Bunbunbutton 2017

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Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

2 days

RL.9 With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of
characters in familiar stories.
Standards W.3 Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to narrate a single event or several
loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order which they occurred, and provide a
reaction to what happened.

RL.4 Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.

RL.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.-

SL.4 Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support,
Supporting provide additional detail.
SL.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional

L.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and
responding to texts.

Day 1
Whole Time Activity Std(s)
Phonemic 5 Sound Drills
Vocabulary 5-7 helium- A gas that is lighter than air that we fill up balloons RL.4 Ask
What happens when a balloon is filled with helium?
words in a

They float!
Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

Have you ever gotten a balloon for your birthday or at a

birthday party? Did you let it go? What happened?

Think-pair-share with the person next to you. Tell them what


After 1-2 minutes, have a few students share what their

partner said happened to them.

Fluency 5-7

Read poem; Have students echo.

What is this poem about?

How can the balloon float in the air all by itself?

Purposeful 10-15 APK (activate prior knowledge)

Read Aloud Lets talk about the book we just read: Floras Very Windy
Day. Characters? Setting? Major events?

We are going to read a new book today called Bun Bun

Button. Pay very close attention because we are going to see
how this new story and Floras Very Windy Day are alike and

Read Aloud RL.10

Begin reading Bun Bun Button and read up to When they got engage in
home, Paige tied the balloon to. group
Stop frequently to discuss what is going on- activities
-Characters as they are being introduced with
Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

-Paige and Grandmas bond; Compare to us and our families purpose
-Paiges special friend Bun Bun Button; Do you have a special and
friend? How do you feel about him/her? understan

ELA Focus 35-40 RL.9 With

IDO/TDI(TeacherDirectedInstruction: and
WhattheTEACHERdoes): compare
We are going to compare Paiges experiences with her and
grandma to our own experiences with our grandmas!
You can use the Venn diagram below or make one on chart and
paper. experience
s of
in familiar

Label left bubble P

aiges Experiences w/ Grandma a
the right bubble Our Experiences w/ Grandma

After reading, we now know what Paige likes to do with her
grandma. Lets take a minute to think about the things we
like to do with our grandma or grandpa.

Is it the same as or different from Paige and her grandma

from the book?

Where do we write it if its the same? (where the bubbles join);

Where do we write it if its different? (in the outer bubbles)

Record responses in Venn diagram W.3 Use a

YOUDO/(WhattheSTUDENTSdo n of
Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

individually,inpairs,insmallgroups): dictating
and writing
Keep up Venn diagram chart for students to reference. to narrate
a single
Have students draw a picture of what they do with their event or
grandparent. They will write what they do with their several
grandparent with AND or BUT comparing it to Paige and her
grandma. events, tell
about the
EXAMPLE: events in
Grandma bakes with me but Paige and her Grandma read the order
together. OR which they
My grandma and I read together and so does Paige and her occurred,
provide a
reaction to

Day 2
Whole Group Time Activity Std(s)
Phonemic 5 Sound Drills
Vocabulary 5-7 adore - to love someone or something very much RL.4 Ask and
What are some things that you adore? questions
words in a

Fluency 5-7 See My Family

See my family. See them all.
Some are short, some are tall.
Sometimes happy, sometimes sad.
Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

We love each other, and I am glad.

Read poem; Have students echo

What is this poem about? (Family)

How is this poem similar to Bun Bun Button that we started

reading yesterday? (This poem is about loving family; Paige
loves her Grandma)

Purposeful 10-15 APK (activate prior knowledge)

Read Aloud We read the first half of Bun Bun Button yesterday.

Who can tell me what characters we met? (Paige, Grandma,

pets, bun bun button)

What is the setting? (Grandmas house, inside, outside)

What has happened so far? (Grandma sewed Paige bun

bun button. She loves bun bun button very much. Paige got
a balloon and tied it to bun buns wrist.)

What do you think may happen next?

Lets read to find out!

Read Aloud
Finish reading Bun Bun Button.
RL.10 Actively
engage in
From page that says When they got home, Paige tied the group reading
balloon to. to the end. activities with
purpose and
Stop frequently to hear students thoughts on what is understandin
going on, Paiges feelings, etc. g.

ELA Focus 35-40 IDO/TDI(TeacherDirectedInstruction: RL.9 With

WhattheTEACHERdoes): and support,
compare and
Now that we have finished Bun Bun Button, we are going to contrast the
compare it to Floras Very Windy Day. adventures
You can use the Venn diagram below or make one on chart experiences
paper. of characters
in familiar
Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

Label left bubble F

loras Very Windy Day and the right
bubble Bun Bun Button

Now in both stories, the characters went on adventures.

Lets think about their adventures and think and about
how they are similar and different.

First similar point: Well I know that Flora and Crispin went
on an adventure up in the sky and Bun Bun Buttons
adventure was up in the sky too!

Is that a way the stories are similar or different? (similar)

So where do I put that in my Venn diagram? (middle, where
bubbles join)

Complete Venn diagram with student participation.

Differences to put in outer bubbles:

Flora wanted Crispin to blow away (in the beginning)
BUT Paige did not want Bun Bun to blow away
Flora and Crispin adventured together BUT Bun Bun
was all alone
Crispin flew away b/c he didnt have heavy duty
boots BUT Bun Bun flew away b/c he was tied to a
Flora and Crispin talked to the rainbow, man in the
moon, and other creatures BUT Bun Bun got caught
in a storm and got caught up in birds

Similarities to put in inner bubbles:

Flora and Crispin AND Bun Bun Button found their
way home
Kindergarten Literacy Whole Group Lesson Plans

Selected Title: Bun Bun Button

individually,inpairs,insmallgroups): W.3 Use a
Students will reference the Venn diagram for their of drawing,
assignment. dictating and
writing to
narrate a
Students will get to write an AND or BUT sentence and draw single event
a picture to match. or several
loosely linked
events, tell
Either students can pick if they want to do AND or BUT...or about the
you can assign lower kids and and higher kids but events in the
order which
For students doing AND, they will draw ONE picture they
with the characters from both books doing the occurred, and
SAME thing. provide a
reaction to
For students doing BUT, they will fold their paper in happened.
half and draw what Flora and Crispin were doing on
one side and what Bun Bun was doing on the other.

Then, they put their sentence at the bottom using the SL.5 Add
sentence starter: drawings or
other visual
displays to
Flora and Crispin and Bun Bun Button descriptions
_________________. OR as desired to
Flora and Crispin ________ but Bun Bun Button detail.

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