Act Prep Presentation

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1. ALL students MUST talk equally.

a. You will only be graded on your part of the presentation
and the sample passage
2. You must discuss strategies for your section of the science ACT
AND general strategies
3. You must show the class how you walk through problems
4. You must have students take a sample section and grade with
5. Your presentation must be a minimum of 20 minutes


GOOD 10 15
General Test Vague, common, You googled test The strategies
Taking Strategies and unhelpful (try taking strategies could actually
your best) but it was evident work and be
that you did not doable, you see
give much yourself and your
thought to which peers doing them
would work You explain WHY
they work
How to Identify Does not Identify Tips narrow the Hints will easily
the Type of the passage passage down to allow for the
Passage one or two types passage to be
Passage Specific Vague, You googled test The strategies
Strategies nonspecific taking strategies could actually
but it was evident work and be
that you did not doable, you see
give much yourself and your
thought to which peers doing them
would work You explain WHY
they work
Walk through a You read the You read the You worked the
problem and how passage aloud article and problem
to solve and gave the identified key thoroughly using
answers words to help you your strategies
Practice Passage Passage was Passage was Passage was
for Peers and delivered to Miss appropriate to ready and
Grading Mohapp minimum your topic and appropriate for
1 day before your was ready for the students. Answer

presentation day Key is ready

Time 0-10 minutes 10-20 minutes 20 or more


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