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From: Douglas Grandt answerthecall@icloud.

Subject: How will shutting down refineries impact profitability?
Date: April 12, 2017 at 9:42 AM
To: Darren W. Woods
Cc: William (Bill) M. Colton, Suzanne M. McCarron,
Max Schulz

Dear Darren,
Yesterday, Tiny Rosenberg concluded her New York Times OpEd Guess Whos for a Carbon Tax Now with this:
The only path is for businesses, especially oil companies, to seize the lobbying machinery they have
used to deny climate change and block regulation, and throw it behind the carbon tax that at least the
largest of them claims to support. What an irony that the best hope for the climate right now seems to
be for Exxon Mobil to lead the charge.
I have implored you, Rex, Bill and Suzanne to acknowledge the writing on the wall and begin planning transparently for
the end-game of oil and gas in order to assure a smooth landing for the global society and economies.
Utilize ExxonMobil's expertise and financial tools to solve for the appropriate levels of carbon fee for the various modes
and fuels. The $80/ton CO2 you allegedly incorporate in your decision-making process is documented to be what you
claim U.S. policy might approach a few decades down the road. IOP Science has concluded that $80/ton might be an
effective level for influencing coal and gas usage in power plants, but it is not adequate for influencing the use of liquid
fuels in freight vehicles, heaters and furnaces (x10), and in passenger vehicles, aircraft and ocean-going vessels (x100).
Please advise the American public and policy-makers as to the realities of winding down your industry. They are
clueless of the physical and fiduciary fall-out from shutting down refineries, pipelines and production facilities.

It is incumbent upon you to be totally transparent as we face the challenges. Does ExxonMobil Foundation truly care
about the welfare of people? If you do, show us some compassionate initiate for the sake of humanity.
Sincerely yours,
Doug Grandt

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