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Read through the following extracts from the prescribed text and answer the questions that
follow in about 30 words:
A. Dr Jonas Salk had begun his medical research career studying immunology. In 1947
while at the university of Pittsburgh, he began his research on poliovirus. His research
was greatly helped in 1949, when a method of growing poliovirus in cell culture, instead of
having to use primarily monkeys for research, was discovered. Salk needed to find a way
to process the viruses so that they were less infectious, before using them in a vaccine. In
1952 , Salk was the first to develop a successful vaccine using a mixture of the three
types of virus, grown in monkey kidney cultures. He developed a process using formalin,
a chemical that inactivated the whole virus. What followed was massive testing of the
vaccine in clinical trials in the United States and parts of Canada, begun in 1954, the
scope of the trials was unprecedented in medical history. The results were dramatic.
Cases of polio fell spectacularly in the vaccinated test groups. In 1955, the government
quickly granted permission for the vaccine to be distributed to the children of our country.
But, there was a problem with the original Salk vaccine. The vaccine actually induced 260
cases of poliomyelitis, including 10 deaths. The problem was traced to incomplete
inactivation of some virus particles, which was soon corrected.
(Development of Polio Vaccines)
Questions: [2 5]
(i) What was Jonas Salks research and what was its effect?
(ii) Why does the writer mention the year 1955?
(iii) Throw light on the problem connected with the original Salk vaccine.
(iv) What was attributed to the problem?
(v) Why was Salk famous?
B. Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.
And of course, if the multitude is mad
the individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
I doubt if any man hands out a pound note without a pang;
And a real tremor, if he hands out a ten-pound note.
We quail, money makes us quail.
It has got us down; we grovel before it in strange terror.
(Money Madness)
Questions: [2 5]
(i) What does the first line signify?
(ii) .. we grovel before it in strange terror.. What does it refer to?
(iii) Mention a persons feeling, when one parts with a ten-pound note.
(iv) How does money affect us?
(v) Is every individual equally mad for money? If yes/no, justify your answer.
2. Read through the following extract from the prescribed text and answer the questions that
follow in about 80 words:
Morris: (shaking his head and singing) Youre better off here.
Herbert: But you must have all kinds of great stories to tell-the places you
saw, the people you met .
Mr. White: Does he ever! What was that story you started telling me the other
day. Morris? About a monkeys paw or something?
Morris : (quickly) Nothing, really. Nothing worth hearing.
Mrs. White : A monkeys paw?
Morris : Well, its just a bit of what you might call magic, I guess.
Herbert : Magic!
[The WHITES look at MORRIS with interest]
Morris : (fumbling in his pocket )It looks like just an ordinary little paw all
dried up.
[He pulls a mummified monkeys paw out of his pocket and holds it
out. MRS. WHITE draws back in horror, but HERBERT takes the
paw and looks at it curiously.]
Mr. White : So whats so special about it? (He takes the paw from HERBERT
and examines it, then puts it down on the table)
Morris : (solemnly)It had a spell put on it by an old holy man. He wanted to
show that fate rules peoples lives, and that anyone who tried to
interfere with fate would be sorry. He put a magic spell on the paw
so that three people could each have three wishes from it.
[MR. WHITE laughs uneasily.]
Herbert: Well, why dont you wish on it, then?
Morris: (sadly) I have.
Mr. White: And did you really have you three wishes granted?
Morris: I did.
Mrs. White: And has anyone else wished on it?
Morris : (seriously) The first owner had three wishes, yes. I dont know what
the first two were for, but the third was for death. Thats how I got
the paw.
Mr. white : (after a pause) If youve had your three wishes, that things no good
to you now , then Morris. What do you keep it for?
Morris : (shaking his head and shrugging) No good reason, I guess. I did
have some idea of selling it, but I dont think I will. Its caused
enough trouble already. Besides, no one will buy it. Some people
think its just a fairy tale, and the ones who do think anything of it
want to try it first and pay me afterward.
(The Monkeys Paw)
Questions: [52]
(i) What was Morriss response to Mr. Whites question? Why the former had kept the
inauspicious monkeys paw?
(ii) Throw light on the monkeys paw.
3. Read through the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Cricket in South Asia is a carnivalesque, festive game. It carries not merely the baggage
of competition and achievement, but is also a participatory cultural event that invokes
images of religious festivals, convivial social gatherings, picnics and theatre. It is now
gradually becoming a substitute for war, a means of redeeming self-esteem and
expressing xenophobia, and a depot of weird conspiracy theories. No country now
loses a game because the other side is better; a country loses only because its cricketers
and cricket administrators are under-patriotic, corrupt, greedy or self-centered.
Unfortunately for ultra-nationalists and fortunately for ultra-nationalists and fortunately for
the rest, cricket is one game in which the best training, organization and preparation do
not yield corresponding results. It is a subversive game that rebels against the
productivity principle on which is built the world of globalised capitalism. Luck plays a
major role in the final outcome of a match or series. In this respect, cricket is unlike
football, tennis or chess. The grandeur of cricket is unlike football, tennis or chess. The
grandeur of cricket and the clichd reference to its glorious uncertainties come from a
cultivated ignorance of this inner contraction in the game. Cricketers and their fans- to say
nothing of the experts- have to learn to live with the unpredictability without getting overly
judgmental or paranoiac. All games have some built-in uncertainties; only cricket has
turned the gracious acceptance of this into a measure of character.Let us not forget that
in cricket the 22 players involved are never on the field at the same time.
Consequently, one team may play in full sunshine, while the other may have to play
under an overcast sky when the ball begins to swing. One team may bat on a green top,
the other on a wearing pitch. You can never truly equalize the outer conditions for the two
teams. So a cricketer not merely plays against the opposition, but also against his own
fate. That is one reason why it is a typically Indian or, if you prefer, south Asian game.
This is a cultural region that recognizes the role of destiny in human affairs. All cricketers
are superstitious because of the nature of their job. Only South Asians are not
embarrassed about it and have unashamedly built ritualized ways of dealing with destiny
as a normal part of a cricketers life. If you want a game where the investment of money,
hard training and ruthless professionalism will pay predictable results, and the results will
be pure reflections of skill and talent, you should choose another game.
Questions : [2 5]
(i) In what way is cricket unlike football or tennis?
(ii) A cricketer not merely plays against the opposition, but also against his own fate.
Explain the meaning of this statement.
(iii) Why does the author describe cricket as a typically South Asian game?
(iv) What are the factors that usually make a game bring about predictable results?
(v) Why do all cricketers believe in blind beliefs?
4.(i)Find out the words in the passage in Q . No 3 which mean the following: [1 3]
(a) strange
(b) beauty
(c) paradox
(ii)Use the following expressions in sentences of your own: [1 2]
(a) self esteem
(b) rebels
5. A learners dictionary gives the following meanings for the entry range. Match each
meaning with its corresponding sentence given below: [1 5]
Meanings (range) :
(a) be in a group of amounts
(b) include various things
(c) move with freedom
(d) arrange things in space
(e) support/oppose somebody
(i) There were buffalo ranging the plains of North America.
(ii) Boxes of books were ranged against the wall
(iii) Several senior cabinet ministers are ranged against the Prime Minister.
(iv) Costs range from 50 to several pounds.
(v) They asked questions ranging over the whole subject of science.
6. Interpret the data given in the table below in about 80 words. [05]
7. An automobile manufacturing company introduced a new car into the market six months
ago. The Sales Manager has hired you to collect information on customers satisfaction.
Draft your report basing on the customers response. [07]
The children, especially tribal children of Odisha suffer from malnutrition. As a newspaper
reporter, write an article on the problem to be published in your newspaper.
8. Make notes, in outline form, on the main ideas of the passage given below: [06]
The whole movement of mans life is towards greater freedom. As a child grows up, his
dependence upon his parents and family progressively diminishes, while his freedom and
self-reliance increases all the time. The goal of life-reliance increase all the time. The goal
of life seems to be headed in the direction of complete liberty .But what do we understand
by the word freedom? Freedom only means the capability of self-government .For, the
highest function of freedom is to make us capable of governing ourselves. Nietzsche says
He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. Freedom does not mean liberty to do
anything that one pleases. Freedom has no meaning without responsibility, for only the
responsible can be truly free for nothing is liable to a greater abuse than freedom. All
development is a process whereby we learn how to make the right choices. Hence, it
wont be far from truth to say that all values are created to freedom and what, one may
ask, is that purpose of freedom?
The purpose of freedom is only one it is perfection. The entire process of time and
development is from the less to the more perfect, whether it be in moral, ethical, physical,
mental or spiritual perfection. Freedom is the necessary condition to which the ideal of
perfection may be realized. Complete freedom of choice means complete freedom to do
what you want to do- and is the only means to self realization. He is fully because he
fulfills himself, but also because being fully realized, he helps others to achieve their
development of his individuality, each person becomes more valuable to himself and is,
therefore, more capable of being more valuable to others.Freedom, rather than meaning
unrestricted license, means total self-discipline, for discipline alone gives us freedom.
Discipline is the means of achieving that which a free mind has evolved. Discipline is not
an obstruction to freedom, but a passage to it, for the more disciplined you are, the more
free you are to do that which you desire. And discipline must be imposed upon you if you
cannot discipline yourself. Discipline means order while freedom may exist in chaos. And
nothing worthwhile can be achieved where there is disorder and anarchy. Chaos has no
power to affect anything worthwhile and diffused energy is totally important. Only
discipline can focus it. So, give up all ideas you may have that freedom meant doing
anything that you fancy, for it you fancy disorder, you are not free, but bound. Know that
only he has liberty who has control. Only he must fly, who can land. Only he must start,
who can stop. Liberty without control is like a car without brakes. It will crash. Freedom
has no meaning to achieve the objectives of humanity.
9. Write the summary of the passage given in QNo.8,basing on the notes you have made.
10. Write an essay on any one of the following topics basing on the outlines given: [10]
(i) Global Terrorism
(ii) Advertisement
[Introduction-means of advertisement- advantage-disadvantage-conclusion]
11. Rewrite the following passage correcting all the grammatical errors in it. [15]
Humans are erecting buildings for various purposes. The structure of the building depend
in the purpose for which it erects. One building should require strength, another may
require comfortable, and a third may require spacious. People who designs a building
keeps in mind the purpose for which it is being erect, and draw plan that will fulfill the
purposes. There is six types of buildings. One type which all of you are familiar in is the
domesticated building: your own house, for example. A domestic building should serve
as a shelter for people for heat and cold, rain and snow. It should also be please to the
eye. A modern type of domestic building is apartment house; here, many families live with
the same building, each family occupying a separate flat. The second type of building was
the military building. Castles and forts are example. A military building must be stronger. It
must have thick, high walls made of stone. Usually there is a moat around the castle and
a drawbridge to permitting only friends to entered the castle. Many castles are survived
over centuries, since they were built of strong materials. Third type of building is the public
building: for example, the Parliament House in Delhi or the Pentagon in Washington.

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