Benefits of Learning The Arabic Language

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The history of Arabic language goes back to 4 th century A.D when it was
spoken in the Syrian deserts. Due to its lyrical tone, it was mainly used as a
means of poetic custom in the Arabian Peninsula and its adjoining regions
since then. It has basically originated from the Afro-Asiatic (or Hamito-
Semitic) group of languages. Most of its modes of communication are
vanished already, but Arabic and Herbew are still verbalized, written and
understood with former being implicit in the entire world population. Every
word of it originates from a specific root verb.

Arabic is the 5th most frequently spoken native diction in the world. It is
majorly used by Muslims worldwide, with over 200 million people in various
Arab countries, and well recognized in different regions of Africa as well. It
was included as the 6th official form of speech in the United Nations because
of its widespread usage all over the globe. Besides, it is also the
representative tongue in the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic
Conference (OIC), and the African Union.

Because of its extreme usage, the knowledge of this lingo has become need
of the hour and follows up with some key benefits which are described below:

Being the Certified Language of Quran

The biggest advantage Arabic has over other languages lies in its great
importance in the lives of Muslims, who are second largest population in
entire world on the basis of religion. Moreover, the Sacred Book of Allah SWT
is revealed was this form of speech over the Last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad
(PBUH). The Holy Quran is a Divine Scripture which is read, understood and
taught to other Muslims on a daily basis. So, it really serves the purpose for
one to get itself familiar with this lingua franca in order to first comprehend
the Religious Instructions better and be able to help others in Quran teaching.

High Demand of Arabic Speakers in the West

Due to high emergence of Western attention towards Middle East, whether it

is for resolving peace issues between some countries or the wild spread of
Multinational companies in such states, the basic understanding of Arabic is
the very first thing to do so as to interact with locals productively. As, the
West is facing acute scarcity of people who are proficient in Arabic, be it in
Journalism, Foreign Affairs, and other businesses etc. there is a great
opportunity for people to learn this lingo and make their careers count in
various fields.

Being Basic Part of Arab Culture

Language is the fundamental fraction of any civilization. As, the Arab

countries have become the centre of attraction for World Trade lately, so, the
success in any dealings with them depends largely on the understanding of
Arab verbal communication first. The Global Economy is targeting population
in this region, which has opened many business opportunities in the Middle
East. Thus, knowing about their native language is the foremost thing to do
to be able to understand their needs, preferences and values efficiently.

Influence on Other Languages

Being the official tongue of Islam, when the early Muslims tried to spread the
word of Allah in other parts of world, they came in contact with other
societies and nations. That resulted in the adoption of many Arabic words in
local languages like Farsi, Turk etc. The present European modes of speech
such as Spanish and Portuguese also have inherited numerous terminologies
from Arabic because of Muslim reign in these parts of the world. Furthermore,
the Europe got much of the enlightenment from this lingo as it included the
pre historic languages like Green and Latin merged in it. As, English has
emerged through many other European tongues like Portuguese, Italian etc.
so it also has indirectly got influenced much from Arabic. It would also be
useful in removing doubts about the savage behavior of Arab Muslims, when
one talks to them and realize their views.

Major Arab-American population in U.S

According to a recent survey, there are about 3.5 million Arab immigrants in
the United States. Most of them have greatly contributed in the progress of
this country. Many of us would not know that Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple
Inc. who revolutionized the experience of computing and mobile phones, was
also an Arab-American. There have been many other renowned American
personalities who actually had the Arab origin. Due to highly growing number
of them, there is a need for understanding Arabic so that there could be no
problem in communicating with them.

Usefulness during Performing Hajj

Being a Muslim, one should at least have the basic understanding of Arabic
language so as to understand different signs, speak with people well either in
case of emergency or for sake of friendly conversation etc. During the Holy
month of Dhu al-Hijjah, Muslims from all over the world visit the Sacred Kaaba
and Roza e Rasool (PBUH) in Makkah and Madina respectively, so it is vital to
have some insight about Arabic diction so that one could offer this religious
obligation without any problems in communication.

Finding jobs in Arab countries

Many Multinational organizations have recently moved to Middle East, like in

United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. They regularly search for foreign
competent workers who could contribute to their business operations. There
is also a dearth of professionals among the locals of such countries, which is
why they look for people from other countries. So, it is opens great prospects
for those interested in moving to Arab world for living to speak, write, read
and understand Arabic language.

Opening Jobs for Online Quran Tutors

It is quite hard to find instructors of the Holy Quran in the Western countries.
So, those who know the Arabic lingo and have full command on it, can benefit
from this emerging job market, and teach children abroad by just sitting next
to their computers.

In short, Arabic always was and still is one of the most significant and
influential languages. Learning this style of speech opens a lot of new
avenues especially for Muslims to learn and educate others about Quran, and
is also in the greatest interests of the Western world.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Study Arabic

Within the next decade, job openings in the U.S. for multilingual employees are set to
increase by over 40%, making it easy to see that learning a foreign language is more
beneficialand profitablethan ever before.

However, you may have doubts as to which language you want to focus on in order to ensure
that you get maximum returns for your time and effort.

Although Arabic is one of the most difficult languages to learn, it provides vast career
options closely followed by hefty monetary compensation. So while debating the worth of
each new prospective language to add to your repertoire, factor in these five reasons for why
Arabic may be your best choice for business success:

1. Rapid economic growth and booming business in the UAE.

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are both part of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and are examples of
quickly growing economies and cities which are becoming global financial hubs. You may be
under the impression that if you work in the UAE youll have to be involved in the oil
industry, but youll be surprised to discover that this need not be the case.

Although oil does account for some of the economic growth and wealth of opportunities in
the UAE, for places like Dubai it really only makes up around 10% of revenue. In fact, a lot
of revenue in the UAE is derived from other booming businesses such as tourism and trade.
Learning Arabic will help you to take advantage of these different opportunities whether
youre interested in the oil business, the vacation industry, or the international exchange

2. High demand for Arabic speakers in the West.

With economies in the Middle-East experiencing such swift growth, there is a high demand in
the West for people fluent in Arabic. This, coupled with the current low supply of Arabic
speakers, means that if you learn Arabic your value as a hirable asset will drastically increase!

The possible career choices for Arabic speakers in the West can range from interpreting to
intelligence work. And the pay isnt half bad either; you can work as a translator or interpreter
at a starting salary of around $45,000 and in other fields your pay can reach as high as
$200,000. Of course, the higher end salaries go to Arabic speakers willing to work in war
zones, so take into account whether or not its worth it to put yourself in danger for the high

3. Using your Arabic skills in countries around the world.

Arabic is the 5th most commonly spoken language in the world and the official language for
over 20 countries. Arabics usage isnt solely limited to the Middle East; countries such as
Egypt, Morocco, and Libya in North Africa use Arabic as a primary language as well. You
cant go wrong with having so many options when it comes to places where you can apply
your language skills.

Another plus is that with so many countries using Arabic as the native language, travel and
business is made that much easier. You can travel and do business in any of the 22 countries
where Arabic is used in some form or another and youre sure to be understood!

4. The Middle Easts high export and import rates.

The Middle East distributes more oil than any other region in the world, but is also known for
many of its other exports including auto parts, iron, minerals, and food products.
Communicate in Arabic to gain the upper hand amongst the Middle Easts export business

If youd rather not relocate from the States, there are still large export markets to take
advantage of the main one being the beef industry. Egypt is the USAs largest importer out
of all the Arabic-speaking nations, and the #1 contributor to the Middle Easts $300 million
beef industry. Build connections with agencies and companies abroad, and earn respect while
doing so by speaking in their language.

5. Great benefits for ESL teachers in the Middle East.

Perhaps teaching is your profession of choice and youre curious as to whether or not you can
benefit from learning Arabic and moving to the Middle East as a teacher. The answer to your
ponderings is a resounding, yes! as ESL teaching in the Middle East comes with lots of

Once again, our focus returns to Dubai and Abu Dhabi. ESL jobs in these two cities are the
highest paying in the world with experienced and qualified teachers earning up to $4,000 per
month. If this doesnt sound enticing to you, also consider that salaries in the UAE are tax
free and many teaching jobs offer nice yearly bonuses which can sometimes come in the form
of tickets home to visit family.

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