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Gita Lama

Jeffery Spanogle

Chapter 5 Model of curriculum development


- Integrity in curriculum development

1. The curriculum is not neutral
2. Foundations are important
- Curriculum models
1. The nature and character of God as a focus for learning
2. The Christian world view as expressed in Creation-Fall-Redemption and

Consummation, as a focus for the curriculum.

3. The creation order as a focus for curriculum development
4. Knowledge of God as a central focus for learning


- if their faith is merely perceived as relevant to the God slots many pupils

pick up the view that God is marginal, an added extra, not necessarily central

to the whole of life.(101)

- For those whose calling it is to work within the National Curriculum in the

state system, the task is to develop their thinking upon their own area or

subject discipline.
- The curriculum aims and content should contribute to the aims and purposes

outlined in that statement. (103)

- Teachers therefore need to have an understanding of the implications of

both the content of the curriculum and the teaching methods employed in

order to support the aims, beliefs and values of the school (103)

In this chapter, give us some example from the other school where they use Biblical

perspectives. After reading this chapter I know the how important is biblical perspective for

children because God created the earth and human being. So, that everyone must know about

God. In the future, I will teach my students about God because they need to learn how their

chapter is related with the God. I will teach in effective way, because when teach my students

will get the knowledge. So, that if I teach them about God then they will know the God

creativeness in humans life. As a Christian teacher, I will connect the topics how it related with

Creation, fall, redemption and restoration because these things are very important from Biblical

perspectives. Where students will also understand the characters and his grace for people.

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