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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW 2 1

Gita Lama
International Teachers College

Alignment II

Dr. Jeffery Spanogle

25 March 2017

Good Teacher-Students Relationships:

A key Element In Classroom Motivation And Management

The author focus on significance of teachers and students relationship in the classroom.

Where teacher can motivate students through understanding of students feelings, providing

supportive classroom and listen and talk with students. Motivation plays a vital role to make

good relationship between teacher and students. The teacher can make a good classroom

environment if they encourage students in the classroom. The teacher must make meaningful

relationship, both individual and collectivist (pp 260) students. As a teacher, they must

understand students emotions and guide them to build their knowledge in academic area. The

teacher needs to make a comfortable environment for students to share their feelings. So, the

teacher needs to provide individual time (pp 261) for student because some students feel

comfortable to talk separate rather than in a group. The teacher needs to understands the

students sensitivity and their opinion which is the way to make a good relationship.

The good relationship is very important in every human being life. Specially, between

teacher and students because teachers can motivate and manage the classroom if their

relationship is good. In this article, the author Morganett says that, talking with and listening to

students is very important in enhancing teacher students relationship (pp 261). Some teachers

are not interested to talk with students and even some teacher like to talk, then they do not want

to listen students feeling. The teacher can know the student's situation and their level, if they

understand the students feelings. They can find students' problems where they can provide an

easy environment to teach. During my teaching practicum time, one student came late and she

was sitting at the last and she was crying. When I gave, class work I told her to involve with

other students in class activity. After class, I asked her about the problem and she shared her

difficulties and I encouraged and gave some advices. At that time, she felt comfortable because I

was listening to her. But at that moment, I cannot make good relationship with her, if I only talk

without listening. When my cooperative teacher saw me with student she appreciated me to do

the same things in the future.

This article also talks about, if the teacher provides a tutor for students it is the one of

the way of motivate to students. Morganett says that, Identifying and using student tutors can

be an important step in providing all students with the individualized help they need (pp 263).

Yes, I agree with that statement because tutor can be helpful for those students who are a slow

learner and struggling with learning in the classroom which can be the motivational step for

them. However, I think the teacher must be careful to provide tutoring for students because

sometimes teachers choose those tutors where students feel uncomfortable to ask questions.

Some tutor judging on the students ability where the student feel discourages rather than

motivates. Therefore, to persuade students, teacher needs to pay attention on students feelings.

The Bible also says that, Students are not greater than their teacher. But the student who is fully

trained will become like the teacher (Luke 6:40). So, that, it depends on teacher how they teach

their students to take a shape. Effective teacher always encourages students to flourish in

mentally and spiritually. In the future, I will also provide the meaningful classroom situation to

motivate students because motivation is essential for students lives. Where I will pay attention

to students feelings. It helps me to build good relationship with students because good

connection helps teachers to be success to manage and motivate the classroom.


Morganett, L. (1991). Good teacher-student relationships: A key element in classroom

motivation and management. Education, 112(2), 260.

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