
- God said be fruitful and multiply to plants as well.
- Creation (including plants) was created for Gods glory.
- God is revealed through creation (plants).

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

- Plants need specific kinds of environment to - What are environmental factors that plants
grow. need to have to grow and germinate?
- Plants have differences. - How are plants different?
- Plants have similarities. - How are plants similar?
- Plants are living organisms. - Why is it important for us to learn about
- Christians are in charge of taking care of plants and how to take care of it?
plants as stewards of creation and responsible
citizens of the earth.

Knowledge Skills Dispositions

The learner will know: The learner will be able to: The learner will value:
1. The function of roots, 1. Identify the parts of plants. 1. Gods complex and
stem, flower, leaf, fruit, 2. Explain the functions and beautiful design of creation
and seed of plants. attributes of parts of plants. in plants.
2. How to classify and divide 3. Ask questions about how 2. The enjoyment to grow
plants by their attributes. plants grow. and take care of plants.
3. How to take care of plants. 4. Explain the stages of 3. Their role to sustain and
4. How plants are related to germination in order. take care of plants because
water and sunlight. 5. Explain how 1. we are stewards of
5. Ecosystem photosynthesis works. creation 2. human life
6. How to record data with 6. Use the Web and library to cannot happen without
words, drawing, and charts gather information. plants.
etc. 7. Use words, drawings, 4. Their responsibility to
7. How to collect data. pictures, and charts to keep the environment
8. The meaning of: record about plants. clean to provide a good
germination, 8. Record the function and environment for plants.
photosynthesis, data, and information about plants.
pollination. 9. Reflect on what they have
9. Plants provide food to live learned and ask what they
and oxygen for people to want to know more about
live. plants.
10. Present their final posters
in front of their classmates
with confidence and
11. Discuss in groups.
12. Apply the Head, Heart,
and Hand method.

Objectives Objectives
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment(s)
Assessed Assessed

- Participation records of - Final Poster (Details about a

students (do students ask specific plant related to the
questions, input thoughts, students life: What is it?
answer questions, how is their Where does it grow? What
attitude in class etc. / there will environment? What are their
be a check sheet for the parts? How is it related to your
teacher. life in a broad and
- Work (in-class worksheets, specifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
charts, graphs, drawings, eeeeeeeeic way? How can you
journals etc) take care of it?)
- Discussion - Final Test (Check knowledge:
- Exit slip (mini quiz) What are the parts of plants?
What are the functions?, define
vocabulary words. Do one
short essay: What is the
connection between plants and
us? / How does God want us to
treat the plants and
environment as his stewards of
His creation?
- Bean Experiment Record

Unit Schedule

Day Lesson Focus

Day 1 Introduction to plants
Day 2 Environment plants need to grow; Start to grow beans in different kinds of environment.
Day 3 Parts of plants, Functions of parts of plants
Day 4 Flowers and seeds; Reproduction and Pollination
Day 5 Germination
Day 6 Water and Sunlight (Photosynthesis) (Bean Experiment Record)
Day 7 People and plants
Day 8 Compare different plants (Poster)
Day 9 Plants and Ecosystem
Day 10 Final Poster Presentations

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