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Gita Lama

Dr. Jeffery Spanogle

Chapter 8 Four more instructional Alternatives:

Outline page 259

- Cooperative leaning
- Discovery learning
- Constructivist teaching and learning
- Direct instruction


- cooperative learning as teaching learners to like and care for one another (268)
- Cooperative learning seems to have a hint of romanticism about it when compared to its

more common instructional cousins such as presentation, discussion, and independent

study (268)
- Good discovery learning (73)

Determine the general purpose of the lesson

Determine the specific lesson objectives: identify the concepts, facts, generalizations,

rules laws to be discovered

Collect useful resources and materials

Plan the discovery lesson

Ensure that learners are ready to use inductive methods

- Good constructivist learning (80)

Determine the purpose of the lesson
Describe how the purpose will be attained
Decide how grouping will be used
Decide how to link new learning to old
Collect useful resource materials
Decide how reflection will occur
- Good direct instruction delivery: (88)
Collect, review homework
Review earlier, related information
Communicate to learners what they are to know and be able to do
Present an overview or orientation of how the lesson will be conducted
Present information/skill to be learned


From this chapter 8 I have learned different kinds for mode which are I can use in my teaching

practicum. These modes really help me to think about my lesson plan how can I use the different

modes for different topic. During my teaching practicum when I used constructivist method I

only gave them class activities. Students were confused because of my unclear instruction so

that in the future when I give activities I will give instruction more clearly.

Before I was confused about discovery learning but now I am clear about discovery learning. In

the future, when I use discovery learning I need identify clear concept of the lesson which help

me to teach them facts things about the lesson.

During my teaching practicum, sometimes, I use cooperative learning method which helped me

to make students engaging with the class and the topic. This method also help them to build their

knowledge in a group. Therefore, in the future I will teach to my students by using of this

method. Because students can share their ideas and thoughts in their group. This method also

help to check students understanding and it gives information about students knowledge. So,

next time I can teach on their misunderstanding.

In direct instructional mode, teacher only give the information about the topic where teacher

stand in front of the class and deliver the lesson. during my practicum, I used direct instructional

mode but it was not effective because I could not make them to engage with me. my students felt
boring t listening to me whole session. In the future, if I use direct instruction mode I will make

them engaging by asking question or from different activities. Because every student need

teachers guide and support to information. It does not mean that if I use direct method then I

only need to teach whole class, but I can give mini task where they can demonstrate their

understanding. It will be effective classroom even though its direct and it depends on the teacher

how they going to use this method. In the future, I will use this method where I will give

classwork where it makes them to engage with me.

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