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Outline of Brophy Teaching

A supportive classroom climate

Opportunity to learn
Curricular Alignment
Establishing learning orientations
Coherent Content
Thoughtful discourse
Practice and Application activities
Scaffolding students task engagement
Strategy teaching
Cooperative learning
Goal- oriented assessment
Achievement expectation


This chapter talks about Brophy teaching that discuss about principles of effective teaching.

As we know our classroom should be supportive and friendly environment in the classroom. At

first it talks about the supportive classroom. Our classroom environment should be supportive so,

that our student can achieve their targeted goal. We know its on teachers hand how one can

manage the classroom. Teacher plays a vital role in the classroom setting and making a

classroom surrounding supportive and caring. The second is opportunity to learn, students can

learn more when they are provided with materials they are needed for. Third is it talks about

learning orientation which involves how as a teacher can prepare students for learning. Teacher
should give instruction before so, that student can follow the process. Forth is he talks about

coherent context. Content should be organized properly and teacher should present

systematically and engage students in the activities. So, like wise this chapter has also discuss

about thoughtful discourse, practice and application of activities, scaffolding student task and

engagement, strategy of teaching, cooperative learning, goal oriented assessment and

achievement expectation..


I enjoy reading the Brophy teaching and it is very helpful as a teacher to know about the details it

has provided. Jere Brophy has provided 12 principles of effective teaching in his booklet and I

find it interesting and useful. As a teacher it is very important you create a supportive classroom

for students. So, that student does not hesitate to ask the questions and can focus and let them

feel they are cared. In my teaching practicum I experienced the supportive classroom. How it

was. And how it can be helpful for our students to focus and achieve their goal. All the 12

principles were very helpful and it is an essential thing that every teacher and student should


To sum up, I find this article very helpful as it has discussed about 12 principles which is

necessary to adapt as a teacher.

Outline of the stepping stones to curriculum

setting out on the curriculum path

choosing a curriculum orientation

A Christian worldview as a basis for curriculum

Knowledge and the curriculum

School based curriculum planning

Planning Classroom Units

The subjects of the curriculum

Curriculum leadership


Stepping stone focus on the biblical way of teaching and it helps one to follow the instruction.
The chapters that are in this book help in different areas of our life. We all know as a Christian
school we are mostly focused on how we teach our student through biblical way and making
student as discipleship. I believe students are the best testimony for the school. The curriculum
differs from other school and way also differs in making unit plans for the students. As mention
in the chapter 3 in scripture, ruling and leadership always involved service. As a Christian
teacher we need to make curriculum based on biblical world view. Making curriculum is not the
easy thing but one should be focused and set the achievements. Being a teacher it should be from
ones heart not just for taking for granted. Bible talks us as a community and we grow in many
areas as we all are in the process of learning.


Reading the book stepping stone it has helped me to view things in the biblical way, which I
struggle some times. As this focuses on the how Christian teacher should be. Being a future
teacher we should think the ways that we can relate everything back to God. I also think when
you have heart for children you love to work with them and it helps to build the kingdom of God.
i can teach lesson to the student but for me I find hard to approach the biblical way. But this book
has helped a lot to understand better and to relate. It has also helped me to know the biblical view
of truth and knowledge, as a Christian worldview includes creation, fall, and redemption. As
Christian teacher we should be able to explain that everything comes from god and everything
goes back to him. As I mention before also student are the best testimony for the, as a
teacher its in our hand how we maintain our community to be based on the biblical worldview.
As I come from different background and I have seen many teachers who take teaching for
granted. But I believe that what I have learned here I can go back tell and be able make
difference in their life.

Outlines of chapter 6

Pros and cons of instructional planning

Planning which is especially beneficial for new teachers
Deciding what to teach stating standards.
Instructional objectives
Kinds of objectives cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
The value of specific objectives
Preparing instructional plans of varying duration.
Benefits of unit planning
Collaborative, cooperative and team planning

Summary on Planning Instruction chapter 6

Planning instruction talks about the curriculum, pros and cons, instructional objective. At
first it talks about pros and cons of the instructional planning. When we think of doing something
its always necessary for us to know the pros and cons. Many people think instructional planning
is important in order to the work but few people can disagree with this thought as well. And
second it talks about planning which is especially beneficial for new teachers. I think as the
beginners we lack many things. Planning is beneficial for new teacher because it helps them to
be systematic and they dont have past experience it will help them to be organized. And next
thing it talks about is deciding what to teach stating standards. As we are future teachers we
cannot just go and teach randomly. We should have set standards for our students. And it helps us
as a teacher to be specific in our teaching. And next one he talks about is instructional objectives.
When we have objectives for what we are doing it helps to achieve our targeted goal for our
academic. This chapter mainly focuses on how as a teacher should have effective planning. And
the next thing the chapter talks about is the different types of objectives i.e. cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor. It explains that cognitive deals with intellectual tasks. Affective deals with
emotional and the psychomotor deals with physical. Instructional objectives help both teacher
and student to understand and be more flexible with one another. The next thing this chapter is
talking about is benefits of lesson plan and unit plan. As a future teacher I can say that lesson
plan and unit plan is very essential to one. Without lesson plan its hard to set and objectives for
the lesson we teach. Lesson plan shows that we are prepared to teach and help one to be
organized. And last it talks about how planning is about collaborative, cooperative. When we
work as a community we can grow in different field. We can discuss with one another and share
our knowledge and it helps everyone to learn and grow.


Reading this chapter I have got a chance to learn about many things. Being a future teacher it is
very important to know the entire things state in the chapter. I like the fact that is stated in the
chapter planning that is beneficial as a new teacher. Because when I had my teaching practicum I
was very nervous but the planning my things makes a things work smoothly. When I realized
planning is important I started making all the planning and set my objectives prepared which
helped me to achieve my targeted goal. And the next thing that caught my eyes was to value the
stated objectives. When we set some objectives we should be able to value it not just thinking
that we have stated and done. But objectives are important as we prepare our lesson based on that
and it helps to achieve the stated goal and objectives. Most importantly it talks about planning
To sum up, I would like to say this chapter helps as a teacher to have an instructional planning.
And be more specific in the things we do. Planning is only not necessary but you should have
objectives too.

Outline of chapter 7

Four instructional Alternatives

Discussion learning through informative interaction
Independent study
Individualized or differentiation instruction
Matching instructional alternatives to learners
Using technology in teaching
Some final thoughts

In last chapter it focused about instructional planning. As a teacher one should be remindful
and stated in the chapter 7 that what to teach, how to teach, and how will be assessed. So, this
chapter mainly focuses on how to teach. Nowadays, there are various strategies that teachers
adapt to teach. In this chapter 31 instructional alternatives are shown. So, stated in the book,
instructional alternatives is classified as teacher or learner centered. As we know when we have
learner centered classroom it is student themselves show that their interest in learning. If it is
teacher centered then student will only learn when teacher provide the resources to them. So,
this chapter discuss about the four instructional alternatives. The first one it talks about is
presentation. In book it describes presentation as an informative talk a more knowledgeable
person makes to knowledgeable persons. The presentation means that you provide information
through PowerPoint and giving some details and fact. And it also talks how we can make
information more effective, pros and cons, and also limitation of presentation. The second it talks
about is discussion. Discussion means to have a conversation related with the topic, for e.g. if
teacher says something and at the same time student says something that know knows or share
their opinions about. It has also given the purpose of the discussion mode, when discussion mode
should be applied; it has also shown the research on discussion. The third is independent study.
This is the mode of study where student will learn in own. In classroom we tend to have different
students and it can be helpful for some of them so, that they can spend their own time in study.
For this also the purpose of independent study, pros and cons, when should we use are
mentioned. At last it has talked about individualized instruction. This mode can be explained as
the study that gives the direction to follow for the students. For this mode also purpose, pros and
cons, when one should is mentioned in this chapter. This chapter also talks about how can we
related instructional alternatives to learners. So, this chapter focuses on how teachers can teach in
different modes and help them to know what kind of learners they are.


Reading this chapter I have known that in class we have different student and they can differ.
So, when we use different modes we should be careful and used when it is applicable. I got a
clear picture of different instructional mode. As I was reading I imagine my classroom and I was
able build it through reading. I have known that as a teacher one should have different strategies
to teach. We have different student and we cannot just use one way but rather we should use
different way to make learning more effective and interesting. Most importantly it explains about
the different instructional alternative which I think is very important to know as a teacher and
helps to have knowledge and build understanding related that.

To sum up I think this chapter is very helpful for a teacher. It clarifies the different instructional
alternatives and helps to have a clear picture.

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