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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW 1

Gita Lama
International Teachers College

Alignment II

Dr. Jeffery Spanogle

2 April 2017

The Significance of Congruent Communication in Effective Classroom Management

This article mainly focus on important of the good communication in the classroom.

The author Brown is talking about congruent communication which means style of speaking

that does not attack others, but instead remains harmonious with feelings being experience (pp

13). Basically, this article talks about how to connect with young students. To interconnect with

young students, teacher can use their body language, facial expression, and tone of voice.

These are some way where teacher can communicate with the adolescent students. This article

mostly reminds me to think about to communicate with students are very important for all

kinds of students not only among adolescent students. The author is talking about these items

helps teacher to cooperate with students which is the really good way to engage with students.

Effective communication is very important in teacher and students life. It builds

trust between teacher and students which helps teacher to involve with students in the

classroom. Sometimes teacher always think about how to teach and how to give assignment to

the students. But the important thing is teacher need to think about how to make effective

communication with students. The author of this article, Brown says that, effective

communication is the basis of developing an environment of mutual respect between students

and teachers (pp 12). Good classroom will be the useful if there is a moral framework where

students and teachers both can contact freely to each other. Sometimes teacher do not respect

students answers, but teacher must need to respect to their thoughts this is the way to encourage

them. It develops students confident to questions answer in the classroom. During my teaching

practicum when I taught, some of the students were so scared with me to ask questions and it

was my weakness. Students will be feel comfortable and they ask questions, if I make effective

environment. That was my first time of teaching, where I just gave informations and some

activities and I was standing on the same place. But this article teaches me to use body

language to attract students. Body language also help students to be active in the classroom.

Brown says that, this realization can encourage social growth as students begin internally

reviewing how their actions affect other (pp 14). It will helpful for students to learn more about

the lesson, if the teacher use their gesture. Sometimes students do not understand if teacher only

explain and teach, but if teacher uses the body language then it will be more valuable.

In the Bible, we can see, when Jesus taught His disciples not only by verbally, but the

Jesus used also his gesture, and sign to teach them effectively. Most of the time he gives example

from parable to teach them in an appropriate way. So, that, as a future teacher I will also use my

body language and tone of voice because during practicum time my voice was not reached

to the whole class. Therefore, I need to improve on my voice and gesture language. These things

are very important to manage the classroom and to teach effectively. Only meaningful classroom

helps student to be active where they can feel comfortable with teacher. In the future, I will also

use my facial expression because this is important to encourage students. some teacher has

scary looks that is why student feel difficult to ask question. Therefore, this article really helps

me to improve to make engaging classroom and it also teach me to organize effective

classroom for both teacher and students.



Brown, D. F. (2005). The Significance of Congruent Communication in Effective Classroom

Management. Clearing House, 79(1), 12-15.

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