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Outline of chapter 7 Four instructional alternatives: presentation, discussion, independent study

and individualized instruction.

Discussion; learning through informative interaction
Independent study; Teaching as Giving and Guiding Seat Work and Homework

Individualized or differentiated instruction: Tailoring Teaching

Summary Notes
As this book provides a reader with the helpful information which as a teacher need to

keep in mind. This presents with four of the instructional alternatives which is very

important and plays an important role. Firstly it talks about the presentation how it looks

like and how it helps. And another it talks about discussion. As Discussion is a

situation wherein students, or students and a teacher, converse to share information,

ideas, or opinions, or work to resolve a problem. As discussion is effective for the

learner where teachers raise up with question and put the students for discussion. Here it

is said that discussion presents four purposes which plays an important role. whereas

talking about independent study which means studying on their own so it should be used

wisely. Independent study helps students to get more knowledge and implement that for

their whole life. but for this there should be the active role of teacher in monitoring these

things. independent study helps learner to discover their own knowledge.

Furthermore moving on to the next individualized or differentiated instruction As it is

said that individualized, personalized instruction has unique attributes. As this

instruction allow students to recognize the fact when and how to learn. Additionally good

individualized instruction helps to meet the needs of both student and a teacher.
And as a whole instructional alternatives provides students with the proper amount of

satisfaction. These all are equally important and plays an important role.
So reading this chapter what I think is that instructional alternatives are equally important

for the learners as well as teachers. It meets the specific goals of the students. Talking

about this instructional alternatives each provides an important information as talking

with the presentation a good presentation includes good preparation, delivery and closure.

The next one it talks about the discussion which I think is important as a teacher to

remember that when we are giving the time for discussion it should be a good one

because a good discussion teacher always keep in mind that discussion is a helpful and a

healthy tool to use. As I can say this because whenever we are having a good discussion

we learn so much from each other that helps us in many ways likewise independent study

helps not only the teachers but all. It helps students to think critically but for this the

teacher need to provide a good understanding of a lesson beforehand. We cannot do the

things individually if we dont have the better understanding. And individualized

instructions are to meet the goals of a student.

To sum up what I think is that instructional alternatives plays an important roles in

meeting the needs of the students and it not only help teachers but it helps both the

teachers and students. As all these instructional alternatives provides a helpful

information which as a teacher need to keep in mind.

Chapter 8 four instructional Alternatives; cooperative learning, Discovery learning,

constructivism, and direct instruction

o Discovery Learning; Figuring things out for yourself
o Constructivist teaching and learning; problem solving under teaching guidance
o Direct instruction; Teaching in the most efficient and effective way.

Cooperative learning is used for describing instructional procedures where students work

together in a small groups.

Typically has six members.
Cooperative learning helps students to learn as a group together for the good.
The key characteristics of cooperative learning are generally characterized by the styles

the groups are made in to, the task they do, the behavior and rules of group, the

motivation and reward system.

Cooperative learning demands a lot from the teachers.
Cooperative approaches; preparation, delivery and closure.
Cooperative learning is an instructional alternative with strong support.
As achievement and success of cooperative learning depends up on a number of

For the discovery learning we must believe in purposes in order to have a effective

Good discovery learning can be used when we are properly ready and have developed the

good qualities.
Finally discovery learning allows students to make errors but need to be corrected.
Constructivism is a learning which aim to maximize the learners understanding.
The purposes and characterstics are categories in a way that makes the information easily

Students should build a new information to which they have already have.
Direct instruction is a term that is used to describe where teacher presentation is in a

direct manner.
The purpose of this is to help students learn the things which includes the sunject like

math, reading etc.

Every of the four instructional alternatives are equally important.

As to start with this chapter provides us very helpful materials which helps un in our near

future. As we experience this when we were in the practicum last month where we

demonstrated all the four instructional alternatives and got to learn a lot of good things

which as a teacher needs to keep in mind. Talking about discovery learning I actually
applied this learning when I was in the practicum which I think is very useful for the

students. It helps them to think critically and makes them realize the importance of it. But

this can be very good if the teacher and a students both are totally ready for it becasue

without knowing the actual fact we cannot discover something. Additionally talking

about cooperative learning this is another useful instructional alternatives which is

helpful for explaining the fact where students work together and learn from each other.

Which on the other side I feel it very helpful. Many times we learn from each other.

Furthermore constructivist learning is little similar with the discovery learning which

helps students to construct many ideas which for learners understanding. And direct

instruction whereas is necessary as well which is done in a direct manner.

So to sum up what I think is that all the four instructional alternatives are equally

important but needs to use very effectively because if it is not effective then it is usually

not applicable. As we have learned a lot in our instructional alignment class too which

have helped us understand the fact.

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