Test Unit 2 Technology & Machines

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PRE- FCE - TEST UNIT 2 Technology & Machines.

a. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

invented cursor virtual discovered download website engines reboot

scroll down electric manufacturer -
1. Once you have logged on you can type the address and go straight to the
2. Do you _______________ music from the Internet? I do.
3. You can ________________ the text you want if it is below the part you can see.
4. At the position of the flashing _______________ is where the text appears.
5. You may have to ____________ your computer if it crashes.
6. Most large planes have four jet ______________.
7. If you camera is faulty, you should return it to the ________________.
8. Weve got an ____________ cooker, so we couldnt use it during the power cut.
9. Do you know who first ______________ that the Earth goes round the Sun?
10. With ____________ reality, you feel like youre experiencing real situations when
in fact youre not.
11. Do you know who exactly _____________ the computer?
b. Circle the most suitable word or phrase.
1. You cant use the washing machine. Its out of order / work.
2. The lights have gone out. There might have been a power cut / break.
3. Use this torch. That one doesnt act / work.
4. Its dark in here. Why dont plug in / switch on the light?
5. My car has broken up / down. Ill be late.
6. Extra / Spare parts for cars are hard to get nowadays.
7. My wrist watch runs on / works on two small batteries.
8. Set / Put your alarm clock for 7:30. Dont forget!
9. The machine is quite automatic. It does everything by /on itself.
10. Ive deleted the wrong file for / by mistake.
c. Word formation. Form a word that fits the space with the word given in capitals at the
end of the line.
1. Aristotle was a great early Greek _____________who made many researches in
the natural sciences including botany, zoology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and
meteorology, geometry. SCIENCE
2. Everyday life is constantly changing and improving thanks to the ingenious ideas of
famous ______________ past and present. INVENT
3. Thomas Edison filed over 1,000 patents. He developed and innovated a wide range
of _____________ from the electric light bulb to the phonograph and motion picture
camera. PRODUCE
4. Benjamin Franklin a polymath who discovered _____________ and invented the
Franklin stove. ELECTRIC
5. Galileo developed a _____________ telescope and confirmed revolutionary
theories about the nature of the world. Also developed an improved compass.
d. Choose the right adjective to describe the people in a-e. There is one extra adjective
that you dont need to use.

aggressive anti-social demanding messy mindless sophisticated -

1. Brian turns up the volume on his sound system at 2 am and refuses to turn it down
when the neighbours complain. ______________


2. Kenny has piles of papers on the floor and leaves old coffee cups and chocolate
wrappers on his desk for days. _____________
3. Victoria is four years old and keeps asking her parents to play with her, even when
they are trying to work. ______________
4. Judy often gets angry and her boyfriend says she can be violent. _____________
5. Claude wears Armani suits and goes to the best nightclubs in town. ____________
e. Complete the spaces with words to do with important features of any computer
1. Computer games look great now because they have sophisticated ___________
2. Games usually have very good _____________ music to enjoy.
3. Puzzles cant be ___________ unless youre willing to spend sufficient thinking
4. Some games have single-and multi player ____________.
5. You can jog endlessly at a fast ____________.
f. Collocations. Match the nouns 1-4 with the verbs a-d . Then add one more noun that
collocates with a verb 1-4 .
1. To solve a. money ________________
2. To take b. a conclusion ________________
3. To reach c. a crime ________________
4. To spend d. advantage of ________________
g. Fill in the spaces with the corresponding collocation in the correct form and tense.
1. Have you arrived at a decision yet? We will _________ a ___________ tomorrow.
2. I will _________ _______ of him and see that he does what I want.
3. You will never __________ your ________ without a lot of hard work.
4. To ________ a ________ is one of the most essential skills in life.
5. Juventus have __________ a _______ on new players. Around $23 million.

h. Write 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of playing computer games


Playing computer games On the other hand playing computer games

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i. Fill in the spaces with a suitable word.

1. I usually save important f___________ on a CD.
2. Dont forget to check your e___________ every day.
3. The k_____________ on my mobile phone is so small I cant hardly see the
4. A computer has got a k_____________, a flat s__________ and a CPU.
5. To move the cursor on a laptop you generally use a small pad or button instead
of a m__________.




a. For each gap turn the adjective into and adverb.
1. Vets work 1.______________ (hard). They treat animals 2.___________ (gentle)
and examine them 3. _____________ (careful).
2. I was walking 4. _____________ (fast) down the street when I heard someone call
my name 5.___________ (loud).
3. The test was 6. _______________ (surprising) easy.
4. Ill 7. _____________ (probable) see you tomorrow.
5. She smiled at him 8.________________ (cheerful) and he laughed 9.___________
6. Laser beams are used 10.______________ (intensive) in surgery.
7. He 11.___________ (slow) left the room and 12._________ (quiet) closed the door.
8. I was passing the pet shop when I saw the most beautiful kitten in the window. She
looked 13.____________ (sad) up at me with her big green eyes and mewed
14.____________ (soft). I knew 15._____________ (immediate) that I had to buy
a. Underline the correct item.
The house was 1. quiet/quietly. It had been snowing 2.heavy/heavily all day and the ground
was covered in a 3.soft/softly white blanket. 4. Sudden/Suddenly, there was a 5.loud/loudly
knock at the door. I jumped up 6.nervous/nervously. Who is it? I called7.
anxious/anxiously. There was no reply. I 8.slow/slowly opened the door and looked outside.
A rush of 9.cold/coldly air entered the house. I 10.quick/quickly shut the door and turned
around, then I saw the most 11.horrible/horribly creature I had ever seen standing in front of
b. Underline the correct item.
1. She lives very near/nearly to the school.
2. The prisoners can move around free/freely.
3. I got this pen free/freely with the magazine.
4. His story sounds high/highly unlikely.
5. Roger was late/lately for work.
6. I havent been feeling very well late/lately.
7. The music was so loud that I could hard/hardly hear what he was saying.

c. Present Simple vs Present Continuous. Underline the most suitable verb form in
each sentence.
1. What sort of work do you do / are you doing?
2. I cant talk now. I cook /m cooking the dinner.
3. What shall we have? Do you like / Are you liking fish?
4. Can I borrow this laptop? Or do you use / Are you using it?
5. What do people here do / are the people here doing in the evenings?
6. A lot of people think that the Sun goes / is going around the Earth?

d. Put the verbs in brackets into either the present simple or present continuous.
1. Theres nobody here, and the door is locked. What _________________ (we do)


2. What ______________________ (you look) at? ____________________ (I wear)

the wrong clothes.
3. I ___________________ (look after) Jacks dog this weekend. _______________
(you want) to take it for a walk?
4. I still _______________ (have) a pain in my leg but it ________________ (get)
5. Harry always _______________ (look) untidy! And today he ________________
(wear) dirty jeans.
6. That plant I bought _______________ (not grow) very much. And I _____________
(water) it every day.
e. Underline the correct verb tense.
1. This flower smells/is smelling wonderful.
2. Shes having / has a baby in the summer.
3. Nancy thinks / is thinking of moving o Scotland.
4. Good clothes cost / are costing more and more.
5. I feel /m feeling that you would be happier in another job.
f. Put each verb in brackets into either the present simple or present continuous.
Dear Aunt Jean,
I 1.___m just writing ___ (just write) to tell you how much I 2._______________
(appreciate) the money you sent me, and to tell you how I 3. _________________ (get on)
in my first term at university. Actually, I 4.______________ (really enjoy) myself! I
5.______________ (study) quite hard as well, but at the moment I 6.______________
(spend) a lot of time just making friends.
I 7._________________ (still stay) with my friend Sue, and I 8. ______________(look for)
somewhere of my own to live. Only a few of the first-year students 9._______________
(live) in college here, and I 10.________________ (seem) to be spending a lot of time
travelling backwards and forwards. I11. ____________________(go) to lectures every
morning, and most afternoons I 12._________________ (study) in the library.
In fact I 13.________________ (write) this letter instead of finishing my project! I
14.________________ (think) Ill buy some new clothes with the money you sent.
Everything 15.______________ (cost) a lot here, and I 16._______________ (save) to buy
a winter coat. It now 17.________________ (get) really cold here in the evenings. I now
18._________________ (know) some other students and generally speaking we
19._________________ (have) quite a good time socially! I 20.________________(also
learn) to drive.
See you soon,

j. Replace the words in italics with a verb from the box.

pick up do without keep up with run out see to stand for -


1. This camera doesnt work. The batteries must have been used up. ____________
2. My laptop doesnt work, but Im getting someone to repair it. _____________
3. Im not a fast runner. I wont be able to stay near you. ____________
4. Its difficult to manage if you dont have a washing machine. ______________
5. The letters CD mean compact disk. ________________
6. This radio doesnt receive the BBC World Service very well. ________________

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